Why did they changed her VA from Aya Hirano to Maaya Sakamoto after Bakemonogatari?
Which one is better?
Also Monogatari thread I guess
Why did they changed her VA from Aya Hirano to Maaya Sakamoto after Bakemonogatari?
Which one is better?
Also Monogatari thread I guess
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They didn't change the voice actress. They just changed her name.
Wan't she in audio play?
You're right. Maybe they changed her because of the issues hirano had with her bassist
>issues hirano had with her bassist
I am currently in "Tsubasa Tiger" and took a break, most of her arcs are just so boring for me.
Does it get better? Should I drop it? Or will the small break fix this?
Koyomi died at the end, have a nice watching user
The rest of season 2 is way better
She didn't suck his cock like she did the rest of her band.
Best couple
They broke up?
Three times
Didn't you read the spoilers?
Cat arcs are always the worst, it will get better
Threadly reminder that as a french I have already seen part 3.
If you want to
Well, at least you got to watch Kizu III, congrats
Your question confused the fuck out of me
but then i realized she never spoke a word in the Bakemonogatari anime. good joke.
she was voiced by Hirano in some shitty drama cd that's irrelevant. that's why they were ok with using a second VA.
Sakamoto is 10x better
do people even listen to these "drama cds"?
this comparison of VAs is irrelevant
Sakamoto just better
i'm saying no one would disagree. therefore it's a worthless comparison.
Your taste is shit user
That cunt is so pathetic.
Your mom's?
Because they stopped caring
>Nisio needing to introduce this Spanish soap opera-tier shit just to keep their relationship "interesting"
I actually don't understand why Crabfags are even happy about Musubi, I'd have thought that they'd be pissed off.
Don't let Kissshot near children.
>Which one is better?
Take one guess
>Which one is better?
The one who is still working
But she WUUUUVS them!
Well breakups had realistic reasons and weren't so catastrophic. Their love is stronger.
I've also seen it, but in Japan when I went over for new years, and got a copy of Mazemonogatari when I went. Was pretty great
>/ss/ immanent
>rich chick moved back to nip suburb from abroad to live with beat cop ex-boyfriend
Even ignoring the supernatural stuff, their relationship is absolutely not realistic at all (I seriously don't think Nisio was even attempting that before anyway). The constant breakups did not make it more realistic, it's just exactly what I said - just some needless drama to try and make it interesting.
They'll take whatever they can get. Pretty much everything else in the LN would be infinitely more interesting to anyone who actually likes the series and they're going nuts over Gahara showing up in the final four pages.
They love each other. In fiction love actually works.
It was either that or Araragi himself moving abroad.
That's about all you have going for you as a Frenchist.
Cat story is fucking terrible. It gets better later, i promise. Season 2 gets much better.
Neko Shiro is not so bad. Cat is crazy bitch who tried to kill Crab and her dad but we finally got proper explanation what was wrong with her.
Cat gets much better with short hair
She was the worst girl before s2
I feel like Hirano could've done a better loli Shinobu, but she would pale in comparison to Sakamoto's Kiss-Shot. On average, Sakamoto was probably the better way to go.
Although we probably would've gotten Shinobu character songs if Hirano was voicing her.
It's fine. She'll only diddle shotaragi. It'll probably even be normal Araragi who got transformed by some of her magic bullshit.
left or right?
Hirano would have been good at cute, carefree Shinobu, which is something like 10% of her lines. I'm not even sure she would do a better job of it. Sakamoto really nails the sense of a big, powerful vampire stuck in a little girl's body, which is exactly what she needs to do.
best girl
Will we ever see Paparagi?
Kek Araragi isn't even able to do this.
Koyomi obviously took everything from his mother
I imagine his dad more like his daughters then
There aren't any barriers to it, but he's not really relevant to the plot at all. Maybe if Araragi gets in trouble at work and needs someone to help smooth things over and he sits there seething in self-loathing at having to call in that sort of connection.
Araragi straightly said to Ougi, that his parents will never use their job situation for "helping" their children
If he is anywhere close to the Fire Sisters in terms of personality though I'd be really excited for him. Would be a great contrast to Mamaragis stoicness
In that case, I can't really think of how he would ever become relevant.
Araragi said a lot of things that weren't true at all. Remember the whole Euler affair or Koyomi Stone. Or how he pretended to not have any feelings for Hanekawa.
