>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #43 (her name was Kate) 12/9/17
>Pres Trump speech @opening for Civil Rights Museum 12/9/17
>Pres Trump departing FL for Jackson MS 12/9/17
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally @Pensacola FL 12/8/17
>AF1 Takeoff for Pensacola FL 12/8/17
>Pres Trump departing DC for Pensacola FL 12/8/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence swearing in DHS Sec Nielsen 12/8/17
>AG Sessions roundtable on drug policy 12/8/17
>SoS T-Rex presser w/FrenchFM 12/8/17
>StateDep DepSec Sullivan on counterterrorism in africa 12/8/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Jewrusalem 12/8/17
>TrumpTV: Lara+Madison talk draining the swamp 12/8/17
>TrumpVid: I kept my promises, others didnt! 12/8/17
>This week @State 12/8/17
>Pres Trump hosts Hanukkah Reception 12/7/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Congressional Leadership 12/7/17
>Pres Trump signs Pearl Harbor Remembrance Proclamation 12/7/17
OP pastebin:
Can someone explain to me why "thot" has become so popular? It's basically a redundantly long version of "ho".
>toad face
Holy fucking shit...
Newness of this newfag...
Niggers tongue my anus like every day man
Who still pumped from yesterday's rally?
Obama going around talking to people really bothers me. Something is wrong there.
not just any ho
that ho over there
I would blame JoJo and Thot Patrol shitposts on Jewtube.
He definitely needs to lurk mor
God blesh the United stashe
Has a more forceful pronunciation. "Ho" ends on a soft vowel; "thot" ends on a hard vowel and a consonant. It sounds more derogatory.
Trump rallies are better than sex, but unironically.
>God bless the user who posted this
Why do most digital State news copy-paste bs from AP and whatnot ?
Are we getting our American Empire?
Cause whatever.
yeah no shit
but people use it in context like "she is a thot" which makes no sense anyway
>toad face
What kind of autist names his computer?
It's like charles manson going around and talking to district attournies
Because in the old days, newspapers were the only way AP could deliver news to the masses.
>State Assemblyman Matt Dababneh announced his resignation Friday, days after three women accused him of sexual misconduct, including a lobbyist who said he followed her into a restroom and masturbated in front of her.
>The Democrat from Encino (Los Angeles County) is the second California assemblyman to resign within two weeks and the third lawmaker in the Capitol to face sexual misconduct accusations from multiple women.
>You may post once
>Do not engage with them
>Do not reply to them
>The attack is psychological
>Post once then close the tab
High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red).
>Toad face
>we don't like Google censoring shit so we're going to give ISPs power to censor shit too
What could possibly go wrong?
>watching the Pensacola rally
>look at the crowd
>notice a lot of the crowd is black
Didn't really expect that.
legendary cover
>If anything I'd trust Jewgle more because they're more incompetent with everything like "suppressing fake news"
>If anything I'd trust Jewgle more
Please, user.
For sake of genepool.
Kill yourself.
>not expecting blacks in the south
Really, it doesn't really matter if it's California, since they'll just replace him with another dem
Then why do Dems want to continue to raise taxes?
I named my computer once. Took a crane to get it out.
AP is considered a reliable source so people just report on their reports. Been that way for a long time. That's a good front page in your pic.
It would be great if it did had more conservatives writing local news.
Maybe they noticed the Dems are crashing and burning and decided to jump ship.
>After his clerkship, Rosenstein joined the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. From 1990 to 1993, he prosecuted public corruption cases as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, then led by Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller.
This is how Rosenstein knows Mueller.
>Mueller, along with deputy attorney general James Comey, threatened to resign from office, in March 2004, if the White House overruled a Department of Justice finding that domestic wiretapping without a court warrant was unconstitutional.
This is how Mueller knows Comey
>In May 2011, Barack Obama asked Mueller to continue at the helm of the FBI for two additional years beyond his normal 10-year term, which would have expired on September 4, 2011. The Senate approved this request on July 27, 2011. On September 4, 2013, Mueller was replaced by James Comey.
With this situation, Comey would have been able to serve under Hillary Clinton until 2023 had she won.
>Clinton controversially issued 141 pardons and 36 commutations on his last day in office on January 20, 2001. Most of the controversy surrounded Marc Rich and allegations that Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham, accepted payments in return for influencing the president's decision-making regarding the pardons. Federal prosecutor Mary Jo White was appointed to investigate the pardon of Rich. She was later replaced by then-Republican James Comey, who found no wrongdoing on Clinton's part. Some of Clinton's pardons remain a point of controversy.
Comey is essentially a glorified legal hitman for the Clintons.
Why did people ever think Mueller was on Trump's side? Why the fuck did Sessions pick Rosenstein as Deputy AG?
Well, that's demonstrably wrong.
>said he followed her into a restroom and masturbated in front of her.
Ok. Once rich whitey dies off in NY, CA, NJ, and CT they will be huge net burdens. They already take up most of our welfare rolls regardless. Also they should republican voters subsidize democrat voters.
Not an argument.
Apparently Joe Scarborough is not a big fan of Trump.
Do you just buy computers already set up or something? You name your computer during setup. Do you just leave it as is? What kind of heatless man doesn't name his computer?
Guys, be nice to Joe. Not his fault he's Joe.
dim-socialists love government.
The UK is breaking the conditioning, one red pill at a time...
Kek liberals now hate Army and Navy
Hard T and CK sounds make for aurally superior slurs. And blacks don't use "slut" for some reason so they needed an equivalent term.
