Why do people like her?
Why do people like her?
Other urls found in this thread:
All men dream of destruction and explosions.
She's a seasonal waifu. So she'll be "loved", waifu'd, fapped to and dumped like all the ones before her. Remember Asuna? Rem? Kuroneko? Azusa? Kanade?
No? Me neither.
Loli body, left completely defenseless after she performs her thingies. The things you could do to her butthole when she's in that state.
>yfw I still remember and fap to them
The things you could do to her butthole when she's in that state.
You could dock buttholes and pop in hers.
Flatness, stupidity, helplessness.
The better question is why do a small number of people dislike her?
I thought Sup Forums hated (and didn't watch) SAO?
Tsundere done right (doesnt fucking punch people), often funny, not really a loli but at the same time doesnt have giant tits like all the other character in the universe either, trolls people to get to her desired destination, not easy to get (based on the LNs), isnt just an empty shell that wants the MCs cock, her almost fanatic love for explosive skills makes her really damn cute (especially considering the fact that she was willing to give them up in volume 5 just so she could be more useful to the party), cute outfit, hilarious personality, impeccable voice actor.
Sup Forums loved SAO before it aired.
Then they watched it to shitpost about it.
Fuck you. I still love her.
We've had weekly threads for her for about a year now, pretty sure she's not just a seasonal waifu
>pretty sure she's not just a seasonal waifu
you're right just seasonal shit
Just disgusting pedo neets.
>Mascott of /sg/
Are you gay, user?
Because Explosion magic is best magic.
Who's Rem?
>Remember Asuna? Rem? Kuroneko?
Plenty of people do and they still get threads, newfriend
the only ones i see are Rem and thats about the series not her.
you stupid fag. Her actual arc hasnt even been adapted yet and people already love her. She's gonna stay for a while
It's usually the series that gets the thread. From those examples, I think I've seen one (1) actual Kuroneko thread in the last year or so. Literally her manga ended with her winning and nobody gave a fuck.
That's mostly because the series is still rather fresh.
But those girls are all shit
Why lie to yourself?
No one will remember her
That doesnt execuse the other two girls not being there, tied with alot of f/a/ggots are in those threads they regularly release during the new chapters, they were popular as fuck when it aired. Having a thread about your series isnt the same as a thread about the girl.
I will and then we'll get married and name our kids fuck and shit and our gay son OP
syria general
What does Megumin have to do with a Russiaboo circlejerk?
More like Useful Idiots General
>Megumin Explosion Magic.
god that first slap is so powerful. reminds me of Ippo's GAZELLE PANCHU
Yeah nah. Every excuse to bomb some shitskins is good.
I just bought volume 5 and 9 from amazon
I did my part guys
Because she's chuuni and explosions. That's literally it. I don't really like her that much myself. Although I do appreciate her taste in underwear. It's nice not seeing boring, safe white for once.
I remember all 4 of them not sure what you're on about
Leave Rem out of this.
thank you user. Be excited cos volume 11 is a Megumin volume, and its getting translated soon
The volumes are surprisingly cheap, if the delivery is reasonably fast I'm preordering it the moment it goes up for sale
Why is this girl so sexually bold at the tender young age of 13?
She's 13.9 though
and in LN land 14.9
you learned moonrunes?
>lots of comedic versatility (unlike Divorceness)
>instantly recognizable and likeable design
>doesn't sperg out or melt into a puddle of embarassment in sexual situations (no "kyaa!" *punch* shit)
>voice actor who puts a lot of energy into her role and ad-libs a lot
>arched back posture that creates the illusion of sexy curves while still being almost flat
I could keep going, but basically Megumin is the best. Also, no longer seasonal.
Enough to read stuff intended for teenagers, slow and steady with the dictionary at hand
Slugging through books is the best way to learn though, I wanted physical books to force myself to not using machine translation.
I wanna explode all over her chuuni face.
While I wouldn't call her a slut (maybe thirsty is a better word), it's nice to see a girl who doesn't pander to purityfags so hard.
what volume has a lot of feels?
5 and 9
For megumin feels Volume 5 and 9 GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO
why do nips care about purity so much?
Why don't you?
where can you find translated konosuba LN?
Same way americans care about race or swearing
Dubya dubya dubya internet dot com
sorry i just never read ln or manga i only watch anime
What did you expect? Entering the deep web? You dumb axis cultist
nah i just thought that there would be some kind of website that everyone uses
yes it's called google you stupid fuck. I'm not even the person you replied to
>I remember all 4 of them
>5 girls named
Great work, user.
>t-there's a site called-
>shut up user, you never knew if yenpress-san is around
>the joke
> 6 girls referenced
Well fuck you too then
Do you know where I can read the online translation~
I love how she winds up for this.
rude coming from a newfag
Look up r@ygold on google my friend
>the counter joke
why would you want sloppy seconds?
or worse
thanks user~ *sarcastic*
theres a fanfic, try googling for that.
oh oh thanks for that
also on a scale of 1/10 how true is the fanfic to the original?
Glomp. Tit-twin. Goth Cosplay Cat girl. Another Cat Girl. Angel Rei.
Yes, yes, I do.
So far, Megumin is in GOOD company.
Because 95% of anime girls are pure virginal maidens and it's really boring. Why not, I dunno, 80%?
Inb4 cuckposters insist you can be cuckolded by 2D girls
It's pretty accurate. Read for yourself:
hm hm
yea I think it's pretty accurate
Megumin is a virginal maiden though. There's nothing slutty about being intimate with the man you love.
sigh. Just google skythewood konosuba and you'll find the translations
Delete this right now before I make you delete it.
well I already know the stw one but the fanfic.net is new
Has anybody told you that you're a fucking faggot lately? Because you clearly haven't been told enough.
yes but the fanfic one is actually fanfic. STW is real shit masquerading as fanfic
What a fucking faggot, as expected from a mobileposter.
they don't want you to know the truth~
ok last bump
Don't be so butthurt that your (((moderates))) are exposed as what they are truly are, burger.
>and its getting translated soon
a) volume hasnt even been announced yet
b) its an assumption that it will be about Megumin becuase Volume 5 was
c) it wont be translated for months
Don't kid yourself dude there is no way a volume about Megumin's house blowing up won't be about Megumin
I bet my right arm that she's going to be in the cover too
Even if all of that ends up being true, translation will be slow as hell and the volume wont be fully translated until autumn even if it comes out in April.
basically, memes.
there is a meme waifu every season.
the meme waifu is then promptly forgotten.
remember Amagi Brilliant Park and its meme waifu? me neither
The interlocked fingers hand holding illustration will be enough
That relationship wont go anywhere. Maybe Kazuma will end up with someone in the last volume, but no way in hell does anything actually happen prior to it. Sure as hell not in Volume 11.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, user.
>picking megumeme over literal goddess aqua
How retarded do you have to be to do that?
Because she's literally the only good character in the show. Everyone else is shit so there's no one else to like, therefore everyone likes her.
Actually, it's the opposite
You need single digit IQ to feel attraction for Aqua
Kazuma, Aqua and Vanir are pretty good too. don't be a fag
>more experienced
>vaginas don't loosen with sex, only age
>who cares
It's not like you haven't had multiple waifus and would fuck more than one if you could