Where can I find legitimate news without any biased bullshit? I just want straight facts on current events, no commentary if possible.
Just News
Other urls found in this thread:
reuters,ap newswires
you can't because all humans have biases and it's impossible to control
LOL kys
Drudge Report is just a constantly-updated catalog of news stories, but it filters out most of the bullshit (crazy anti-Trump pieces, celebrity garbage, sports garbage, etc.).
Drudge Report and OAN which is One America news.
It's like the stock market, if you want the best you can't just bet on a single source
Mix MSM with fringe partisan outlets of both ends and you'll have all the information and all the keks and Sup Forums worthy stuff you want and need
NPRs All Things Considered is pretty unbiased when it comes to the day to day news stuff. Just listen to the first 20 minutes, or at the very least the first 5. NPRs top of the hour news summary is the best in thr country. After that they switch to the special interest pieces that are more liberal then a wheat grass soy latte.
Weekend Edition is SJW trash though. Used to be just as good as their weekday stuffm
just go there and read the headlines. good shit, good commentary.
be sure to visit /r/anime too
pick one
CNN not shit tier? Your tier list is shit tier.
That's just old, before CNN showed their fangs.
No silver bullet
you have to think for yourself.
Read and know things.
Sup Forums
One American News.
>Al Jazeera
>God Tier
You must be one of those Turkish Bulgarians.
To add to this, though. They are right wing, but most of their stuff is just "here's what happened" with no commentary afterwards.
is that fucking Demon Souls?
I remember CNN used be be good when it came to actual footage and coverage of an event. Don't know if they're still good at that now though seeing as how they'll just make shit up.
come into my mind
i will tell you everything
makes all the other news agencies sour with their honest reporting
Looks like demons souls to me.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
Same. I found them trustworthy before. There's no such thing as "unbiased" American news, but CNN was perhaps the best an American could get before.
But seeing them turn 360 degrees in the recent years has soured my view of them.
At an Arby's, no less. This is a quality male.
Consortiumnews is usually pretty fact based. It's not a "news" site per say, more investigative.
Literally impossible. Even if you found a basic HTML webpage with emotionless bullet points, there's still a human on the other side choosing what stories to publish. Read everything you possibly can, and best if you read multiple articles on the same story (yes, even on clearly biased sites you disagree with you dense cunt). Being able to think critically about the story rather than parroting headlines and talking points will make you far more aware of the world around you
I like fark’s “favoriting” capability. I favorite all the self-identified jews, crypto-jews, and jew-enablers in bright yellow. That the comment section is a lovely shade of juden yellow is but a pure coincidence.
That image is old as fuck you faggots.
>reuters,ap newswires
>owned by the rothschilds
>not biased
Yeah, ok Rabbi.
>but it filters out most of the bullshit
So he constructs a narrative of news. How can you call that unbiased?
Pretty much
Not East propaganda anti west hate machines...the mirror image of CNN
wewlad good sheep.
>pictures that didn't age well
well what i do is look at multiple news sources, and look for the facts that remain the same
Just get good at being critical of the news you hear and understanding the bias of the sources. I get my news from a bunch of different sources, I'm just good at understanding what it is they're trying to get me to feel and try looking at the opposite side as well.
I want redditors to fucking leave my board. Drudge Rpeort is kosher-approved blue-pulled Norma’s garbage with a 1999 layout that’s never changed. Matt Drudge himself is an ashkenazi jew. He’s a filthy ethnocentric kike who belongs in an oven. Why don’t any of you morons promote white people or white interests or white isms and ideologies? All jews need to be killed
You will need multiple sources. You will also need this one in particular.
One America News
people here call it liberal bias, the left call them tory(conservative) mouthpieces
But in reality they just serve their reptilian masters, so it's all good.
Sup Forums :^)
no rape jokes fark?
might as well hang out on reddit
>okay tier
Lord that's so wrong. Belongs in the shit tier.
Reuters used to not be biased
Now it's bullshit sjw trash
I think it's kind of impossible to actually find unbiased news.
What I did was I started a Twitter account. Then I followed:
>All the FBI accounts for each major city for updates on crimes
>All the major city's police departments and their local paper/news
>All the government agencies (CIA, NSA, Secret Service, DEA, ect)
>each military branch and most of the Navy carriers
>Foreign government agencies
>Foreign papers from major countries (Japan, European countries, Russia, China, Korea, Middle Eastern countries)
>tech journals and sites
>weather, earthquake, space, ham radio station watchers
>a few E-celebs and Sup Forums accounts
I have a pretty solid news feed. Shit is constantly updated and I choose who I want to see. I don't have to talk to anyone or interact with anyone, and you get information faster than you do on Sup Forums
If anyone is interested you can just go to my Twitter and follow who I'm following. You don't have to follow me, I don't post anything or interact with anyone. It's just a news feed more me.
all news outlets have bias
the thing I look for, are they aware of their bias or in denial
those in denial are the worst
I can tolerate any type of bias as long as it is smothered in facts
I look for outlets that have a good facts to opinion ratio
MSNBC is around 95% opinion and if you're a news hound you'll starve
Arirang News is biased state media but only around 5% opinion
and their bias is against the Japanese so what do I care
pic unrelated
i'd be his friend in a heartbeat
You cant unless you see it or hear it for yourself.
