KiraKira Precure a la Mode
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I wanna whip her cream.
I can't believe M*ho is really about to end.
Reminder that Maho is actually good
Don't let any elitist no fun allowed GoPrifag tell you otherwise
I know. Truly a miracle.
Shut the fuck up.
Reminder that this is a krkr thread and M*honiggers aren't welcome.
What are some good tragic Precure doujins? I want the good stuff not dumb "girl gets mind broken and becomes addicted to sex" fluff.
Mirai will always be the cutest girl in the whole world!
I fucking love this guy's style. So much so that I bought one of his doujins once.
4 days until Maho ends.
Girls wearing only whipped cream, one of my fetishes.
>precure gets a lion
>it's fucking blue
I want to FUCK a cure.
Wanna hug me, user?
Good pic.
I just want to hug your tail.
What's wrong with that?
I wish they did Maho Girls Max Heart instead of Kira Kira.
If you don't mind futas, all of the Gerupin ones are amazing.
>virgin rage
So this is the average Mahotard.
Why are Urara's transformation and special attack so much better than the rest of the group in GoGo?
The animators have yellow fever.
Some animators really loved her
Does the new OP come out before the first episode, or is that the first time we get to hear it properly?
You can already hear part of it in some of the PVs that have come out.
Full version to be released at the beginning of March.
I'm a little surprised she's not Cure Cookie.
Or Biscuit.
Or something other than actually macaron.
Japanese fucking love macarons. Doesn't surprise me.
Little girls love macaroons. It's an unwritten law you have to include them in little girl anime or it's not really little girl anime.
Is it too much to ask that we get a proper full-team henshin, rather than bits of the individual ones clipped together?
Kirara Precure?
The best kind.
You know, I have never seen any evidence of this supposed shadow cabal of "elitist gopricks" that hate maho just for not being gopri -even though most goprifags like other fun seasons like smile, heartcatch, fresh and suite. people don't dislike maho because it's not gopri. people dislike maho because it's boring, has flat characters and doesn't know what it wants to be half the time. this whole "elitist gopricks" thing just comes across as a butthurt strawman and a defense mechanism because you can't deal with people openly hating your favorite show.
>other fun seasons like smile, heartcatch, fresh and suite
Hey Heartcatch, Fresh, and Suite are great.
Smile is the very definition of fun. Are you autistic?
I know, that's not the problem with that list. Was that hard to imagine?
And no.
>stil dressing like a 10 years old
She will be a Womanchild?
>still spelling like a 2 years old
He will be a Illiterate?
>she eats a macaron
What did they mean by this?
Well to be fair she is taking her stuffed teddy bear to university
Maybe she was into raving.
It's like you have never meet a Japanese woman in your life.
Kira will unite /u/, /pc/ and fujoshits disguised as normal anons.
>What did they mean by this?
Little girls doing little girl things in little girl ways
Why was Alice best doki?
Are there full subs or only this image? I will watch them.
Well fuck. Now I want to resub all of Doki.
Will the Kiras have boyfriends?
Macaron already has a boyfriend (female)
No Chocolate is a lesbo
Ichika is dating Aoi! the other kira's are straight.
Heck no, keep creepy hetshit out of precure please.
Either squirrel or gao will have a date episode.
Do you want see squirrel be all awkward and flustered because there's something she can't calculate and out-brain?
Or do you want see usually-brave gao to be sheepish and shy because she's feeling things she's never felt before?
Asking a heavy question there, amigo.
Yukari's boyfriend is me.
I want to see dog on a date with a girl.
>all these (You)'s
What did /pg/ mean by this.
What's that?
Palestine General?
Did you feel anything when Moonlight finally transformed again?
I love this shot so much.
The Pink is super cute. Pity about the two on the outside.
>tfw Still no Aoi cure
Wasting her cute voice in some garbage edgy show
>GAO telling me "hello there, aniki"
This, team should be just cunnybunny, creamdemon and gao. Old hags should just die.
>one sock up, one sock down
what could it mean
It's foreshadowing.
Two cures enter the final battle, one shall stand, one shall fall.
Yet my feet don't touch the ground!
She's a delinquent.
Blues are typically really smart. This one is really dumb.
She's a dancer.
i dunno, why dont you ask this little lady?
Maho seems more like a slice of life anime with magical girl inspiration than an actual magical girl anime
i dunno, why dont you ask this little lady?
Are all Precure seasons not like this? I thought slice of life elements in a modern setting were a defining part of the genre.
Do you guys like da ojamajos?
I really want to watch it, but I'm getting to the point I have to force myself to watch anime and it would probably take me years to finish it.
I find watching shows with other people helps with that. You could try watching a stream with chat if you don't have any friends.
I need to get back to. I really enjoyed the few episodes I watched.
Oh god, if only.
Trying to find more than a few anime with absolutely no slice of life elements would be a pretty special challenge.
It's really fucking good so far. It has a lot of amazing episodes at least from what I've seen so far. I've watched more than half of the second season so far.
This guy is obsessed with Megs
She had s*x.
it only keeps getting better too
although some people prefer sharp to motto which depends on your magical baby tolerance