>I'd never cheat on you Matsuko-san
Urara Meirochou
Who could resist this stray?
I wish they'd have stabilished pairs instead of this being one big Chyia harem
They are training to please old women. It's for the best.
Is this yuri?
Stabilized pairs is what happens in almost every show, yuri harem is great for a change.
Slightly brown twintail lolis will be the death of me.
I think this show is really flat and uninspired since it missed one of the basic element each fictional story needs to be interesting: conflicts.
It has nothing going for it except cute girls doing cute things over a very basic premise. I won't drop it yet but there has to be a massive increase in quality writing.
>it missed one of the basic element each fictional story needs to be interesting: conflicts.
Looks like you posted in the wrong tab.
I don't think so. Every slightest hint of conflict is basically solved the moment it appears and the weak moments of Chiya looking for her mother isn't strong enough to carry an emotional interesting story.
I don't know where people like him get their expectations from.
I love Nono!
>It has nothing going for it except cute girls doing cute things over a very basic premise
Yes and?
That's the whole fucking point of this kind of show, it has been for years now.
How new are you to these?
Having pairs has more meaning to the relations, this way it just feels they are fine with anyone
>isn't strong enough to carry an emotional interesting story.
This is just an opinion, if you don't enjoy comedy shows with a little bit of drama you shouldn't be watching this, literally just find another show.
>fine with anyone
No, they are just fine with everyone among their close circle of four friends, because that's what they are, four close cute friends. No need to divide that into 2x2.
Pairs > this 4 way leaning to Chyia thing
It doesn't really matter because those "pairs" usually amount to nothing substantial at all.
I agree. I was also interested in learning about different methods of divination, but it's been kinda light on the actual divination.
I'll stick around for the next episode, I guess.
Wait, are you being serious?
Are you guys both being serious?
I can't tell if I'm being trolled anymore.
Agreed. Besides a yuri harem seems like it could be so much fun, especially when the harem MC is Chiya instead of the cliche dense cardboard cut-out MC most harems have.
They've showed hints at some divination. As much as I love seeing them be cute I also hope for more, mainly to have more progression. That said it's only been 3 episodes so they have time. They have to introduce their bonds as well as the divination so it's not like they've just been kicking the can further down the line, they're still helping to build the narrative.
Why is Saku so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
What I'm more confused about if why anyone would pick this up expecting conflicts.
Why is this meme so shit? It ruined the whole thread.
Hanayamata would be more up your alley.
Dunno. Every time I read people expecting "more" about chinese cartoons I remember "Jamal, honey you watch anime".
Koume's pantsu? slut.
Shhh, let them go. I want my quiet and comfy anime thread.
I expected magical girls fighting demons.
Is Chiya the strongest kirara mc?
Yes but she's also very submissive.
Fucking apologise right now.
At this point you could've just named the pic chihuahua.jpg
I don't. None of the other girls are good enough for Chiya by themselves.
Since when JC Staff being this good at animation?
Is Urara big project with a lot of budget or something?
Anyway, I'm surprised with the lewdness of this series. Especially this scene.
Since it's still episode 3. It's gonna go downhill from here on.
Reminder that all of these girls are going to Hell for witchcraft.
Their A-team has been this good for a long time, it's just that they also have scrub teams shitting stuff out every season.
More like lesbian prostitution.
>All the citizens are female
>Male only can visit that city at night as customer
Yeah, I got the 'Red Light' district - vibe from that city too.
Only in one of the corner districts where they practice semen divination.
Season 3 never
Just wait for Yurucamp
How do we stop Chiya?
Distract her with prostitutes.
Woah, a new character already? or is that loli Nina?
That's Nina's daughter.
That's Matsuko's VA.
Makes sense, omedetou Saku!
I was originally a JCstaff hater but I can't deny that they're doing an excellent job since roughly 1-2 years.
Reminder that Chiya's mom is the legendary urara.
Your mom is the legendary durara.
Or the god they are praying to.
They could not have made this more obvious if it was written on a brick and thrown through your window.
Why would somebody do that?
good because then Chiya would be my imouto and then we could do 'that'
well the mom is the legendary according to detective user. maybe the God is the dad which would explain chiya's athletic abilities.
>ywn smell urara while she's in heat
I really like the relationship that Koume and Chiya share.
You only say that now that you've seen the answer.
Why is taichou such a turbodyke? Why can't she stay faithful to Nina?
Taichou raised a kid with Nina. She shoud blush around Nono all the time.
>She shoud blush around Nono all the time
Why? Nono should be like her daughter.
But she is the only straight one
>fantasizing about lesbianism all the time
Because Nono's a fool who accidentally would call her "dad".
All god fearing christians should constantly be considering the tempting dangers of homosexuality in order to protect themselves from it.
i blame the earthy color palette as to why this isnt popular ;_;
God only hates fags.
>not saku-mama
Can't wait for the episode where all the girls are fighting over Chiya while she watches on obliviously.
Neither can I.
Can't wait for the episode where they get boyfriends.
ded again
Naw, you're deluded, Chiya's mom is clearly this creature, while she grew up with her dad with the long braid.
Setsu is chiya's dad.
I am Chiya's dad
You mom is Chiya's dad.
Your mom's your dad, bud.
and Nono is my wife, what about it?
It will only end in rape.
At least I do have a dad.
Chiya is cute! CUTE!
Who /Kon/ here?
Is this yuri?
Actual yuri or yuri bait?
No, this is Victor.
There aren't any boys so it can't be bait, only subtext.
If you're expecting actual relationships and kissing, you've come to the wrong place.
Absence of men doesn't automatically make it yuri.