Tell me where in the 2nd Amendment it says you have the right to make, buy, or sell arms.
Right fucking now, you fucking Amerimutts
Fucking idiots, I swear
I'm glad your too stupid to understand how your own Constitution works
Tell me where in the 2nd Amendment it says you have the right to make, buy, or sell arms.
Right fucking now, you fucking Amerimutts
Fucking idiots, I swear
I'm glad your too stupid to understand how your own Constitution works
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you think bear arms means
How do you think they get the arms to bear
From the GOVERNMENT which gives GUNS to make a MILITIA in times of war, you absolute fucking moron.
Holy fuck how can you even afford a computer being as stupid as you are
Portable gas chambers coming soon
Your arguments are not incorrect, but your attitude is absolutely vile and disgusting. You will never convince anybody by showing them such little respect.
We are all part of the well regulated militia
fucking amerimutts can't even read
No, the argument is 100% incorrect and doesn't even make any sense.
Bill of rights lists the ways in which people are naturally free from government control.
(also remember to sage in options this troll thread)
Where does it say the government gives it to them retard? Using your own logic of "if it's not expressly stated in there it isn't covered". Tell me what part says a person doesn't get to make them?
Tell me what part says they does, you weak bitch
fucking circular logic idiot
How fucking retarded are you? How in the fuck would a weapon even come into existence if you couldn't make it? Fucking stupid faggot.
Your English is terrible. I do like the ass flag though.
Also sage
The government would make it, regulate who gets them, and form militias when needed, AS WAS INTENDED IN THE SECOND AMENDMENT.
The only people who should have guns are the police and the army (a militia, if you stupid amerimutts don't understand)
I can't even believe yore this incompetent, I can't even imagine what your parents must feel when they look at you're stupid, illiterate ass
The Second Amendment was intended to put down rebellions in an age before there was a standing U. S. army, which the originators of the country never wanted to see. That in conjunction with the difference in power between 18th century firearms and modern killing machines must always be taken into account. Gun enthusiasts always say that the word "arms" in the amendment means, whatever is able to overthrow a tyrannical government; but as that was never the intention of the amendment, nor indeed could it have been, this is a false argument. Even Antonin Scalia admitted that there must be some sort of limit on what sort of "arms" American citizens can own; and why do gun enthusiasts insist that it must drawn at such and such a place with absolutely no scope for further debate?
OP is a Share Blue troll, do not reply to this thread no longer goys.
Pure trash. Full of typos and misspellings. My parents are fine, they are both white, I wish I could share the feeling of that with you.
This bait is weak and sad.
>takes the 2nd amendment hyperliterally
hey buddy perhaps you should get some common sense
So, I should be able to buy and use a cannon with chain shot?
wow got me good, fucking moron
your the one taking it hyper literally
fuck off, hypocrite idiot conservative bitch. fucking weak
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Could any random person on the street conduct a blindingly quick and thoroughly deadly massacre like the one in Las Vegas by using a cannon? Both cost and convenience would prevent it.
The reason I said your use of the English language is terrible is because you don't understand how it works which in turn weakens your argument. I mean fucking seriously you used "yore" and then you try to talk in a tone of intellectual superiority. So that lends to you not being very smart or having a high reading comprehension.
I could have killed that many people with about $300 worth of sparklers and ball bearings.
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Basically means the government cant interfere with our affairs. But OP is a commie who should hang himself
>durrrrrr to stupid to actually debate must pretend not dumb amerimutt
weak and pathetic, get out of you're parents basement
"durrrrrrr not smart enough for an argument"
fucking brilliant amerimuttcy
"i'm a trained killed and now improvised explosives im so dangerous might as well be seal team six"
jesus christ your entire country is weak, pathetic, AND stupid
no, keep and bear means someone GIVES it to you and you have the right to USE it. you DO NOT have the right to buy, sell, make, or own a gun. get the fuck out
No advice from bongs needed on this thread. Your cucked country is a joke and your dauhters are being raped and turned into kebab. We'll keep our guns.
That is some impressive mental gymnastics. Seriously, I'm impressed.
>You have the right to bear arms, but not to any means of getting them, sorry.
>We don't trust the government and want to implement failsafes it turning against the people, having just fought a bloody war to free ourselves from a government that did just that, but in times of crisis we're going to rely on the government to hand out guns to the people they're oppressing.
I don't really think you understand the point you are trying to make.
>Tell me where in the 2nd Amendment it says you have the right to make, buy, or sell arms
This is weak sophistry. Where does the Constitution say you have the right to make, buy, or sell toasters? Waffle irons? Car doors? Pencils? Your slide threads are the worst. You need to get more shill training.
I forgot to mention sweet meme flag. Please learn the nuances of our language if you want to make an argument in it.
>>Garbage writing.