This is where most of the MSM has historically gotten their news from, but they're just a higher level of biased Jewish gatekeepers of "what's considered newsworthy". At the end of the day Mr. Shekelstein is still sitting at the head of a table choosing how to present the world to the stupid goys
For the updated version god tier is Sup Forums, actual live streams, bants on Twitter and memritv
nothing thats on tv
your best bet is your local newspaper.
what's your twitter? I'm interested in the ham radio station watchers
Imagine the balls it takes to just set up shop in Arby's and be like, "Imma invade cucks for about 3 hours and run you out of diet pepsi refills".
>‘Slaves built the US the way cows built McDonald’s’ — and other historical ‘facts’ from Katie McHugh'
she's /mygirl/
real news best news
I get mine mostly from rense, rt, and glp.
Literally every headline: "Breaking: The Sky is Falling!"
I really like Ben Fulford, even if only for entertainment value. Nobody else even talks about ninjas.
You can't. Here is what I do:
1.) Check Zuckerbook trending for the bullshit talking points that will be parroted in the MSM (no need to watch any news outlet, they just repeat the same crap found here). Google news will give you the same crap.
2.) Check Drudge for confirmation and counter news stories.
3.) Check Sup Forums for bleeding edge "habbenings" (must bring own salt for pinching).
In just a few minutes I know what all the talking heads are going to yammer on about. I waste zero time with TV.
Glad you asked. Disregard all of the nazis in this thread OP. Welcome to the real world.
here, it's updated
It's a simple news aggregate. The template has remained the same because there is no need to update it. Be less triggered. typical "duh jews" retard
>Washington Post
>New York Times
Holy fucking shit. That image is so liberal it hurts
drudge report
RT live streaming on tv for background.
Rense is best aggregate.
GLP for real time happenings.
/pol is shit
Drudge is shit
AP, reuters, and all US cable tv news outlets are shit.
>check drudge report
>check reddit
>wow look at that you've covered mostly everything that happened today
>also keep a list of several bookmarked fringe sites that might be 50% total fake news but occasionally reports on something that actually happened before anyone else
my favorite fringe site is rense.com
happy hunting OP
You forgot huffpost and dailymail.
oh sweet, demon souls
Fox News
Anything further is white supremacy identity politics.
National Enquirer is the only tabloid I actually buy, also.
at first I thought it was DaS, but I recognized it was Demon's when I saw the mana bar and his items
i think its dark souls by the moth boss
Warning: You might fall in and never return.
CNN, NPR, NYT, USA Today, and BBC are considered down the middle? Good one, goyim.
Reuters is only good for quick headlines and no actual depth.
Placing Infowars and Breibart in the same category as the Daily Caller is functionally retarded. Daily Caller is definitely right leaning but not conspiracy pushing buy-my-water-filters insanity.
Slate and Huffpo are actual garbage along with Occupy Democrats. The former lets pretty much anyone write an article and post it as long as it's left leaning (true story HuffPo unknowingly posted an article from a white guy pretending to be a black woman and called for white people to be banned from voting. Dude trolled them hard.) The latter spreads fake news like it's their job to circlejerk millenials' socialism fever dream by just making up shit and posting a meme about it on Zuckerbook.
Vox is straight left propaganda by skewing facts and statistics to fit their "no guns", "pay for muh healthcare", and other lefty nonsense.
The Economist is not right leaning, it is center if anything with occasional Never-Trumper articles.
MSNBC gets approval from me (I'm right-wing if you can't tell) because they don't act unbiased while pushing their narrative like the first group I mentioned. They are essentially the Fox News of the left, which this image agrees.
Its Demons Souls (you can tell by the MP bar).
Still outdated, remove snackbar and replace it with an alternate Fox News with Tucker Carlson.
Sup Forums
Unless they knock on my door I don't give a shit...besides there is nothing you can do about it anyway...quit reading the news...go outside enjoy nature
This is what I used to follow the 2008 election in sixth form.
>tfw popular guy
Explain why you think Breitbart is "insanity"?
I'm actually pretty liberal, and Breitbart seems to be far more legit than for example Fox News, which just disseminates Republican Lobbyist propaganda in the same way CNN disseminates Democrat Lobbyist propaganda.
Read several different ones from different sources. Enemies. Allies. Your own. Then arrive to your own conclusions based off that.