The police are violent pigs who are out of control. Look at how many Americans are killed by police a year and how many are in jail compared to any other country. It can't be justified, it's a disgrace. American police training is a joke compared to the training of any other western country and it shows. The fact it took a white man dying really says something about you, Sup Forums.
Sad that it took a white man dying for Sup Forums to realize this
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So, they are products of their enviroment? Seems like the black community ought to be on the hook for this too.
American police are all bruce jenner clones angry that they cant get the sex change operation or their daddies wouldnt love them
Its good when they kill latino and niggers though
I still side with the cops. Fuck you anarchist commies.
Sup Forums has always hated the police, the police are militarized government agents, and the government is controlled by radical leftists which basically makes the police the NKVD
are police out of control, or are american niggers out of control?
perhaps both?
but one is born from the other tho
“Daddy please will you still let me tongue your asshole if i become a woman?”
-“no son, sorry”
-“ok fine im gonna go murder some cis white males then!”
>The fact it took a white man dying really says something about you, Sup Forums.
> original pic is about a whitey killing whitey
> still blames niggers
> reaching down to your belt as Police have guns trained on you.
> not following orders
> blubbing like a girl.
He deserved to die. Infact it was a mercy killing.
You deserve to have your children eaten alive in front of you.
what makes you think anyone cares about this guy?
Regardless this is definitely the most egregious police killing I've ever seen. Not sure why you would suggest it indicates police forces run amok though.
>The fact it took a white man dying really says something about you, Sup Forums
Kek. Dorner, despite being a nigger, is the Sup Forums mascot for going after cops who deserved it.
We've always despised bootlickers, and it's a shame that niggers had to make police brutality about race, rather than fly a unified flag against it. Maybe then we'd actually get something done.
Said like a true subhuman nigger. I would kill your sorry ass, but i'd never hurt a child.
I have a question, why the fuck does your police use ARs??? I mean the MP5 is like the moral border of police militarization
did you understand anything i wrote?
american police are "out of control" because america happens to have the peculiar problem of having high standards, but also having many more niggers and mexicans than allowed for "high standards"
this is a real problem, born from corruption and neglect. a serious burden given to honest, rightful american people who have done more than their fair share in establishing themselves from centuries past
all that is literally thrown away by some rich asshole in washington who needs "muh GDP" and just wants millions of subhuman apes fucking eachother without a single FUCK given to the quality of this damn land.
mexians really need to get the fuck out. they are worse than niggers. they really are
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums must think all police are bad if some of them believe this one was a piece of shit
>finally something Sup Forums agrees with the left on
The absolute, uninhibited, desperation of the shills these days
Anarchist Antifa trash come here and spout their views, as if they are the viwes of Sup Forums, pretending it is the consensus. Thye infact just demonstrate how retarded they are. hate police, but willing to have a baby eaten infront of a parent. true genenerates.
A ridiculous statement, US intelligence agencies in concert with police have surveiled both far-left and far-right movements for the last century and has actively engaged in assasination of far-left black activists lmao
don't make that about race: the point is that the 'threat' was completely suppressed, and he didn't have to die.
>for the last century
He said the government is currently controlled by radical leftists. Not that it has been controlled by radical leftists for a century.
What's with murricans and being unable to read? Are you pretending to be dense just to win the argument?
In guess Rambo shows up.
Oh yeah. If a black guy does something wrong - it's because he's black, if a white guy does something wrong - it's because a nigger/jew/feminist/communist/martian/reptilian made him to do.
There is not a single non White in the scene. The victim, the shooter and the sergeant are Whites.