Holy shit she's like 15, and she's already a massive slut who treats men double her age to marry her? Un-fucking-believable. And here I thought the generic goth loli was the biggest slut of them all.
I guess that makes Tuka the undeniable best girl.
Holy shit she's like 15, and she's already a massive slut who treats men double her age to marry her? Un-fucking-believable. And here I thought the generic goth loli was the biggest slut of them all.
I guess that makes Tuka the undeniable best girl.
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Because innocent 15 year old little girls like her normally don't trick men double their age to marry them?
But fuck me, I guess there's no age limit to be a slut.
>literally wants to fuck her dad
All of the girls in that series were massive sluts.
>not a massive slut that was thinking of selling her own body to survive
She wants to fuck the MC not her dad.
She was raised by a 300 year old wizard. Anyone under 60 is her age.
>15 year old
>innocent little girl
how many actual 15 year olds have you met?
why does everyone forget best girl?
Medieval culture.
15 is plenty old enough to marry and raise a family. She's simply seeking the protection and financial support of a man as per the traditions of her culture.
No you dont know shit about middle ages and 15 wasnt an age to marry, 22-27 for girls was an age to marry.
"muh traditions" you're just projecting your normalfag fetishes in the anime.
We can all agree this was worst girl though right?
>not the SJW cunt
If you say so.
Look at this idiot, look at him and laugh. According to wikipedia the average life expectancy for late medieval english PEERAGE was 30.
Cockgobbling fuckfence.
That's including child mortality you retard.
Once kids got past the age of 15 they had a life expectancy exceeding 50.
I agree, she's fucking old. Grannies should not be sluts
So how does this shit end anyway LN/WNfags? Gate closes and MC gets his harem consisting of Pina, Tuka, loli and Lelei?
Another Gate thread? Nice.
She would be the perfect wife.
Cute, smart, strong.
Japan stomps the Empire, Zorzal is killed by bunnywhorequeen, Gate becomes unstable and closes, Itami is stuck in Gateverse and becomes a dragon knight, supplies run out, Arnus is forced to make muskets to survive, they hold out until Lelei can connect them back to Nippon. Pina is permanently cockblocked forever by the main harem.
Shhh, Lelei is sleeping.
You're a fucking retard. Girls got married off when they were around 14. Lelei is already past the average marrying age.
Fucking slut. She even did it in front of his ex-wife, right? Clung on to him one time too.
You mean, her willpower? She's a little girl. Physically she can't lift even her own weight. Magical power doesn't mean strenght.
what about aliens? everyone kept saying something about aliens
>Itami is stuck in Gateverse and becomes a dragon knight, supplies run out, Arnus is forced to make muskets to survive
So I take it it goes EDGY/DARK/GRIM and possibly DEEP?
It's somewhat disappointing since I really like the tone so far. The stomping by Japan followed by some beautiful dick sucking of the army is hilarious. The idolization of MC and some of the cast is also fun to watch. The series always featured death and such but for whatever reason I never saw it as tragic at all.
How can anyone think Lelei is a slut or not pure?
She's trying to be slutty with Itami but Rori wont let her.
But she doesn't even know what sleeping with a man is.
Not sure if she does know by now or not. The way she talks to her sister about it and the way she's acting towards Itami now lead me to believe she might.
She's been to a japanese bookstore and seen the doujins. She knows.
looks like that pina colada got caught in the rain
>japan corrupted Lelei
Brown elf is best
A man of taste. Yao really doesn't get enough love. She's a lovable klutz.
Is this the Lelei thread?
>pina colada
sometimes lazy writing can be fun
What is sex with Lelei like?
Yes user, come to the lolicon side. Embrace it.
Give him a break, big words confuse him.
>having anything to do with being a loli
It is.
Who is this semen demon?
No no that's Rere. This is the semen demon.
It has everything to do with being a lolicon, you dipshit. "Loli" is short for "Lolita", a novel written by Nabokov. The main love interest is 12 years old, so a "loli" is a prepubescent girl. The meaning has been skewed over time to include those who might be immortal and 500 years old, but still look to be between 10 and 12.
There's an arc/part where Lelei is powerful enough to open Gates to other unknown worlds, which she does to experiment.
After opening one and sending a few soldiers there to investigate (or was it Itami?) they come back in a hurry screaming her to close it right the fuck up immediately holy shit.
When asked why they report that they found themselves surrounded by a bunch of strange organic eggs. You know, the "Ripley" type.
>wants to marry
user, sluts fuck outside of marriage and become single mothers. Lelei is no slut.
Shit thread.
They're all best girls their own way.
>On lawd, look at those Boozes
I know, right?
I choose the elf. Did I choose wrong?
>all those characters that you never see anymore
She's great but she's pretty irrelevant for like more than half of the series. It's a shame really.
Did he ever give her the dick?
That was scripted, right?
Nothing a japanese idol does isn't scripted
Maybe? I don't know. I do know that Taketatsu being an imouto lover was known. She's a well known Kirinofag.
They really fucking butchered the monstergirls.
Based Yanagida
Why is anime Lelei 10x cuter?
Because they made her look like an 8y.
I believe he received specific instructions to wait till she was legal in japan.
Because 16 is essentially christmas cake/spinster/hag/cat lady age in medieval times; she is a well adjusted individual taking the appropriate degree of initiative relative to her position.
They all look much better in the anime.
Yeah no, that's just your perception because it's how you first knew the characters and got used to it.
All the monstergirls became much worse, males got unnecessarily bishified, Kuribayashi is K-on level, Rori's Goth Dress theme got absolutely destroyed.
And don't get me started on Myuute, they even changed her entire color set for no fucking reason.
Yeah, he was told to "not commit any crimes" as I recall.
where can I read the WN?
Historians laugh at you mongrel
Nah manga art sucks balls.
Nah anime changes sucks balls.
I don't even know what this series is and only entered the thread because I saw "Holy shit she's like 15"
The anime designs do look better. That is not typical, but this manga just seems to be hideous.
Get over it.
Back off bitch the sluttiest loli in town is here
fucking this, the manga designs look like they're from the 80's
Not even that, plenty of 80s manga look fine.
It just looks lazy. As I said I don't even know what this series is, but there are plenty of ugly manga that are not bad.
>Author is kind enough to pair up the side characters
I always like this kind of stuff.
Pina is fucking annoying.
She needs to see a nuke go off and become mind broken.
You would too if you were in his shoes. Itami is fucking rich because of the diamond, he's also a lord who is given a piece of huge land, and a legendary hero
Annoying? She's just so innocent. That makes her adorable.
But to help her, I would ravage her untouched pussy with my dick.
lelei is cute, CUTE!
Post Lelei testing out the new soup-color hair dye.
why is she so perfect?