From what I gather, all religions are too flawed to be the word of god
Anyone else a theist who doesnt believe in religion
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"God" is just cosmic energy, a forn of pure, untainted Love.
No physical form, no fucking white robe, no beard and no vengefulness. God is just pure Love
"Love" is not a cosmic property, idiot. It has no mass or speed. It is a phenomenal property.
>pure love
Bullshit if you wanted to go with an intangible entity should have gone with consciousness at least it would then have the capacity to create outside of the one dimensional concept of "love"
All religion is man-made. Of course it' s flawed.
Ever stopped for a sec to wonder how in the fuck light is both a wave and a particle?
Can your feeble Canadian brain even grasp the concept of Love as energy?
>Muh new age fee fee rainbow and unicorn shit bullcrap
Kill yourself filthy heretic
God is eternal and just and presents himself to his creation as a Male Patriarch:
Capable of supernatural love as well as punishment
And he's watching YOU
You're so fucking obtuse I feel like I'm chatting with a caveman from those geico ads.
>Live is one dimensional
K, tardo.
Yes, I am. But..
Is your issue more so dogmatism, or theological? Is it with organized religion? Or any religious tradition?
Is it because you expect any socioreligious group practice, to be 'valid' to have the 'true' word of God in some form?
Most importantly, do you just want a religion that is honest, and says their way of doing things is to have a constant, organized, 'field of play' so it can function as a group made up of people which requires the existence of group politics and rules?
Unironically irreligious and So sick and tired of listening about the mythological fiction you all worship.
You may be interested in a philosophy called Deism, or "the belief in a deity based on natural religion only, or belief in religious truths discovered by people through a process of reasoning, independent of any revelation through scripture or prophets." In its modern form (for the ancient philosophers like Plato and Cicero would accurately be called Deists also) it comes from our very own England, beginning with Lord Herbert of Cherbury in the 17th century.
Here is an incomplete list of some of its greatest adherents:
This is a classic exposition of Deism, as written by the great Thomas Paine:
"I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.
I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
But, lest it should be supposed that I believe in many other things in addition to these, I shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things I do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.
I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit."
>God is a male dude and is watching me
Lmao how are you even online you fucking ass-backwards luddite? Is there a horse parked in your driveway, is your wife churning butter in the other room?
Religions contradict themselves and one another.
For example Christianity says Jesus was the son of god. But Islam says he was just an avatar, not the son.
In Hinduism there are more than 3 million gods, But many other religions say there's just one god.
Religions are stupid.
>> Implying "listening", as if forced to 'hear us' talk about this, when they went and read a post on a board, completely voluntarily.
>> Obviously looking to 'tip fedora' and get justification of their 'view'...
Well, you are getting the later with this reply there. Is this where we get to hear how oppressed you are, or how aTheism is somehow a system of non-belief... while being a system of belief, that identify has a group, with a shared cultural identity of sorts?
>all religions are too flawed to be the word of god
I kind of agree, even if there is a religion that is the sole word of god man has bastardized it so much through translation and manipulation that most holy texts are a joke.
>Unironically irreligious and So sick and tired of listening about the mythological fiction you all worship.
So then, what's the word of God?
Religious myth is an expression of inherent truths that all mentally well people psychologically adhere to. As different peoples of the world psychologically diverge, the different religions of the world reflect the different collective subconscious philosophy and ethics of that specific people.
Whether any of the supernatural stuff is real or not is irrelevent, the teachings found in the scripture is the real value that religion has.
A bit like how we think of memes here.
What is the word god?
Why is the christian god a masculine god? (Referred to as male)
What is heaven and what is hell?
When where these concepts ?
What is the relationship between satan and god?
Why dont you just figure out what god is?
>Only through me will you find god.
t. Jesus Christ.
I know what god is, but you must find god yourself, if I tell you what god is, I steal the fruits of your labor from you, which I do not want.
>Nü-age Sup Forums
I used to be a deist who didn't follow any organized religion like you. My thought processes were the same. However, in my mid-twenties, I realized after being shown signs and being helped through a very difficult time in my life that Christianity has it right. I feel freer and safer than I ever have in my life. God is truly with me, and through Him, all things are possible.
>inherent truths
What "truths"? Theists can't even agree with each other.
>teachings found in the scripture
The Bible is so retarded that even Sup Forums christians don't believe in the first half.
