Why are there so many lady boys recently?
jew news pushing it and estrogen in water
being a female is life on easy mode
Lack of right wing death squads
Tinder and other dating apps , there everywhere
WAIT WAIT, are both those on the right men????????
>superior brain of a man
>superior looks of a woman
>superior anal orgasm
Kill yourself sodomite
Why do you think?! HUH?!
Also I love this board. I tr6 to talk about ww2 history tactics and politics. Thread gets closed or 404s.
Trap thread. Fills up quick
thank god, now i don't have to feel bad.
Going to sleep now.
>sexy body of a woman
>sexy penis of a man
Kill yourself sodomite Amerimutt
I for one welcome our new girldick overlords
Kill yourself mentally ill sodomite
What kind of person gets a tatoo of the company they work for? What if they get fired? God these youngsters are so naïve
mods do your fucking 'job'
Lol they seem to allow these kind of threads, but delete my history threads.
She was cute. Sad!
Kill yourself mentally ill sodomite weeaboo
You got any webms?
Nope, this has been a thing for quite while, it is simply more commonly accepted by the mainstream now since Sup Forums memed into op culture.
idk but post more
Pls post moar
That ass
>Trans activist focus on deplatforming and harrassment of radical feminists (terfs) instead of this
Beat him into Ronaldo.
Even my hospital has bunch feminine black guys who work there. One is transitioning into a female.
I have no problem with trans people,
I have a problem with trans people who don't go through the full process and cuck out when it's time to get their dick and balls removed.
The actual correct answer is that this is Social Justice Shilling
Mr. Dead tranny poster I appreciate and salute your good work and would love to see more of it in pro tranny/trap threads.
Thanks m8 appreciate it
>Why was margarine invented?
To replace butter and to give you cancer.
>Why are there so many lady boys recently?
To replace women and give you AIDS.
Wait my boner is confused which one is real then?
That's 倉持由香 and 吉田早希, very real and hot women.
Estrogen in the water
3rd wave Feminism
Want proof, look at all the "trans" people who refuse to have their dick and balls cut off and become fully women. Their not real transexuals, just confused mentally fucked up individuals whose hormones got screwed up because of outside forces.
Looks fake desu. They literally land 3 kicks in 45 seconds.
>dat ass
Dibs on green beret
because the roastie apocalypse has begun, and I welcome their replacements
>倉持由香 and 吉田早希
I think they were referring to the faggot in background
No. 吉田早希より尻職人と倉持由香の方がいいだよ
>superior fetish incoming
hospital = den of sodomy where everyone fucks each other and they all think they're smarter than you + on duty flesh mechanics.
NEETS without jobs or skills, plus, estrogens in the water
It's too bad most of them are fucking hideous. Maybe in another 10 years they will consistently be pretty
Yeah sure totally the obvious soynip sitting down my feminin penis totally all for that anus.
does nothing for me and people here call me a faggit all the time
Lol the same shit skin Colombian girl posting dead trannies. What's the matter sweetheart realize men prefer other "men" who look better than you and your rotten vagina
My lil benis being funy :DDDDDDDD
traps are eww
but anzu is cute
anzu is a trap
she(male) is cute
dumb frogposter
look at these edgelords posting tranny gore
It's the Jews unironically. They implant subliminal messages in media like the big bang theory, modern family, or star wars to cuck us and make us want to be grills. That's part of why they were so intent on getting control of the entertainment industry. It's also chemical too, they put chemicals in the drinking water and in cheap processed food. They also encourage abortions and having kids later as well which create womb conditions that raise the likelihood of having the gay disease 100 fold. I grew up in a liberal CA city and I can confirm after drinking the water and watching the entertainment and eating the cheap food I have constant tranny thoughts and want to be a girl. Trust me I can say with experience it's exactly (((who))) you think it would be that's causing this issue. This is part of (((their))) end game, to make a good portion of the aryan male population weak insane faggots, and use them to erode morals and an understanding of objective truth.
>implying you wouldnt
That is honestly terrifying
Absolutely disgusting
anzu lewds when?
primer behind the bullet
Why do you have a dead tranny fetish?
'cause women have jumped the shark with their never ending entitlement and fuckwittery so there's a gap in the market
and it turns out men are better at everything than women, even at being women
>Why are there so many lady boys recently?
Why work hard if you can just grow tits and wiggle them in front of a webcam.
They are like cattle.
praise KeK
>it's another 'trannies post dating profile angle shots of people who 'pass' in a desperate bid for validation' episode
You will never be a woman.
You will never have children.
You will never have a home.
You will never be accepted by society.
You can still turn back and undo the damage, unless you've turned your cock inside-out that is.
Like I said earlier it's one of the last phases of the (((plan))). Once people are no longer horrified by this it'll be over
We need to round them up and execute them if they refuse electroshock therapy. One of the biggest issues is actually the (((medical community))). They'll recommend hormones and cutting your dick off rather than actually helping you with this type of disease. We need a responsible treatment for this type of stuff, not dr. shekelstein wanting that mad ACA money from hormone therapy.
defiantly god tier posts
Had his beer goggles on!
Name pls?
>mfw I fucked a 16 year old lady boy who had been on hormones for three years
Feels GREAT man
Gee, that's odd Cletus. Let's see here...
>You will never be a woman.
But I already am, and under certain conditions your claiming otherwise is harrassment
>You will never have children.
Oh sweetheart, are you not familiar with sperm banking, surrogacy, and/or adoption? And that's before we get to things like CRISPR.
>You will never have a home.
I ~already~ have a home. It's nice, you should see it.
>You will never be accepted by society.
Society is a spook that doesn't exist. I'm accepted by the people I need to be, and the others don't matter.
You're so cute. Little scared white boi playing tough on the internet. Awwww. =)
Name's Jeff.
Hmm interesting is this why you want to become a Gentlemangirl?
pic or larping
Kill yourself irrelevant one
dunno mate
get a screen copy and ask them at Hung Angels
Fuck I use those same white and black headphones
>thinking I'm going to let you Shia LeBouf me.
I don't think so, Tim.
nah I just wanted a chat and a wank desu
Based tranny death poster.
May you bless every trap thread.
kys you disgusting freak. AGP is a disease not something you should embrace and accept. You're a monster who will never be accepted by society, stop trying to corrupt other peoples morals. You and your degeneracy allowed shekelstein to give me this failed gene in the womb, you should kill yourself faggot.