Other urls found in this thread:
Not answering, don't wanna get raped.
"hello, who is this"
I'll ding her with my dong. if you know what I mean.
Why now of all times when I'm in the middle of masturbating?
Satania chan is too pure for this world
who will stop the evil archdemon Gabriel!?
Answer the door with your dick in your hand.
Make her leave then.
poor satania
I wanted to post that. Anyway here's a longer version.
Go way, don't you invade my home!
What did poor Satania do to deserve this treatment
Santana thread?
She's the sauce of all evils. even if she never signed up for that.
Can someone make a "I Am Boss" edit of this?
The bullying only makes her stronger.
Who Where?
wow, hot a what bababiat
I hope she wears that outfit again in a longer skit.
based fucking gabriel
She's a chuuni.
she has cute feet
what is this hairstyle called?
The protagonist's seat belongs to her.
Stylish and smug.
Low twintails. Or at least that's the tag on boorus.
I'd rather have Vigne but Satania isn't a bad choice either.
>Open door
>see this
Do what?
Lick her feet.
Lick her crotch.
Lick her thighs.
Lick her face.
Lick the door
Turn 360 degrees and lick Satania.
Where is the labia and clitoral hood? Those should be showing.
For eons sages have been arguing over whether angels even have genitalia in the first place.
What about demons?
Do you even anatomy? They are behind her feet.
There's a small distance between the vagina and anus. You should be seeing the upper most parts of her vagina in that shot.
Was the new episode good?
>you will never prone bone Gabu who is in the middle of playing
>you will never hear her try to suppress her cute little squeals of pleasure
A-are you toblerone salesman?
>cute squeals
More like loud moans.
So let's pretend that this really is Satan.
She's still cute, she's still ditzy, but she's the devil and has the power to plummet you into the deepest bowels of hell. She's kinda stupid so she may overreact and do this on whim to you.
Do you still fuck it?
The series doesn't get good until they admit the demons are better characters and focus on them instead of Gab.
This. This series has been pretty good with feet so far. Hope to see more
Please make it stop.
Too soon.
*Opens door dressed in only my boxers*
Yes, may I help you?
we have a newspaper subscription already , go away
Pelvic thrust
>Not panties you forgot to take off and switch for briefs while you were doing your crossdress session
>Implying I crossdress
Who is this semen demon?
oh my god
bellringer angel from shadowverse
Qubeley pilot (dead)
Why is Gabriel so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
Gabriel isn't shit.
She's like 4'10"/147cm. You'd have better luck jumping over it.
hey boo
Remember when red comet instantly drew a picture of her and attached his patreon link on top of her? God that was cringe worthy.
Oh forgot the most important part, this happened on day 1.
It's positive
Just crop it. It pisses me off too but if it's worth saving it's not much effort to crop.
I suppose.
I've finally figured out why I dislike Raphi.
You're a CR translator?
No, it's like looking into a mirror and it ain't pretty
Does gab play XIV?
I love these
If I looked in a mirror and saw Raphi I'd be pretty happy with how cute I am.
What's your favorite movie?
Personally, I'm a big fan of Spydoor Man.
Raphiel is pretty though.
>on her cheap ass laptop
Your 'Nam was true kino.
Nice find user.
>Your Nam
Renge doesn't like flashbacks
Be blinded by holy light coming out of her crotch.
One of us
My dick has taken me to places I wouldn't go with a gun.
I really want to cuddle Gabs hair