Is Distributism the final economic red pill?
Is Distributism the final economic red pill?
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So, what is it?
what is distributism, faggot?
This is just a very new blue pill
Sounds like a fancy name for communism.
>1 post by this ID
What's sharia blue trying to slide?
wont last but this is an important conversation to have.
never heard of it but the problem through all of this has been globalists.they need to be eradicated for us to do anything.
It is another economic system, thought up by some pope in the late 1800s, basically property should be evenly distributed across society.
capitalism is like a supercomputer with millions of processors crunching numbers.
socialism, or distributionism as op puts it, is like a supercomputer with only 1 processor trying to do everything, and it is a huge bottleneck and totally inefficient.
Collective capitalism is better. Keiretsu is sonething the west needs.
distributism isn't socialism.
my point is, the productivity and efficiency of capitalism IS distributing benefits to Everyone ever y hour of every day.
Venezuela had a distributionist economy, and now they have nothing, not even enough to eat, because productivity is so low.
>It is another economic system, thought up by some pope in the late 1800s, basically property should be evenly distributed across society.
That's just Communism. Distributionism is more like free market with a cap on how big any one entity can be. Think anti-trust laws being triggered at 5% market share. It isn't such a bad idea in many industries.
really we need to identify the problem,get data on bilderbergers,etc and then keep harping against their intrusion until they are excluded from everything.
look at soros man,he has made all of his fucking money off of trying to destroy entire countries'currency.china kicked him the fuck out,hungary has now kicked him the fuck out,we need to keep that up
>Collective capitalism
that sounds interesting but similar, what is it?
Distributism is a third way economic system.
The main principles:
>each worker should own what they need to work, i.e. A programmer should own his computer, a carpenter should own his tools
>capital should be owned by as many people as possible, but there are no stipulations about the equal distributuion of capital.
>distributism is a Christian economic system.
>it is market based
>trade unions are promoted
>essentially proto-corporatism
>capitalism is like a supercomputer with millions of processors crunching numbers.
It's way more like flocking behavior in birds. Dumb local rules producing A solution, not working toward any ultimate, utopian solution.
>that sounds interesting but similar, what is it?
It's similar to anarcho-fascism.
There is nothing saying property should be distributed evenly.
Distributism is about promoting capital ownership.
National Socialism?
>What's sharia blue trying to slide?
Maybe nobody is sliding anything and he just hadn't found anything worth replying to by the time you posted.
so like what Israel does when its first formed in the Bible
you know,that is a great way to defeat it if it somehow,someway it made it here.just refuse to work or do it so fuckin shitty that it might as well be.i guarantee you i wouldnt make anyth ing without smearing proverbial dogshit on it first
I hope you said "this" not in support of such faggotry, i work in a stock but i really like to keep my gf (guitar) and my other gf (computer)
It's a pretty cool system.
Pretty much just a protectionist mixed economy where the basis for economic decisions are based in Christian morality.
>Uses crusader flag
>Opposes distributism
Learn something about the history of your faith, child.
Show me the problem.
And government does things to promoted widespread ownership of capital, eg tax credits
The economic question is the corporation question wrapped in the examples of common economic interaction.
>Pretty much just a protectionist mixed economy where the basis for economic decisions are based in Christian morality.
whose decision? some faggot state employee? holy shit m8
This only works in extremeley small locally governed communities and still has several of the same key weaknesses both capitalism and communism have. The primary weakness being that you have a small centralized group of powerful individuals deciding where resources go and who gets them.
Ya know what happens when you have a small centralized ruling class put in charge of resouce distribution? They inevitably distribute everything to themselves.
The 1% of the worlds population who control the majority of the wealthare quickly becoming that centralized power.
This smells like communism.
No retard, the decisions of citizens faggot, not the state.
Kys in a gruesome way
I find it interesting, thats all.
We actually have a minor political party here that advocated for distributism, thats when I first heard of it. I'm not sure if it could work though.
like the idea of a more christian infused system but how do you implement that?
also say sales are down for 2 years,u gotta cut expenses and losses,how do you christian cut peoples jobs?
>Implying 4kids Sup Forums will understand anything outside it's >muh capitalism vs communism dichotomy
Kek, nice try OP.
I agree that it is best in small communities, but there is nothing stipulating that a centralized power must decide where capital goes.
>distributism? sounds like gommunism
nope! It’s a Catholic economic philosophy - while it does feature elements of redistribution, it has no aim toward equality of outcomes, no problem with private property, and no cockamamie plans about the means of production. Think of it as being like a universal basic income.
People would mostly work for themselves with distributism.
Its the system that Japan used after WW2 to build up its economy, they still use it today but more modified to a more global trade focused world.
Except that it's literally built around the ownership of private property, and the avoidance of centralization (see subsidiarity:
Well the protestant method was to declare that if theyre hungry it must be because they were being punished by god for laziness and to accept thier gruesome death.
The catholic method seems to be to tell them poverty is a virtue and that they should be happy that theyre hungry because its just going to make the glory of heaven even better after theyre done starving to death.
>>Implying 4kids Sup Forums will understand anything outside it's >muh capitalism vs communism dichotomy
its not outside of capitalism vs communism dichtomy
what this guy babbles about is 100% the thing that Marx and Engels wrote about
No it's not.
Ownership just forcefully change and after the system stays capitalist if it was capitalist.
It was widely done through the world with Agrarian Reforms.
How fucking stupid are you?
When I lived in germany for 2 years my wife actually worked for the church as an accountant.
Not a church, THE CHURCH. She said it was disgusting, that millions a week would pass through her office, then the church would give a family with a terminally ill kid a visit from somebody with a fancy hat and $200 for groceries and call it good.
The sheer volume of intake they have is exponentially larger than what they actually spend helping thier own people. After all silk robes and massive cathedrals filled witg gold candle holders and priceless historical artifacts dont come cheap.
