As a guy who only loved the the grittiness and actual shinobi stuff of the original Naruto (Zabuza arc, Chunin exams) should I watch Boruto or skip it? Havent read the manga but if it is just magic eyes and powercreep shit like Shippudden please warn me now
Will you be watching Boruto?
Use punctuation, you lazy fuck.
I gave up Naruto for a reason it sucked dogshit and boruto won't be any better by the way this thread sux
At this point I truly believe anyone who watched the entireity od Shippuden only did it to not feel they wasted time starting the long ass series in the first place. Same will go for Boruto. Everyone will watch it even though Shippuden sucked to high heaven but they out in so much time they feel its only right to stay until it "redeems the series" and becomes reminiscent of the Zabuza arc or Chunin Exams from the earlier part of the Naruto series. Quite sad. And whoever is reading this knows this to be true.
tfw youre right
Nobody gave up on Naruto because the first few chapters of the series are legendary. Exactly what this guy says is true We all stayed till the end to get that feeling back. Like chasing a high. Now all we can do is pray Boruto is better
Naruto fans confirmed literally women who stay in abusive relationships
I'll only watch it if they greatly expand the chunin exam fight scenes from the manga.
Zabuza arc is so overrated.
Its not the arc itself that mattered, but the mature feeling of the series. You actually felt that lives were at stake and really connected with the villains.
When was the last time you felt that in Shippuden? Thats right never. When Naruto became literally Dragon Ball Z but with eye powers the series became a matter of who could pull something out of their ass the most. In the early part of the Naruto series you actually had tension, hoping the characters had enough time to think on their feet, use their powers wisely, and not fuck up.
Anything else from the manga that would get a PreTimeSkip naruto guy into it? Didnt know they brought back Chunin Exams. Please tell me othing interrupts it like Orochimaru did for the PreTimeSkip one.
Its frustrating how we will never get the same feelings of the first few Naruto seasons back
>Will you be watching Boruto?
probably will
Youre right but the funny thing is that I ONLY have behave like this in regards to Nardo. I dropped Bleach, I dropped One Piece, I dropped Dragonball, I dropped Fairy Tale and so on. Nardo literally is the only series that I feel obliged to continue keeping up with even though considering it to be bad myself. All other shonen I was dropped even though having "invested" a shit ton of time into them.
Dunno man but Kisame vs Guy and Sasoris death were pretty gud.
The girl is the MC, right? If that's right then yes.
yes, right now i watch around 15-30 animes per season. i cant leave the space of naruto open in my itinerary
Fuck off narutard
It gets interrupted by aliens with magic eye powers.
Havent gotten to that part but I dont need any explanation to figure out the series has jumped the fucking shark. Fuck Boruto.
delet this shit!
Also a magic tree planted on the earth long long ago is the source of ninja magic.
>the ruggedly handsome nardo from gaiden reduced to a pink fishman in every other incarnation
Not even that reading/watching Naruto every week literally became a routine after doing it for roughly half my life.
everyweek I would just drop what I was doing read the chapter and then completely forget about the series untill it was time again.
Hell I don't even remember 3/4 of what happend during the third ninja war.
The same went for Bleach.
Why would you expect any different from the series even with a different author? It went the DBZ route and is still going. So let me ask you, why would you expect anything different?
Nardofags confirmed delusional as fuck
Cue the copypasta
>the series became a matter of who could pull something out of their ass the most.
That has literally been the case in Naruto from the first goddamned story.
Why would you expect any different from the series even with a different author? It went the DBZ route and is still going. So let me ask you, why would you expect anything different?
Why does his mouth look like that.