A new psy op is underway:

A new psy op is underway:


We're hijacking feminist slogans to subvert them and redpill normies, especially women.


The country is personified as a female, looking nervous and sad as a threatening hand (illegal immigration) approaches. The entry is non-consensual. The hand is wearing a glove to intentionally avoid any racial connotations - this keeps things normie-friendly for maximum spread & impact, and it removes an opportunity for leftist media to demonize the images.

The parallel between borders & personal boundaries has wonderful memetic potential. Citizens collectively own a country, just like a family owns a home, and a person owns their body. Being forced to accept strangers into your country is just as absurd and wrong as being forced to accept strangers in your home, or inside yourself (rape). Most of the feminist logic & slogans about rape & rape culture can be weaponized against illegal immigration, which victimizes the nation personified as a female.


This is still undecided. Spreading them on social media, especially Twitter would be good. Always use the hashtag #mybordersmychoice. As this psy op develops we can decide on the best plan of action for mass deployment, in terms of the timing, which platforms, etc.


DO NOT change the hashtag, I repeat DO NOT change the hashtag. It is only #mybordersmychoice, nothing else, and it will never change. Assume anyone asking to change it is a shill. Also shills will recommend that we make the images more extreme, more racist, etc. These are all sabotage attempts and should be ignored. Also DO NOT put links on the images to any website, this will only give media more of a chance to spin this in a negative way, call it racist, etc.

I like it! i like it a lot







Oh man, this is awesome. Here in Argentina we need this so so much.


lol that molested usa
hugging its tits like a cold fat girl


>We're hijacking feminist slogans to subvert them and redpill normies
Fucking retarded.


Sometimes you Sup Forums autists actually stumble into something intelligent.


>e're hijacking feminist slogans to subvert them and redpill normies, especially women.
have some cocaine. bump my nigga.

here comes the shills






This is actually a pretty good idea imo.

Poland with multiple hands

As someone who wants Twitter, MTV, and Facebook headquarters to become atomic craters, I think using Sup Forums to manipulate Twitter is fine. However, the problem is distribution and collecting statistics: we want to see how many likes, how many retweets, how many comments the No means No campaign generates. Sup Forums can fuck Twitter. Sup Forums users can get Twitter users to support the Sup Forums agenda.

MTV tries to get young Americans to accept sexual slavery. MTV is run by Israeli and Mexican sex slave traders.

Instead of making this a USA issue, we need to make it an Israel and Mexico issue. We need to call jews perverts. We need to call Mexicans perverts. We need to invade these countries and murder their men. Dead Mexicans, dead jews. That is the goal.

Americans will be delighted to accept No means No when they realize the alternative is murdering jews and Mexicans. Americans would rather tweak immigration laws that invade a foreign country.

>hijacking feminist slogans
The absolute state of impotent whitebois

Teach Mexicans not to be illegal...

Make one for Canada please. Your fucking Haitians are flooding our borders by the thousands

Some of you guys are really clever desu.




That be a great sign to hold up at a planned Parenthood or hang flyers and stickers near a planned Parenthood.

Fucking lol

This is great but where's the one w the Frankin meme lol?

should we translate theese into their corresponding language?

it isn't retarded, this is what works with feminists. feminists aren't smart. you could say they are slow, but I don't think "underdeveloped intelligence" applies to feminists, I think "infected and rabid" is more accurate.

Feminism is an infection. It alters the perceptions of those it infects. This means that unique or unusual tactics may work in order to subvert their agenda.

Treating the USA like a body, a body that is the target molesters, is a theme that may be very effective in changing the minds on this issue.

If feminists can think of immigration as rape, if they can see immigrants as rapists, and if this campaign shows feminists that immigrants are rapists, then this proves that it is possible to change the mind of a feminist. It is possible to use them to support an anti-immigrant agenda.

Keep this thread going


Remember to know your double speak feminism now equals misandry.

bump, don't let this slide


bump for love of country


Good work

It would not surprise me to eventually see some people here (very few people, yes) be courted by government agencies, think tanks, and the like. 10 years from now, maybe as soon as 5, some of you could be doing things like this but, you'll be doing them to the tune of Soros' agenda in a Soros funded organization. Hell, don't be surprised if come next Presidential election if the liberal campaign teams start looking into hire people out of here to make 'dank meme's for their side. Liberals have historically had their fingers on the pulse of every mass media propaganda producing thing but, I think the internet is the first time (in a long time, anyway) in history where the right wing has a general grasp/control and understanding of the culture of it and how to utilize it. The saying is "if you can't beat them join them" but perhaps it should be "If you can't beat them pay them to join you and do your bidding."