Uhh, so what? has nothing to do with we are talking about, if anything this just shows how bad capitalism is.
actually i think our form of capitalism works exceedingly well.look at the strength we have and the things we have built .just need to keep people like soros,imf ,rotschild motherfuckers from fuckin with it
every distributism thread goes the same way with retards conflating it with communism.
someone's already even misspelled it as distributionism
I tend to agree.
We just need to address the role of corporations, or entities that can exert influence over government.
Yeah any time a Sup Forumsyp hears anything that sounds like "sharing" they automatically go into red scare mode.
Fucking retards.
i like the catolic one.put all communisys in cali and let em have catholic same time they can go super duper gay on each other with the priests.
Besides the truly prescient economic question is what to do with corporations and other large entities that can influence government.
A new hegelian dialectic to bring about communism under a new -ist/ism.
I'm gonna print this post out and nail it to the door of my local Catholic church.
Can you please explain why this seems like communism?
aint no scare chief ur livin under its tenets right now.all those niggers in your face are george soros' socialist soldiers,ready to make you share everything you earn and at same time rape ur wife while you watch.that IS communism,ur livin it
Then you know fuckall about communism.
In other words : communism... again.
“totally not communism, promised!“ yeah, nice try...
Distributionism is a catholic economic theory. Boiled down its basically: give the church all your money and they will decide who needs it more.
Im not very keen on an economic principle derived from a story about a guy magically replicating bread 5,000 times.
Absolute brainlets, communism, or socialism is when the workers own the means of production, nothing more, nothing less.
And no, I'm not in favor of it.
You're a straight up nigger tier thinker.
As an ancap you should be all for this. This is a realistic path for ancap.
>if anything this just shows how bad capitalism is.
> Free people cooperating freely is bad
Hm kay alright, communist scum. Go back to your neo-feudalist plantation, stockholm slave scum.
Theft is immoral
You're beyond retarded, seek help.
it is the same thing man, wtf you don't understand, you let the state in charge of your income, and the state is always filled with deranged idealist and other kinds of filth, you should know best
Look who it is again, ID /eANTKNv. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "/eANTKNv" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
>people freely associating and cooperating is exclusive to capitalism
Return to plebbit they miss you
Because those fuckheads don’t know what communism is so they call anything that isn’t laissez-faire capitalism communist.
tenets of vs. reality
reality is what we live in,all that matters is how it plays out on the street
This thread just goes to show how retarded the so called "capitalists" in this thread are (and perhaphs in real life), all they can scream is communism and not think rationally.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Economic dipshit: you just described socialism. In a communist society there *isn’t* a state.
I want you to spend time considering what the most gruesome way to commit suicide would be for you and I want you to do it.
That’s because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
Yea ok
Well you 3 enlightned beings, then tell us how you do distribute the goods fairly among the population
>I want you to spend time considering what the most gruesome way to commit suicide would be for you and I want you to do it.
that sounds like something plebbit trumper would say, did you forget your kekistani flag?
>He thinks stalin wasn't the head of state
So basically what we have now is the best fuckin system ever devised because we have evidence of the massive failures of all other systems.
We just need to fine tune it and protect it from outside influence.
Without soros and other jews with their filthy fingers all over our shit you know how good everyone woukd have it?
fucking mexicans would be driving gold plated bmws that they got from own8 ng tortilla companies not slinging coke
Stupid fuck: I didn’t say I”m a communist. But I *do* actually fucking know what communism entails. Unlike you’re retarded ass that shouts “communist” at anything that is free market capitalism.
Fuck head, this is not about taking people's shit and giving it to others.
It's about promoting property ownership which leads to a decentralized economy.
At no point would anyone have their shit taken.
lolbertarians are only good at debating leftists, with anything else they're just jew/ corporate shills
Define “communism”. I’ll wait while you try to google it.
not distributism
we're on the same team retard
everyones shit is someone elses shit
Check em
>while it does feature elements of redistribution
>it has no aim toward equality of outcomes
you just contradicted yourself
You really are fucknig retarded. How the fuck do you even get out of bed without getting hit by a car or punched in the mouth?
The Soviets never achieved communism not did they claim to. Stalin was nominally a Marxist-Leninist and implemented a policy of “socialism in one country”. Whether or not the dude even really thought they could achieve communism if pretty fucking debateable.
But not for you, since you know fuckall about Marxism.
Not quite, the dissolution of monopolies is considered laissez
Very glib. Want to try again?
Fuck off commie. You ain't getting MY shit to "distribute evenly".
Never mind, we aren't on the same team Marxist scum fucker
just for fun also
>so we give everyone an equal sized lot of land
by force i guess
>some lots are better than others
>some have better locations
and are people allowed to buy other lots? thus like today owning a lot of land while others own little?
is this some farming society? what happens to cities
seems not only total shit but also would destroy any country that tried it
similar to communism
>commies weren't real commies
ok there schlomo. Communism's never been tried.
Communism involves the abolition of private property whereas this is everyone getting their own private property.
Being a retard, this will come as a shock to you: it’s actually possible to understand things you don’t agree with. I’m not a Marxist, but I’m not a stupid fuck that’s never bothered to actually find out what Marxists think. Don’t worry though, you’re obviously the type of dickhead that’s proud of not knowning things.
It's not really about land. It's about capital.
>Under such a system, most people would be able to earn a living without having to rely on the use of the property of others to do so.
so its just being a peasant... or more accurately being Amish today
not really because i know i dont fuckin want it but if you like you can libsplain it.
i just dont see how anyone can argue against the success of free market capitalism.sure theres crony capitalism but id argue that would be partbof restructuring we can do,set aside money for safe housing with mental health treatment.already been successful programs with that