ITT: It's a beach episode

ITT: It's a beach episode

Other urls found in this thread:

Umi daa!


>it's a recap with new scenes


>it's a beach episode
>it's a swimming pool episode
>it's a summer camp episode
>it's a school festival with maid cafe episode
>in a row
Hibike 2, just kill me

Oh great now I can wear that bikini that we picked out together at the mall the previous episode.
Can't wait to get hit on and have the MC come defend me while simultaneously rejecting the idea that he is romantically interested in me

Umi da!

>user complains about typical stuff on Sup Forums
>even though he actually likes it

Good G-d, that pool episode destroyed my dick.

Sup Forumsnon is tsundere for cliches.

Bikinis, watermelon splitting, volleyball!

>It's a "Get into the mood to masturbate" episode

Gotta buy a swimsuit first

Let's destroy this hilariously overpriced watermelon!

>masturbating to swimsuits
I'll never get it. Swimsuits are supposed to be shown no everyone. They aren't even sexy unlike underwear.

So, you want this beach filled with anime girls or what's this thread about?

>to everyone

I want it filled with anons


I didn't mean I masturbate to swimsuits, I meant it makes me want to pause the episode and go to sad panda




So do "Sea" and "Beach" just mean the same fucking thing in nip nop? It's always Umi this and Umi that

It's not "Umi that!", it's "Umi da!" you fucking retard.

>nip nop

Did you also know Lake in Japanese is literally water ocean (Mizuumi)?


>it's an onsen episode
>the girls wearing towels take a peek at the nude boys.


I didn't but now I'll never forget it.
>Wednesday in Japanese is Water-day

And you can't really blame them either, or hold it against them; girls just have to enjoy the days of their youth.

comfy episode

Beach episodes < Hot springs episodes.
Prove me wrong.

They're cancer, like all the cookie-cutter filler episodes.

Beach episodes: Navel, cleavage, thighs
Onsen episodes: cleavage and that's it

Shame we never got a binbou beach episode

Objectively wrong
Hair in a bun with neck service, back washing, asses, and STEAM shenanigans

Beaches can't even fucking compete

>tfw just watched one
>tfw best episode so far

>beach episode
>no bikini, no fun allowed, only training and gelato

What is it about the Japanese and the Beach? They live on an island. There must be beaches galore there.

>he doesnt love the beach

Shame we never got more binbou anime in general.

>swimming in squid shit

>it's a beach episode
>cancelled due to rain

cut your shit
