Here to further the Zionist agenda by luring in the gullible conservatives and rally them with Israel. Also to promote Civic nationalism which is retarded and has even dated a brownie.
Lauren Southern's nose has been exposed
dont reply to shill threads sage instead
fuck off, let it die, stop further shitting up this board with terrible threads
Im a shill myself all you right wing fucktards need to die, we are going to bring this board down with you. HAIL THE WORKERS REVOLUTION
So she learned first hand how awful they are?
Racist quads
just move to venezuela or north korea and enjoy your socialist paradise there
Hello fellow shill.Lets bring this racist board down together.
Power to the people!No Borders, no walls! Am I right?
Why do leafs always ruin sick gets?
Get a job you stinking retard.
Why does lauren southern get all that money?
Why do women get donation money, but nobody donates to my patreon?? She's a fucking thot. We need to get rid of her.
That is a corrupted "socialist" government, nowhere near real socialism
Lauren Southern is Ann Coulter born in a different generation.
Well fucking...
Got any better insults trumptard?
You shills are so fucking incompetent. You can't even attack your opponents right. Everyone knows, even the people who do not like her, that Lauren is not jewish.
Are you really this fucking dumb or do you think people on Sup Forums are just so fucking dumb they will buy this?
We always knew Lauren Southern was a coal burner. People have been posting that for months.
Meanwhile Lauren Rose is younger, prettier, actually white, light haired, blue eyed, wears little makeup, has better teeth, accepts ethno nationalism, isn't a coalburner, and doesn't want your shekels.
Lauren Rose is an innocent virgin wifey material qt who wants to share her journey into ethnonationlism while Lauren Southern is a cakeface whore trying to subvert and destroy the movement by "leading" it.
Lauren Southern is the rest of her crusty mid-20 "alt-right" sluts are yesterday's news. They have been replaced with a superior model who know that women teaching men is an abomination under God.
Lauren Rose > Crusty Canadian Coalburner
> When shilling against Alt-right personalities became so obvious it's counter-productive.
Congratulation faggots, you played yourselves.
This fucking shit again..
Shill thread shilling the same shill story with the same shill link for the 17th time this week.
Pushing out a few divorced dads who reeks of lose won't destroy white nationalism, bucko.
Thank you for the compliment
Is this just literal bot posting?
You lose us at Step 7. The original men in the group don't comprise the cucks and white knights. The women attract the betas which causes the movement to "grow" and eventually the original men are ousted because the betas and women outnumber them.
It's just jealous autism rage
>probably born male
would still fucc
I think the pic fails at step 1, because politics and culture are NOT directly comparable to hobby. For example, the hobby of FPS video games can flourish perfectly fine without any female involvement, just like the hobby of knitting can flourish without male involvement. But culture (and in today's society, politics) cannot flourish without female involvement.
Fuck off sinead you insane coal burning kike whore
Holy fuck it wasn't shitpost, she is Jewish after all
all you lt-righters got fucking blasted in outer space
Yes, nigger.
>last months news
>24 posts by this ID
stfu lefty nigger. Weev is the best.
G-guys, is the "you know who" here already??
That guy is clearly a spic
>caring about e-thots including the one who made the twitter post in the op
>Oh this again
Sage goes in all fields
You need to shut the fuck up and die ASAP you cucknadian cunt.
Fuck what is up with Canadians being so retarded on this board, is it just me noticing this ? I've been there for a week.
Holy shit this show would have a network publicly crucified if it were to air today. Times changed so fast.
this was some 4D Chess
>You're dating a Muslim
>uh no sweetie, he's half black
Still fucked a nigger
This is the commie tranny that started this thread btw
>modern day ' right wingers'
>gay obsession with youtubers instead of forming/joining nationalist parties in their homelands, asslicking civic nationalist jews like Donald Trump and Ben Shapiro, etc.
this is why the world is fucked guys.
>we have contempt for the audience haha this is an ironic joke
Sven clearly hates his audience, for whatever reason.
I figured she was a plant from the beginning.
Women don't care about politics.
lol if you're not joking, Jacques, Canadians are a meme. the proper response to such a creature is simply "A FUCKING LEAF", a gesture to mock their flag and "heritage"
>Sven clearly hates his audience, for whatever reason.
>for whatever reason
Because he's an angry average midde-aged white libertarian dad who LARPs on the Internet as a white nationalist because that's the only way his shitty dadbertarian podcast will get any listens
it's also a scandinavian name
sage in options field, kikes are a foot shilling this