True, it doesn't seem likely that the parents will ever get relevant, but just taking I wouldn't just take Ararararagi's word for it.
Seeing that he is now a cop himself, maybe about to marry his girlfriend and that the story now tries to be more "mature" I don't think it's impossible.
Every his conversation with Ougi is pure true tho, he can't lie to her
Sure, he can't lie to her but he could be wrong
>she wanted to suck his cock
>he didn't want any of that
>he was married and didn't want to be disloyal to his wife
>she kept insisting
>files sexual harassment complaint at the company they work for
Honestly if he didn't want to be disloyal and she kept pestering him about it pretty much his only course of action was a sekuhara complaint, which was justified. Otherwise what were his other options? She wouldn't take no for an answer. If he blew up on her or got violent he'd get fired instead most likely.
Because Maaya Sakamoto is better?
Well, that too. I'm pretty sure that Hirano getting into a big sex scandal didn't help her case.
Is this really true?
I thought it was because he was the bassist he didn't get his dick sucked. This information changes everything if true.
I agree, but crabfags will never see it that way because muh waifu.
They'll take what they can get
Araragi talking with Oikura in Musubimonogatari
>More How Much
Rude, the name is Euler.
>everyone thinks she ended up out on the streets
>“If we’re still single by the time we reach our thirties…”
>“If we are?”
>“Let’s strangle each other to death.”
Nothing has made me like Sodachi so much as this line.
It's weird that even Koyomi just casually says "Oh, didn't think you'd be alive"
Even if she might be a little unstable, everyone is just downright rude to her
That's sort of the relationship they have. Araragi says he's honestly surprised she hasn't died in a ditch; Sodachi laughs in his face when he says he broke up with crab.
The guy Sodachi chooses to be her partner will be a lucky one
>another timeskip and she is the only one alone (besides Cat who already controls a few countries)
I want Mamaragi to pick me up from school!
Doujins where
Have you bought a daki of your favorite Monogatari yet?
Never ever.
holy shit what a slut.
That's only with shota Araragi though and not all kids
so the break ups weren't even break ups except for the first one?
Nah. They legit got in fights and broke up and spent time while not in a relationship. Maybe the second one was trivial, but the third was pretty serious.
They said the cause was trivial, not that the second break up was. Though at the very least it was enough for them to patch it up by themselves.
Best girl.
Araragi seems to be more than a simple cop if he has the connections and power to install a police box wherever he wants
My copy of Bakemonogatari 01 Will arrive tomorrow. Is the translation as good as Kizu's?
I'll be honest: it's mostly because that line reminds me of Shinobu. She can't quite compete with that amount of casual, loving venom.
Literally none of this is true. No complaint was filed. She just enjoyed some casual sex with her bandmates and it leaked.
Are there any raws of Musubi yet, or just the translations?
Also, did anyone ever text dump the novels after Zoku Owari? It's more handy to just copy and search a word I don't knowhan dealing with OCR when I try to read shit in Japanese
>Oikura took out her cell phone, fiddled with the screen, and held it out to me.
>The screen showed an address book.
>It appeared to be a request for me to register my personal information… I suppose, with this, our fourth separation is officially rescinded.
>“Don’t come to any conclusions here, please. I’d end up feeling responsible. Tell me about it afterward. I want to smile again. Give me my smile, my Mr. Clown.”
>“What. I can gather your personal information by abusing my authority too, you know. Do you want to make me a criminal?”
>“I don’t. I can’t help but foresee a future in handcuffs for you. Please, submit your letter of resignation now to avoid that.”
>“Actually, you shouldn’t take my comments into consideration very much. Like I said before, it’s not like I have a partner myself yet.”
>Oikura said, as if she’d suddenly thought of it.
>As if it had suddenly struck her.
>“If we’re still single by the time we reach our thirties…”
>“If we are?”
>“Let’s strangle each other to death.”
Math is so tsundere it hurts. I need a novel from the time RRRG, Gahara, and Math were on good terms, because the bantz would be out of control.
according to the summary he's a "sarcastic/disagreeable elite". so he's probably a liutenant or a sub-commander
How do you respond to this
So what's the truth here?
The subs are wrong, Hanekawa actually says that Spasibo doesn't mean anything like wonderful.
Well, Hanekawa doesn't know everything.