>>Garbage grammar.
>>Garbage logic.
>>Meme flag.
Fuck it. I’ll take this “bait” out of bordum.
The 2A says the people have a right to keep and bare arms and that the government can’t make laws denying that right. That is it. Now I get you are some literate and a troll who is trying to run with a point that has been disproven time and time again. The courts settled this shit a long time ago.
As always please remember to sage all shill and slide threads.
>Implying this isn't a slide/troll/bait thread.
56% white
mestizo country
can't even carry a pinball gun to shoot rats as part of your job without getting murdered by the Government
>calls britain cucked
stay mad pablo
What is a pinball gun?
work it out muchacho
>durrr false equivalence
you still didn't debate my point. if you want to argue that the words "shall not be infringed" are immutable, then you have to accept that the proceeding language is also immutable, and nowhere does it say that the creation, sale, and ownership of guns is a right that "shall not be infringed"
fucking idiot
nobody's denying your right to keep and bare arms. what should be denied is the sale, purchase, and creation of guns by private entities
reddit spacing and grammar mistakes
>We don't trust the government and want to implement failsafes it turning against the people
This was not the intention of the Second Amendment. It could not possibly have been. There was no standing army then, and none of the so-called Founders of America wanted to have a standing army. Arms were intended chiefly for repulsing foreign invasions and putting down rebellions. Hence why the first thing American arms were used for was putting down Shays' Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion. They were rather intended to oppress than to put down oppressors.
This is totally accurate, but most gun-banners never really harp about gun crime or gun suicide, they harp specifically about indiscriminate mass murder events committed by firearm, events which usually captivate and terrify public attention, and which cannot be explained away to the satisfaction of public confidence by any of those stats. I know perfectly well how uncommon they are, and also why they occur*, but if enough of them happen within a sufficiently compressed timeline, I'm confident we'll see some new type of "gun control".
>*Please consult Peter Turchin's essay series "Indiscriminate Mass Murder as a Form of Political Violence" for further information. They can be easily found with a Google search and each is subtitled "Canaries In a Coal Mine, Part I", Part II, etc.
>>keep and bear means someone GIVES it to you and you have the right to USE it. you DO NOT have the right to buy, sell, make, or own a gun
How the FUCK did you come to this conclusion? It does not mean that at all? You really are fucking stupid. Do you not get that? No one is really trying because your point is retarded.
As always please remember that by putting sage in all fields you help preserve the board.
Show us your flag, leaf
Look, If these guys all have guns I want fucking guns.
It fucking sucks being late to the pol party. Having to wade thru piles of shill shit to get to any peice of info. Still sage tf out this filthy shit.
Yet again, learn to diagram a sentence. This just proves your education to be lacking.
Okay. Prove it prove that the constitution allows for the government to be the one who makes and distributes firearms. Show me the language. If you say you have then spell it out to me like you are teaching a child. Explains it to me like I am 8 if you are correct it will be easy.
Saging threads like this not only makes it die faster it also kills a black baby.
What you wrote has nothing to do with the OP "argument," which is making a list of random verbs that don't appear in the text of 2A and assigning government control to those verbs.
Again, this is nonsensical in the context of the bill of rights, which is all about limiting federal powers, not assigning them.
(remember folks, sage all troll threads)
I think OP is on a fair trade organic coffee break.
To me, the worst outcome of American gun culture is the brutality and lack of respect for human life that has arisen from it. I have seen countless videos of your police treating your citizens like dogs, of incidents which would be unheard-of in Britain, but which are seen to be normal and justified in America. You have 1,000 deadly police shootings every year, we have had a mere handful in the past twenty-five years. It is the fact that anybody could be carrying a gun on their person that makes many of your police so heavy-handed and rude and tyrannical. To me that is the direct opposite of liberty. The Daniel Shaver video was absolutely vile to see. George Orwell rightly praised the fact that "our policemen carry no revolvers" as going hand in hand with our national sense of gentleness. He also praised "that rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage," of course; but then I don't agree with banning all guns either.
The problem is niggers not guns
Actually, the citizens created the government as a servant, and allows the government to use weapons to perform its assigned duties. As a servant, the government does not have the right to decide what the master may or may not have. The constitution is a document restricting the powers of government, not the people. So get the fuck out of here, you low IQ piece of garbage.
Our sense of gentleness ran out. The black plague is destroying out cities wholesale.
Sounds like at least part of the problem would then be police attitudes toward the self-defense rights of citizens, with the rest of the problem of course being niggers.
Valid point. Being a member of the "American gun culture" I can tell you that I would trust the average gun owner much more than the average cop. At the range it is almost always the off duty cops that behave the worst, are the worst shots, violate the rules constantly (and you can do anything about it), etc. They are a blight to the community. I would be very happy to see the police disarmed.