How can we tackle the BLACKED epidemic?
How can we tackle the BLACKED epidemic?
>BLACKED epidemic
the epidemic of the fact that black men are the least desirable to white and asian women?
but anyway, we should gas pathetic white nu-males like boogie
God damn, what a man child.
Dumb boogie
How fucking much of a blind faggot you have to be to not see that your wife is riding the nigger cock carousel?
Anyone with a functioning brain could see she is a gold digger and now is ejecting with her golden parachute while the money is still there because adpocolypse fucked his income
> (OP)
>How fucking much of a blind faggot you have to be to not see that your wife is riding the nigger cock carousel?
But but but he's gay! as if they never heard of bisexuals before in their fucking life
Shut up and start PAYING
Serves that fat cuck right, I lol at his existence
There is no epidemic. Only white women that fuck niggers are either very overweight or extreme whores. It simply doesn't happen otherwise.
Everytime he uploads a video i imagine his wife getting pound with the force of a twomp on cocaine...i hope she leaks the videos tho.
>One of her friends
Boogie, I have bad news for you...
>How can we tackle the BLACKED epidemic?
I see single white moms with mulatto babies running around all the time. No dad in sight of course.
Maybe we can make Asian men be fashionable to fuck instead of black men. Asian men don't run off.
LMAO! he should just end himself
By not talking about it or making memes about.
Seriously, the memes we use to influence the real world work for and against us.
Meme magic works.
t. r/asianmasculinity
What epidemic? I rarely see black/white relationships irl. People on here are obsessed with it for some reason.
>White Americans were statistically the least likely to wed interracially, though in absolute terms they were involved in interracial marriages more than any other racial group due to their demographic majority. 2.1% of married White women and 2.3% of married White men had a non-White spouse. 1.0% of all married White men were married to an Asian American woman, and 1.0% of married White women were married to a man classified as "other".
>in home help
Is that what the cucks are calling it now?
Does he want us to pay for that, too?
I hate this faggot. He got bullied by Anita Sarkessian. Literally bullied by a woman. Total faggot.
Pretty sure he will and it will be on youtube.
Y'all don't realize that this era is an era of great opportunity to white men.
Due to over indulgence and laziness, the bar of expectation is severely lowered. This means that if YOU get your shit together, get yourself in shape, get yourself educated and somewhat socially fluent, you are the top of the pyramid.
From my experience in the REAL WORLD, not on mongolian basket weaving forums, white men who are in shape are the cream of the crop to women. Of all races.
He can pay. With his life.
There’s something very satisfying about watching an ashy cock get moisturized by white puss.
I walk out and all I see is ir couples everywhere. Even my mum brought a black dude home. Hell, even I brought a black dude home.
Get a life
Crazy eyes
try not being a massive,fat slob that believes his wife is with him for anything other than Youtube bux
He has brain cancer guys, don't make jokes about him please
t. coal burning roastie whore