Just make sure if you have a price it's not embarrassingly low.

holy fuck were the kikes now, i love it

people on pol will be the joseph goebbels

It's high time the right starts using tactics that work.

See, your logic is sound and all, but you're forgetting the demographic you're targetting.

They have absolutely no sense of reason whatsoever.

In the very near future, they'll gladly oppress rapefugee victims by saying stuff like "you're not progressist enough if you consider immigrants, who are at the bottom of the priviledge chain, to hold a higher power than you, white cis female. If they sexually relieve themselves by using you, and you're calling it rape, you give them a power they never had because they always were oppressed and you need to check yourself."

Your bullshit animu face meme is not going to change a damn thing in the best case scenario. And in the worst case, it'll push degenerate leftists to change the very definition of rape so rapefugees can freely pork white girls and be lauded for it.


>blond hair blue eyes

It's not a bad concept though. Should springboard it into fostering acceptance for a non-homogeneous world.

not even kidding what we need is a new 9/11 on christmas, its the only way to save the west

Or print out and post on campuses.. especially women's studies & gender studies departments

here's mine

Leftist memes won't work. They're not spicy enough

how are you guys even making these? please do an australia and ill suck you off.


Don't get me started on the potential to turn environmentalists against immigration, that's an even easier task. But that's for another psy op, let's stay focused


if we were the ones making the memes itd work

Lmao I love it.
Illegals are rape culture by normalizing the invasion of other lands.

>the potential to turn environmentalists against immigration
holy fuck user, that would be fucking easy to do. this is the smartest leaf post ive ever seen.



Plenty of templates floating around ya cheeky cunt

This is actually not that bad of an idea


cheers man, ill post this on kikebook and see if i get banned

Found the Jew

Ok, I choose to let everyone in

Thanks, mate.
I know this is intended for Europe, US, Canada, Australia, NZ or SA, but If I want to make this for Argentina and Uruguay were the majority of our european descendants come from mediterranean and alpine Europe.and doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes, can I change the colours to dark brown/black hair and green/brown eyes? Or that would be considered deviation?

you take the templateyou put your country's map with its in it into GIMP
and you place the template on your country

I already have a massive dump of OC memes with cute animals, with anti-immigration slogans added, along the lines of "If the humans keep coming, where will I live when there is nowhere left to go?" but I'm saving them for now, don't want to interrupt this psy op

I will release them in the mid to near future though, keep your eyes peeled.

its threads like these what makes Sup Forums so great. they're always so fun plus its hilarious when you see it on the news.

Is there any way to make the hands blue with yellow stars on them (like the European Union flag)?

*with its flag in it

throw las malvinas in there for keks

I don't even care if these campaigns work or not, they're fun

If your country has suffered a Muslim terror attack: #WeToo


yeah wait for this to die down and maybe in a month or two hit them with that, fuck i love being the jew for once

Fuck off you faggot autists.

Go back to cripple 88kike chan. This is gay and you are gay.

>Or that would be considered deviation?
nah go for it

Get #mybordersmychoice trending on twitter goys

and you are a kike

What photoshoping applications do you all use for stuff like this? Or can you use something as simple as microsoft paint for most of it?

I have a feeling that excellent psyops like this psyop, IOTBW and #draftourdaughters were founded by the same one person/group of ppl
i think its the russians fsb propaganda team
if it is
keep doing it you magnificent fuckers

This is good. I approve.

You should go on twitter, use some feminist hashtag about rape or something..... and tell stories from the perspective of the USA (as a woman) being raped by mexicans.

Just helping it be more readable to our kangaroo riding friends.

No I'm not. Fags from cripple chan probably are though. This shit is gay.

not exactly to scale but here it is

>we need this to protect our brown people

Holy shit this is brilliant. Keep it up, seriously.

Nice one me lad

alright lads i chucked it up on my shitposting facebook page, its only got like 600 likes but who gives a fuck

It's a pretty good idea but the implementation looks like a shitty leftist meme. Especially the hashtag which is super gay and then it's also in jarring shitty font as well making it even worse.

I’m so sorry.


kek. It got it's wish. Havent been to the moon in 40 years

this one is quite relevant with the Irish stuff