Christianity w/o church is the best
Christianity and Deism are not mutually exclusive. Most of the Deists were also Christians. One can still follow the best teachings of Jesus and the good and great things in the Bible without submitting one's mind to things that violate one's God-given conscience, simply because a person or organization tells us we must believe such and such a thing to be so. When I am told, for example, that the Bible teaches the cruel and monstrous dogma of eternal hellfire, I must either deny that it does (and there are very good grounds for denying this), or otherwise simply say that, even if it does so teach, it is wrong.
You'll grow up one day, i hope you step into the light and have a good life
Check Gnosticism
I love Jesus.
Getting awfully heretic in here. Would be a shame if some voluntas dei were to come crusa-cruising through
>God is just pure Love
>you wanna know
>how i know
>that you're a pussy just like your father was?
If Jesus were alive today, he'd beat the shit out of you for being such a faggot. Jesus was not "your mommy"
Jesus was a fucking Chad that would be outraged over this "Jesus means tolerance" bullshit that we're seeing today
basically this.
So many plebbit faggots in here pretending to fit in by being edge lords who've read the God delusion.
God is real, religion probably is wrong and your discernment and intent is what makes your actions good or bad.
The evidence;
>Earth is flat, space is a meme.
>You cannot disprove this statement without appealing to authority.
>Nasa can and will lie to you, stop expecting institutions to have your best interests at heart. They don't care about you.
Investigate anything in the natural world objectively and you'll see it's created and it's part of this closed system we call earth.
Science is the scientific method; hypnosis, test, proof. Science is NOT "I read like this paper, on like nano particles and like.. amazing"
Learn to science you atheist faggots.
explain pic, please.
Lurk more or gtfo you plebbit misfit. Also stop sticking things up your arse, you faggots are the worst.
You are misunderstanding what I mean.
Il use an example of Moses and the 10 commandments. This isn’t a literal thing that happened, it is a symbolic metaphoric story (myth) that is used to express the realisation of the laws that must be adhered to in order to have a just and unified society.
Different religions teach different things because they are expressions of different racial groups psyche. But you will also notice similar archetypes in each religion pop up from time to time because there are also similarities in human psyche.
How can u hate something that u don't believe in??
Nasa is a Hebrew word for deception, it couldn't be clearer. Not to be trusted.
When I say inherent truths I means things that the specific group that follows the religion agrees upon, e.g ‘thou shalt not steal’
Christcuck larpers are so cute
>it's a scientifically illiterate person starts talking about quantum mechanics episode
I actually haven't really see this here before
Nigger you can't prove 3/4 of your (((scientific))) beliefs, you're as religious and zealot as they come.
>proving a scientific belief
You can only disprove them. proof comes from revelation
>I don't understand what a Luddite actually is
Makes sense.
nah, its simple, there is only 1 God ;-)
I'm pretty irreligious myself. Atheist would be a term that applies, I guess. That's the way I've always been.
When confronted with religious ideas, I rationalized to myself that I'm just not inclined to believe in crazy things without evidence--which is generally true, mind you--but that was not the reason I had always been an atheist. The more I talked to religious people, the more I realized that they tend to have certain needs; which, if unfilled, lead to a sense of very disturbing existential anxiety, or even panic. When I realized that a huge portion of believers had those needs, I also realized that I lacked them.
For the longest time I was kind of puzzled when people would say things like "Why me, God?" What a bizarre thing to say? Why not me. I'm nothing special.
Or they might ask "Don't you feel an emptiness in your life without god in it; a lack of purpose? I can't imagine how small and insignificant I would feel without god's love. Don't you want to see your loved ones in the afterlife?"
I don't feel compelled to look to the spiritual for purpose and meaning, I take my smallness and insignificance as a given, and I don't feel like there's a religion shaped hole in my life. Some people like the sense of community that religious belief that instill, too.
There's more to the psychology of believers in general than just what I've brought up, but you get the gist.
As a solitary atheist, none of that speaks to me. It would be like a heterosexual trying to jerk it to gay porn; you'd just fail to get hard, say to yourself "well this is weird; I'm gonna stop now " and put your dick away.
And when I say solitary atheist, I mean I don't belong to any atheist organization with any particular kind of philosophy or political leanings.
