Member Beyblade?
Member Beyblade?
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That's not a real Beyblade.
How about this one?
my fucking cast-iron red power ranger spinblade will kick ur ass fgt
Who could ever forget: LET IT RIP?!
She did two things to many a young lad before they even knew of the phrases or the feelings:
1. doki-doki
2. muh dick
Shit yeah, we had a inter-year Beyblade 'competition' in my secondary school which lasted about a year which had weekly ranking battles and then monthly tournaments. Shit was serious. Although once everyone realised that if you had pic related or Metal Draciel (since they were the same) that you would almost always win they had to be outlawed.
It died down when everyone started taking it too seriously and then YGO! took over it, but then everyone started taking that even more seriously.
i still remember having finally a drigger, which was my favorite one, then i made some fight pretty early against one of those fancy metal beyblades, and they clashed together once and mine was broken...
The Metal series was better
Still have some of the old plastic tops as well as 2 1/h of the old arenas and I think at least 4 or 5 of them aren't broken
>secondary school
Shit man I was only playing Beyblade and YGO! in primary school. By the time I got to secondary, every one started shitting on people who played "childish games".
Kill yourself underage trash
I remember this kid who always brought his Beyblade arena with him to school and we'd all spend lunchtime taking it over to the field and having a blast.
I actually made a kid cry because his Beyblade broke the second it touched mine. Fun times.
Really? There were a few people in my college who played Yu-Gi-Oh and no one batted an eyelash.
Yeah they did the same thing at mine but no one who played gave a fuck about it. If I didn't have an early growth spurt I would have been bullied relentlessly at school for being a huge weeb and a nerd (you know, back before it became the 'in' thing).
No one in my school ever bothered to play in a proper arean, we usually used lunchboxes. The finals of tournaments used to be played in this drainage system in the quad which had two holes at either end so if you got knocked into them you'd lose your Beyblade. We must have wasted so much money back then.
>tfw had to watch over kids with their beyblades
>finally got my own
>it was a knockoff
>heard rumours somewhere that natel was gonna do a reprint of the old beyblades
>never heard anything else, all you get are these new shitty metal fusion pieces of crap that all look the same
ive rewatched the first 2 seasons recently and i even grabbed these from the attic
Fuck that shit, I played with the real deal. I would have smashed that puny thing of plastic.
Those guns didn't do anything other than look cool right? I remember after that episode where Tyson (only seen it dubbed so fuck knows what his actual name is) did that upside down thing to release his Beyblade every single I knew person started doing it.
Member Crush Gear?
I watched that anime
> dat Draciel
I'm all about dat defensive stat. hmu with dem turtles.
Well, kids in high school tend to care more about social standing and the impression of being "cool". You usually grow out of that by the time you hit Uni age and just do what you want at that point
I had the Tiger one (which was probably just a bootleg), it got fucked up by one of these shits .
I also remember having another chinese one which was so fucking unsafe I cut my finger in it and scratched the fridge with it.
>Calls that pussy shit the "real deal"
Get on my level m8.
I liked the original design for Driger before it had 4 prongs, the base design looked cooler.
I didn't like the original Draciel (the one with the plastic base and only 2 ball bearings) or the one after that but the Draciel in pic related was cool.
Also I think I have only now just realised all of the names of those things begin with Dr. I can't remember if that's coincidence or if it was meant to ever be important for anything.
How much was it?
Yeah, we were lucky enough to have a kid who was bothered enough to spend some money on an actual arena, his parents probably bought it for him. Even without an arena, we'd use things like bathtubs and woks.
Unironically I can't find porn of her.
The Dranzer in your pic was my all time favorite. That thing was a beast.
Anyone watching burst?
I never liked the anime designs. They looked better in the manga somehow
I'm watching it on disney XD every week with yokai watch. Still waiting on pokemon to come
And Ray is best boy.
I remember the first time we used an arena me and my friends thought "shit this is awesome" but it was too fucking massive to bring into school in a normal sized bag without bending it loads. When it used to rain we played in drawers that we kept our school books in and i remember liking them because they had these indented lines in the base and if your Beyblades got stuck in them they would automatically catch up with each other and it became a race to see if you could stay alive for long enough before being hit and losing.
When the anime was showing the Black Dranzer stuff a lot of kids painted theirs black. The only actually artistic one of use managed to pain the stick black in the correct places as well.
Dranzer was probably overall the best Beyblade in every generation, although I never knew anyone who used the first gen's retractable base thing, everyone just left it locked in place and let it spin on the point since it span way longer than everyone elses.
> XD
Kys desu
>that one kid with the bootleg chinese beyblade that was just a big chunk of metal and literally destroyed every other beyblade it hit
>That kid with the bootleg Beyblade that broke after it collided against a wall
>tfw in college
>tfw we still play YGO seriously
>That kid whose Beyblade would jam in the shooter so he couldn't play
>and let it spin on the point since it span way longer than everyone elses.
Oh shit you're bringing me back. Yeah, it's long spin time was one of the best things about it.
My friends are 30 and they still play YGO seriously. Except now they blow a lot of money on it. I know one guy spent a couple of grand on it last year
>I know one guy spent a couple of grand on it last year
Jesus Christ, how do you do that?
I loved "sayan" arc
I knew a guy who didn't bother buying his own Beyblade but got a Dragoon from someone who didn't want it anymore, so it meant he only had one of those left handed shooters and have to take the 'gear' (fuck knows what the right term for that thing is) out and put it in any other Beyblade he got. When we put Master Dranzer and Metal Draciel on left hand shooters and used the extra long Dragoon grip thingy they would actually cut through skin if you picked them up while they were spinning fast. Friend of mine made a 3cm gash on another friend's face doing that, was pretty cool.
