Let's celebrate the Ghibli movie that finally killed Shinkai's meme and saved 2017.
Red Turtle gets Oscar Nomination
This film was trash though.
1. This isn't a real Ghibli movie.
2. It ain't gonna win.
I don't even know what the point of Best Animated Feature is. Why would they even bother when it was decided they'd pick Zootopia back in March.
Not anime, fuck off.
This is anime, you fat-fuck nipple-sucker.
>non-anime is now anime
I swear nu-Sup Forums can't get any worse
> MFW even the cucks behind the oscars realised Keit-愛 was a mistake
>The Rotoscoped Garabage gets SJW nomination
Who cares.
Ghibli is not anime? News to me weeb.
Kill yourselves oscarspammers
So what actually won?
Some CG baby crap again?
The film isn't made by Ghibli in any way shape or form.
They just announced the nominees, the actual awards ceremony isn't for another month.
Its a co-production between Ghibli and a European company.
The film isn't made by Ghibli in any way shape or form.
Either way I'm fucking sick of these oscar threads and want them gone.
>the people who were spamming stupid gayt-ai shit will now instead just spam shit like:
>The film is a co-production between Wild Bunch and Studio Ghibli
>Production companies: Studio Ghibli
>Categories: Studio Ghibli animated films
Not anime
Which part of this are you failing to understand? Studio Ghibli was not involved in making the film in any way. Not one animator from there drew a single part of this. All drawn and directed by French and European animators.
still better than reddit garbage like your name
Stay butthurt faggot.
Butthurt about what exactly? I'm sorry I want faggots like you to stop spamming the board with your normalfag award shows.
>Keit-ai always finds a way even when it doesn't
Literally Studio Ghibli's involvement in this film is Isao Takahata looking at the storyboards for Michael Dudok de Wit. The reason they are throwing the Ghibli name about is just advertising and marketing, many more people know who Ghibli are than someone whose most famous work is an independently animated short.
You realize the critics don't watch the movies right? Ghibli could have sent them a homemade porn movie and they would have voted on it.
At least it didn't get cucked out of the nomination like it did at the Academy Awards for Sing.
I'm pretty sure Takahata worked on it though.
Eternal butthurt.
>wanting retarded spammers to stop beating a horse that died 5 years ago is butthurt