Today in subtly fake news:
A reasonably balanced article in The Hill about H1B visas forcing companies to hire more Americans... coupled with an editorial decision to show a picture of an old white farm worker at the top.
The obvious implication to the low-info voter who doesn't bother to read the article is that this H1B shit Trump has been talking about is about forcing companies to do low skill, low wage jobs that "Americans don't want to do anyway"
When of course, the overwhelming majority of these are graduate jobs.
>Is that for here or to go?
wat do?
>net neutrality for the thousandth fucking time
The Western Internet is fucked, OK? Whether or not we have NN won't do dick. You want people to fight Pai with you; you shouldn't have branded the fight for NN as fucking part of the #resistance.
But CNN told us every black hates Trump
>this is actually getting animated
They always did
Perhaps. Right now the focus is giving America a tax cut for Christmas.
rural retards btfo once more. I wish we were as smart as those city people.
to go, and then eat it on your plane
That picture doesn't refute AP findings though.
>It is true that taxpayers in high-tax states benefit the most from the deduction. However, these states send far more tax dollars to Washington than residents in low-tax states.
>most high-tax states send more money to Washington than they get back in federal spending.
>Most low-tax states make a profit from the federal government’s system of taxing and spending.
Funny but, it means absolutely nothing here.
>Why did people ever think Mueller was on Trump's side?
They didn't?
>Why the fuck did Sessions pick Rosenstein as Deputy AG?
He didn't; Rosenstein was appointed by Obama.
Desu people need to pay more for groceries that are produced by citizens.
I was fucking shocked. Very nervous after messing up Kino
>>this is actually getting animated
I guess this is why CA, IL, and NY all owe massive amounts of money to the federal gov't?
Who /navy/ here?
>You want people to fight Pai with you; you shouldn't have branded the fight for NN as fucking part of the #resistance
It's not my fault Reddit went and ruined everything as usual.
>Battle For the Net
I fucking hate them.
just a computer what's the big deal
Naw, fuck colonialism, shit's too expensive. We're going for a Republic that just happens to have the military power of an Empire.
You're given the option to name the computer at the very beginning of the setup most of the time
Useful for identifying if there are multiple computers in a house
Also it's required for some programs to work on certain Sup Forums approved operating systems
Why would you not? Do you just name all of your computers the default name they came from the factory with?
>he followed her into a restroom and masturbated in front of her
he stole harvey's signature move
what, they ruined ore no yome?
Does this analysis take SALT into account? Or the proportion of welfare that each state uses? Because I imagine CA and NY would skew the numbers by themselves.
I literally give zero fucks about any of this. How could you care about this? You have zero control over ANY of it. People are insane.
Metro does not have to post Christmas ads from the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, a federal judge ruled late Friday.
Metro had rejected the ads based on 2015 policies that ban ads “that promote or oppose any religion, religious practice or belief,”.
The archdiocese had asked for an injunction that would have ordered Metro to post the ads on buses across the region.
In this case, the judge found that while buses are controlled by a government agency, since Metro’s advertising restrictions are not based on whether the agency opposes the advertiser’s particular views, the rules are likely legal and reasonable.
>“The advertisement does not seek to address a general, otherwise permissible topic from a religious perspective — the sole purpose of directing the public to is to promote religion. The website declares: ‘JESUS is the perfect gift. [F]ind the perfect gift of God’s love this Christmas,’” the judge wrote.
>The judge rejected the notion that Metro is endorsing the commercialization of Christmas by accepting ads for gifts or sales.
>“[W]hile messages from retail establishments may be a manifestation of the commercialization and consumerism that characterize our society in general, and they may reflect the merchants’ aim to profit from the gift-giving activity, all that they convey is: if you are buying a gift for any reason during the current season, bring your business to us,” the judge wrote, adding that similar ads run all year round.
Judge Jackson found the archdiocese is not likely to succeed as the case moves forward on its claims based on free speech or other First Amendment concerns, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or based on a claim that Metro’s rules are being inconsistently applied.
imagine if you got left behind because you tried to order some special fuckign snowflake burger.
We don't even have conservatives here writing, the only thing they produce is a digital newspaper called midiasemmascara - media without mask.
It's conservative, no bias, just reporting on news.
I doubt it's Joe, it's a newfag that's trying to fit in with a meme flag, he needs to LURK MOR
>Yesterday, Boston University and WBUR received some allegations against Tom Ashbrook. Tom will be on leave from his duties at WBUR while an outside organization hired by Boston University examines these allegations. We will decide a course of action after getting the results of this investigation
whathefuck it wasnt Chen with twintails?
hey burgers, how's the wall looking?
Yeah Kino is a disappointment. Fortunately SSR is a fucking gem and unironically kino as fuck. Next season looks a little dull, I'm hoping Violet Evergarden isn't trash.
They can have this victory, we'll be collecting salt after the SCOTUS rules in favor of cake man.
>that incomplete swastika
real cheeky boys...
Is it normal for the line to be out the door on election day? Last year I had to wait almost an hour to vote.
>billionaire but such poor taste in food
>Not eating the finest food possible wherever you go
Why is Trump such a food pleb? Love him to death but this is the one thing that niggles me like his refusal to eat sushi.
The average person will spend more time with their computer than most anything, doing all their work and social media communication on there. Why not name it? You interact with it every day. Also you didn't answer any of my questions, I'm assuming you just use computers out of a box. You are prompted to name your computer any time you make one.