Is this true Sup Forums?
Redditor vs Sup Forumstard
Also, I was too lazy to replace “Sup Forumsyard” with “Sup Forumstard”.
Do that and you've got it.
Not even close. Add some bottles of piss, cum stained solidified socks, cups of ramen, anime body need to alot more shit.
how come the Sup Forumstard has red eyes but not the pot-smoking redditor
this, also for reddit, some GOT,star wars, star trek,doctor who and rich and morty reference and picture on walls, and he take his news from late night show with ... and from r/politics. and have a wife's son.
comparing the "better/best" to the "least" ...
This is all true except I can't grow facial hair.
Redditors STOLE that meme. Here is the original
Old meme is old but I love the 'Kissless autistic virgin faggot' line.
What a man child
>comparing the current state of Sup Forums to Sup Forums
>meme flag
Into the oven with you.
I was wondering, how did Sup Forums surpass Sup Forums as the popular board?
I was on a Sup Forums hiatus from 2010 to 2016 so I missed the shift
This was my contribution - holy shit it's been 8 months since I came here from IMDB
Unironically ironic nazi larping
dumb frogposter
go back to
Why not both. I go on plebbit less often than here. I like to make witty poignant insights with just a hint of red pilling. They are like fawns or asian women, if you come at them fast and hard they will just run away.
I only come here because I don't need an account to post, but it's literally mind cancer most of the time. Millenials need to be banned from the internet
yes OP a lot of the stuff in that cartoon is true about me personally but you know what? at least im not a redditor like you, faggot
The Left LITERALLY steals everything a few years after the Right does something. Look at what is happening now. They've been "studying" us for 12-16 months now. At first they would sperg out, but now they're LITERALLY copying everything we do.
Same thing happened with the Occupy Wallstreet Movement. It was a complete rip off of the Ron Paul Revolution which was far right. Now the Left wants to talk about the Federal Reserve? hahaha, shut the fuck up. The FED has been a far right talking point for 100 years. This is why they want to flood the country with replacement migrants, because replacement migrants don't give a fuck about the countries history or facts. Replacement migrants just want everything NOW in the PRESENT therefore they're easy to manipulate politically.
It's ok, let them copy us. We already have their tactics now. In every scenario we are still going to win in the end. It's going to turn into a big shit show and everything will collapse. Ok, fine... cool whatever, we still win in that scenario.
So just keep doing what we're doing. Let them try to copy and imitate. They're so stupid and have no ability to see things long term.
[pic related is one of them]
Sup Forums is old Sup Forums fags + newfags