Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses for cover of gay magazine Attitude
It's just Trudeau being Trudeau
Why doesn't he just come out of the closet already in public? Who is he going to surprise at this time?
is he wearing womens shoes?
>the invisible epidemic
AIDS? kek
He's secretly a huge homophobe. That's why he goes to Muslim parties and wears muslim socks during gay pride festivals. He hates that he's gay and will one day purge the land of all queers, as Allah instructed.
What happened to Canada?
I'm not the least bit surprised desu
>worshipped by gays
>worshipped by muslims
which one is he cheating on?
>heeled boots
>women's shoes
Well, he is a fag y'know.
Keep dreaming. But I'd respect Allah if that happened. In the mean time you guys all seem to be LARP.
whose the hottie in pink?
hes manipulating everybody hes a sneaky frog
Wow that is so fucking gay
I forgot, this is the type of world you would rather live in. Find salvation before it is too late.
What do Canadian normies think of Trudeau? By normies I mean working and middle class whites who aren't in the top or bottom 20% of the Nazi-to-SJW scale.
You will quickly find there is reason why Allah demands all infidels be purged.
And Islam would be a better world?
I already found salvation and it isn't through Allah. Reveal flag?
No, he's an Ontarian Torontoman. He speaks french with an anglocuck accent.
Even his dad is hated in Quebec.
Islam purges such degeneracy from the world. Only 40% of Muslims want Sharia Law, and that is a problem. If the world were to accept Islam, there would be less hatred, less war. Women should dress modestly and behave with respect. Men should be positive role models for their children and wives.
But wouldn't I be betraying my Christian ancestors to convert to Islam?
> If the world were to accept Islam, there would be less hatred, less war.
Accept or die? Right on, definitely winning the centrist here.
>Women should dress modestly and behave with respect. Men should be positive role models for their children and wives.
You don't need islam for that, just remove liberals.
The real crime is jeans with a blazer. I thought the gays were supposed to be fashionable.
>Less degenerate than contemporary westerners
Oh yeah tell me again how fucking your cousins and raping a teen for not being dressed as a trashbag is less degenerate than crazy deminishits existing in the West, Machmud
Duck you, dzcj your suhman Arab desert cult and fuxk Muhamutt, Piss be upon him
Oh and it twice as pathethic being a paki, basically paneer Arab raoekids and advocating for pisslam
Yeah we would man. If we have to we can make them do our bidding and reverse the trend but that's really really risky of it turning into a holy war. Better we sort our own problems out then giving up.
This maggots dadmakes the Cathy o Brown book... Just sayin.
That's a strategy. He's plotting a civil war between gays and muslims
he really looks like a fag.
Sick of his shit. We all see Canada's in the red and that clown is throwing hundreds of million in aid at every foreign shitholes he can in between apologies to every minority imaginable because whitey opressed them at some point
Allah is the Christian and Muslim God. You would only be betraying the false prophet Jesus.
It is better to inbreed than to make children with a woman that does not respect others.
Americans romanticize "give me liberty or give me death" but do not understand how other peoples could believe the same thing.
>in islam women should dress modestly and behave with respect
So why do they still execute women for adultery in arab countries? Something tell me even islam it's not enough to tame women
>lets ISIS back into Canada because we can rehab them with feels
>also I love fags
pick one you useless muppet
God damn it if the giant hobbit Scheer doesn't win I'm moving to the USA
Trudeau Sr. flooded it with immigrants and queers
Demography is destiny
Well at least he's not crying again.
Islam does not suffer from the Feminist degeneracy that White countries suffer. There are women that expose themselves but they are few.
Americans hear of one isolated incident, one little girl cries, and think it is all Islam. Not true. Many are happy with Islam and choose Islam. Americans would declare war to stop one child from crying.
>have a golden opportunity to get a majority win and they pick a devout christfag anti-fag marriage and pro-lifer to represent them in the current Canada
Libs sick of Trudeau will turn to fucking Jagmeet and enough of them might just do it for the NDP to get a strong presence in a minority Cons government
lol ok
Yeah, he wasn't the best pick but he is affable and charming in a goofy kind of way, and if you follow his social media you'll see he's not pushing his christfag agenda at all. He's also tall as fuck which will play well in TV debates.
I don't think there are enough Poos to give Pajeet a win. He'll split the left between weedfags voting for Trudeau again and race virtue signallers with a hard-on for first whatever color whatever office win.
I would have been a lot happier with Bernier but maybe Canada isn't ready for a crazy libertarian.
Women and immigrants
I suppose this person is you, because here is a picture of her. Can you see how your logic is flawed? One girl does not answer for 25% of world population. Please do not respond thoughtlessly.
He's waiting for the next election to get more votes.
Well, he's gay, so.. it makes sense I guess
Really? Is there any other option?
>he doesn't know about the iranian revolution
your culture is garbage, sorry m8. Generations of inbreeding have made you functionally retarded.
It would be best to choose Islam than die an infidel.
Iranians are not all Muslims. You disregarded what I said, and posted thoughtlessly. I asked you not to do this.
Look at the state of your media. It makes fun of a person by making them small. You are the small ones, to alter your perspective so often without considering Islam. Yet you claim to be diverse. You are an Islamophobic xenophobe.
Everywhere islam is a majority is a shit tier hellhole. In some places (Dubai, SA) it's only a hell on earth for nonbelievers. In others (Iraq, Libya, Yemen) it's a shithole for everyone.
GTFO Sup Forums, and go shag a donkey stupid fucking sandnigger.
>2nd pic
Someone put a toilet plunger on his face please.
The absolute state of Cucknadians
"Everything is allowed in Islam except that which is expressedly forbidden." "Let's ignore the law of the land because it's not sharia!"
checked n' kek'd
Closet faggot
Damn, she's hot.
What the fuck is he doing?
No.You are just bunch or inbred retards. If white people wished so they would finish your race and Islam in one day. You live because we let you to live. When we fix the West we will wipe out your medieval cult.
Isn't this cultural appropriation according to SJW logic?
Trudeau is a child
Bony ass bitch that is not sexy.
Remember folks the muslim definition of gay does not include boy love and taking turns fucking boys in the ass. Trudeau is likely a homophobe by the muslim definition
This reminds me of the british cops with heels and nailpolish; it is humiliation.
The intention is breaking down whiteness and shit. Cant respect a man that allows this.
Just come and take the country, islam. Trudy is out iceskating.
Allah has sex with pigs and drinks pig sperm.
Faggot detected.
I wish I were gay. Crushing on cute guys like Justin seems a lot more fun than liking boring girls...
He looks like a woman.
Fuck diversity, fuck Islam and fuck you. Diversity is the last thing we support so go back to raping goats and children you degenerate.
He's waiting for the sexual assault charges to drop before he pulls a Spacey.
i like this leaf
damn full house