I remember that if you took on of the springs out of the shooters you could more accurately control where the Beyblade came off.
Long spinners were always the kings.
I to remember spinning Jewish anime tops
Sucks the fad only lasted a short while. Wish I could have played, too bad I'm an adult. Used to see kids with makeshift stadiums and everything. Is there any chance it can make a comeback?
I don't know. I don't play the game so I have no idea what there is to spend that much on. I just know between him and another guy, they're continuously trying to out-do each other in it, so I imagine they keep buying new and better shit than the last guy.
They must have really cushy jobs.
We once hit a classmate in the neck with a full spinning beyblade when two of them collided in a sink and catapulted themselves outside. Nice purple line on neck.
One does, but he also blows his wages on Pokemon and Magic cards. And probably other TCGs that I don't know of. The other works a retail job twice a week so he's probably just fucking himself over for nothing
One time some kids brought Beyblades to school and someone dumped a gallon of ranch dressing in the arena. The arena had to sit outside the lunchroom all day because no one wanted to clean it up. This was in high school.
>That one kid with the engineer dad who made a custom launcher that launched the beyblade at speeds so unsafe they had to ban it from school because some kid got hurt extremely badly
Cerberus was my favorite. When he absorbed that bird and that turtle and grow wings and got armor was so cool. One thing that I didn't like about Beyblade was that Cerberus was always a villain. Even in that metal shit. Also Cerberus > that dragon and that horse
Awesome dad, shit school.
We replaced the metal part with big flints so we can really see our toys get sparks and burn.
>Friend of mine made a 3cm gash on another friend's face doing that
Fucking hell.
I remember I bought a fake chinese "remote control" one that just had a trigger that made the point on the base spin which just made the beyblade instantly fall over every time
>mfw that one kid who destroyed his first one by launching it from a second store
>mfw that kid was me
I did stupid things when i was 11
I guess it's a matter of priorities. I mean, if I had enough cash to blow it on things I like, I absolutely would.
I was in an odd position with this series
me and my brother where to young to buy the toys even though we watched and really liked the show on jetex and they discontinued the plastic series when we where old enough to buy them, yet when metal fight/fusion came around we where a bit to old and after getting I think 4 or 5 tops from the first edition and one arena we ended up packing them all up in boxes only to never use them again.
I remember having some sort of endurance type Driger. The original, I think. I remember swapping my cord for a long one, and it'd spin in place for 5 minutes straight if nobody collided into it.
When the tryhard metal Beyblades started coming out is when the series went to shit.
In our defence he was a retard. After the Beyblades made cuts in our fingers we said t him "hey I wonder if it hurts if you stop them with your face" to which he replied "I dunno, let's see." And we got our answer.
Whenever one of us was going to buy a new one, we'd try and launch the old one out of a high building and onto another one to break both. The tallest one of us tried was six stories, we realistically knew it wasn't going to work out as planned but a small bit of wind meant it ended up hitting another kid outside by accident. I'm so glad that my secondary school didn't give a fuck about any of this shit.
Say what you want but this thing never lost.
>not modifying your blades to be deadly weapons
member when the best beastsomething is the tortoise
Great character. No fucking porn.
>tfw trypio fag
This thing never fucking won
Trash tier bey that I wish I never bought
I was a poorfag so I stole mine.
But still nobody wanted to play with me.
I bet you also bought that bear one too
Mexican trompos are basically a nail attached to a piece of wood.
Rules, all spin them and the first one to fall is the one that will be smashed by the rest, turn order is reverse of the stop order for this round.
The loser of the last round has to spin his top and then be smashed repeatedly by everyone in clean swipes, if yours is still spinning you can pick it up with your bare hands or the rope and smash it on the other one.
2 things happen in this round, if you stop the "punished" one you get a point, you can technically eliminate the other top from winning if you smash it to a point it can't spin.
After the round ends the remaining g players must try to avoid being the punishes one.
The winner is decided by points given a number of rounds or until only one top remains functional.
Loved playing this in middle school.
Needles to say I loved Beyblade on TV, but I always wondered why they barely ever went home on the smashing.
Fair enough then. Still, that kind of shit could have gotten Beyblades banned in your area if his parents complained.
>Doesn't have Kai
Shit taste.
I had this one since it was the last one on the shelf at Toys 'R US. It was shit.
Kai jobbed almost as hard as Vegeta every time he had to play
Did he ever win a fight besides the one after his bullshit black upgrade only to lose hard right after?
No, he just jobbed when he was with the good guys, then he switched and kicked ass, then switched again and returned to be a jobber, seriously, how many times did he changed sides?
I thought Rei was the jobber from what I remember.
I remember filling the bottom part of my beyblade with cement and putting steel wire on the top part.
That motherfucker would send other beyblades flying into a wall and totally destroy it.
Metal Face Bolt
Golden Orso Claw Ring
Diablo Wheel
TH 170 Spintrack
SD Tip
Get on my level faggots
>Tfw now want to got up to the attic and take out all my old Beyblades again
I was so mad when he lost to Moses/Crusher. Stupid sob story always guarantees win.
I thought Rei was the most well-developed/handled character from the MCs. His growth from losses probably had something to do with that.
He was the opposite tho and was really inconsistent for some reason
How so?
cause they didn't want theirs to be stolen too