I find that social atheists make being an atheist into an identity, and they tend to be very religiously mind; only without the religion. Kind of the way feminists and SJWs can be.
Anyway, I forget where I was going with this.
the word of god, logos, is reality as you experience. the canonical recording of a specific subset of experiences is not the living word of god, but the dead word of god. nothing is flawed, and everything is flawed.
you know how there are people with proclivities for some things, but who are totally incapable of understanding or feeling or doing other things?
that's you with spirituality. you're literally spiritually retarded.
Yeah I think christianity is a jewish trick
I'm not seeing a downside to being spiritually retarded.
Spiritual people have needs that I don't, and didn't understand, until I started really listening to them.
'cept when the earthquake hits. or the fire roars. or when the sun never seems to blow
Guys I have a theory, and that theory says that eternal life is possible through God.
Listen here:
The most basic part of the universe is an Information (not atoms or any kind of that particle shit, even atoms are information).
Information is everything, everything we perceive, everything we feel, everything! Basically God.
Now listen to this.
Why are we sentient beings?
Because we can read and write information through letter! Through fucking letters!
We were emancipated by the holy letter! Yes, we are able to understand the information itself!
Now listen to this, information cannot be destroyed, nor created!
Scientists recently found out that black holes don't destroy everything they just simply put all the information of the "sucked" stuff ON THE SURFACE. Someone could read that information from the surface of the black hole (everything, everything that happened to all the planets, stars, even lifeforms, etc it sucked in).
Now I believe that our Universe is in big black hole and that someone is able to read the whole information about everything! That someone is God, and we are able to read information too, so God can make us read the information and know everything.
Non dualistic monism
>tfw agnostic
I think there's a lot of value in Christianity but so much of it is obvious biased bullshit at the same time (amalekites, etc)
Oh god you're one of those trendy hipster christians. even worse than normal christians.
Paper 1. The Universal Father
1:0.1.THE Universal Father is the God of all creation, the First Source and Center of all things and beings. First think of God as a creator, then as a controller, and lastly as an infinite upholder. The truth about the Universal Father had begun to dawn upon mankind when the prophet said: "You, God, are alone; there is none beside you. You have created the heaven and the heaven of heavens, with all their hosts; you preserve and control them. By the Sons of God were the universes made. The Creator covers himself with light as with a garment and stretches out the heavens as a curtain." Only the concept of the Universal Father—one God in the place of many gods—enabled mortal man to comprehend the Father as divine creator and infinite controller.
(0:2.6) GOD is a word symbol designating all personalizations of Deity. The term requires a different definition on each personal level of Deity function and must be still further redefined within each of these levels, as this term may be used to designate the diverse co-ordinate and subordinate personalizations of Deity; for example: the Paradise Creator Sons—the local universe fathers.
The only god i'd follow if he was real.
In my mind all religions attempt to provide answers to two questions:
1. What is the nature of God (and by extension the nature of Creation)?
2. How does a man achieve salvation, and live a fulfilling life?
Everything beyond the answers to these two questions—the stories, prophets, characters, mythologies—are cultural trappings and more or less irrelevant.
In all religions you can find some degree of truth. But in regards to the first question I think Taoism provides the most complete and satisfactory answer. God is not a person with emotions and desires, but something more akin to a Cosmic Law that permeates all things. It is the formless nothingness from which everything with form originates. It creates and destroys in endless cycles, but at the same time takes no action of Its own. It is like water, and just as water always tries to flow downhill, God continually drives the universe in a certain direction, which we cannot perceive, towards some state of equilibrium beyond our understanding. Reality is like an enormous clockwork machine, and God is the machine's ideal end-state towards which it constantly strives but does not necessarily ever reach.
But that's just my stupid special-snowflake understanding obtained through amateur study of religion and time spent staring up at the stars and out at hidden mountain meadows, wondering what the purpose of it all is.
As regards the question of salvation, I think that both the Four Noble Truths and Noble Eight-fold Path of Buddhism and Christ's Sermon on the Mount provide fairly satisfactory answers, and that many other religions also agree or have answers that overlap in certain ways. Living a noble life means rejecting materialistic and hedonistic desires, and striving not to do unnecessary harm to others, but instead to help and do good where possible. I'm not sure if there is life after death or an eternal soul, but dying feeling that your life has been fulfilling may be a form of salvation in itself.