What is Shinji thinking here?
What is Shinji thinking here?
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What every straight man, even a pathetic piece of shit like Shinji, would be thinking in that situation.
"I thought penguins slept standing up"
>"if only she was a boy"
I wonder what her panties smell like after she's been to the toilet.
I want Asuka to sit on my face and smother my nose with her butthole.
stupid sexy penguin ass
How the fuck does he handle himself? I mean I see Asuka as daughterfu but just look at this. No wonder she was pissed off he didn't try anything, you need to be a complete retard not to when she's flirting like that
He was thinking of Kaworu
The important question is: what was Pen^2 thinking there?
Did anyone else get Raising Project 17 today? I guess there's only one more volume to go, it's been fun guys.
>I wonder if Kaworu has such a fat ass
He's wishing this smelly girl would get the fuck out of his room.
user you're a third party observer who's obviously much older than a 14 year old kid, and probably not as screwed up from years of neglect and abuse. That would be like me asking "How don't you understand exactly why shinji is reluctant to act?"
He has no confidence and hates himself. That's how.
>shit, we run out of snacks, this fat bitch ate all the chips
"Would smash that firebush like the fist of an angry god. But goddamn is that bitch fucking crazy. Fuck it, I'm visiting the five girls on rosey palm ave tonight"
also, hes gay
Stop projecting user
Dude, if he was only a faggot his life would be improved a thousand fold.
He is a flaming homo. Did you even watch the show?
>implying he isnt
in the entire series he claims to love only one person
Niggas like you are the ones who shit me the most. Kaworu was the only one who was openly affectionate toward shinji, everybody else was either outright hostile (his dad, asuka, pretty much everyone at school) or manipulative (pretty much every older woman in the show) or didn't give enough of a shit to even talk to him. You're worse than yurishitters with your insistence that every male friendship that has an imbalanced power dynamic is homoerotic.
You're a stain on anime fandom and your memes are shit. Fuck you.
But Toji and his pal also became his friends
I watched a show where he said her name a thousand times. It was probably not the same show you saw.
>your insistence that every male friendship that has an imbalanced power dynamic is homoerotic.
stfu faggot, toji and the other guy were firends with shinji, but with kaworu shit was full homo
>What is Shinji thinking here?
Why did you quote that part and do exactly what it says you would do? Nigga you dumb.
What Asuka thinking is more important in this scene
Rewatch this scene and listen to the TV playing in the background
For those who don't have it in their collection right now what was the tv playing? It would be helpful to those who have never seen the show too.
I've only saved 2-3 images from the series, and that's one of them.
Yeah, dude actually has sexual attraction to the women in it.
He's just seriously fucked up.
If he was a fag you could easily explain away his lack of pussy with him secretly wanting dick and even have him be completely out in the series would be refreshing.
Actually the fujo would throw money at this shit if this was the case.
Hell the biggest problem shinji probably had was having two cray bitches he wanted to fuck but treated him like shit or didn't react to him at all a few cougars that were playing with his dick and his heart an asshole dad and the closest thing he has to a decent and even healthy relationship being with a flaming queen who obviously wants his dick.
He has only two options to get out of EVA and not be fucked up.
Stop giving a shit about everyone, become a sociopathic semi-rapist, fuck and discard bitches left and right and kill gendo.
Become a fag and fag it up with kaworu.
>I wanna Pen Pen Pen Pen's Pen Pen
Where are her nipples?
Sybil called. Said your coeficient was showing.
something about penis goes in vagina
Asuka is so desperate.
Psycho pass is fucking retarded.
>Asuka walks around the house with ultra short-shorts
>gives him a clear view of her ass
Truly disgusting. No wonder he turned homo
Asuka is for gangbangs.
He fucked Asuka watch the movie
Not really, that was just everyone being one in Instrumentality not sex.
"Gee, I sure wish OP would stop being a cockmongling retard and stop making substanceless threads."
They still end together with the duty to repopulate the earth. You lose fujo
Gut yourself along with your fanwank, shipper. For the thousadnth time Yui says anyone can come back.
I almost prefer fujos to faggots like you.
Shorts are the best.
>obvious Sup Forums transplant cancer that's probably not even a secondary makes a post
>doesn't kill himself
What gives?
Lookit my Eva mugs arrived! Now I can drink my tea indifferently to all!
Care to stop blogposting? We saw your post the first time.
Anyone but not Kaworu, he was an angel and will remain dead.
No he doesn't.
Asuka is litterally a rotting corpse inside of the remains of Unit 2.
That thing on the beach is something Shinji conjoured up out of thin air.
I just got back from the post office though.
Got a NERV mug last month.
My mother was really pissed because I spent almost €30 on a mug.
I'm not a shipper so I don't operate under the premise of anyone not dead having to have some sort of pairing.
Do you ever clean?
Great headcanon fanfiction man, almost as good as re-take
All the time, why?
>fucking a girl with a penquin in the room
That's impolite man.
>it's another "you're either gay or straight bisexuality don't real" thread
>it's another shitty Eva thread
nigga they resurrect shinji from a fucking EGO, that thing is as much asuka as shinji is shinji
What is Shinji thinking here?
Just looking at your dirty stove
"I really hope these faggots stop trying to force this thread."
>it's another mentally ill person defends mental illness post
He's attracted to breasts, something a man doesn't have because well, he's gay after all.
How many could she handle?
All other anime is shit so whatever.
Lurk more fuckface.
Samefag should be bannable. Kill yourself.
>fag posts fag shit
What a surprise
He saw her vulva
You sound like a very angry person
That's not headcanon. Bitch is actually fucking dead.
If the tang can brings back dead people then the orange ocean should cover the entire fucking earth and be miles deep.
Shinji just became that ego shit. Prototang. His soul/At field was still in there.
After he was forcefully birthed from his mother/mecha he was the same person.
Asuka was litterally skewered and dead long before the great tanging.
You would be too if you've been witness to this fandom as long as I have.
Interesting headcanon.
Look, bud, Geroge Washington isn't going to emerge from the tangy pools and take up the ruins of the White House. That doesn't mean dead people can't come back, it juist extends to the recently deceased. Would it kill any of you mouthbreathing newfags to do your own research before posting?
>What do you mean? You're the one that wanted to break up!
>I was wrong. I wasn't thinking back then.
>I don't know about you but I'm a different person now!
>But I still love you!
>Time and people are two things that can't be turned back to the way they were!
>I can never go back to the way I was!
>But I really do still love you!
>I'm telling you it's impossible!
>it took me three years to forget you! It's too late!
>It would be helpful to those who have never seen the show too.
You do realize those "people" shouldn't even be browsing this thread, right?
I havn't seen the show and yet here I am browsing and shitposting in here. This fanbase is so easy to trigger.
Shinji's just too alpha to care about broads and their problems. His minds on not getting killed.
No it does not make special fucking cases just to make your own special head canon work.
That thing is not fucking Asuka.
Asuka is fucking dead.
Not headcanon.
This is the only correct answer
It's headcanon though
I'm just going to assume you're baiting at this point and cease replying.
Alright, what's going on in this thread Dummkopfs?!?
Has anyone ever given a plausible explanation for Rei's ghostly apparition at the start of NGE and during the last scene of EoE?
All I've read was a quantum mechanics theory that made no sense at all.
We have pretty much agreed that Shinji is gay. Full on cock lusting homo.
define plausible
You're just repeating something I made up as a joke after watching Solaris. Never thought it would spread.
A strait person would have ploughed Asuka vigorously.
If you're going to make worthless posts at least don't confuse an strip of land for a type of sexuality, ESL.