Football and basketball players literally make 100x more money a year then firemen and first responders in America. Think about that.
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Yep. And I don't support it one bit. Pretty sure nobody here partakes in the sportball.
Those firemen and first responders should have spend their time training to become a basketball player. Not our fault.
To be fair, people whose lives were saved by firemen and first responders should be obligated to give half of their wealth to their saviours.
The average firefighters salary is a little less then $50,000 a year. The average NBA players salary is a little more then $5 million a year.
In America you are paid literally over 100x more money to throw a ball at a hoop then you are to risk your life to save others. Capitalism, everyone
A football player is 100x more rare than a police officer and generates 100x more economic activity.
A fool and his money are soon parted
Also America:
You can become everything you want, and when you do so you take full responsibility for your choice.
If you are unhappy with your profession, change it, or do a research next time.
Unlike any east shithole where you are bound to the profession for life.
I mean, it seems messed up, but it's waaaaaaay harder to become a professional athlete.
How much do you pay to watch firefighters work?
>painting your house like nigger would
>wearing a niggers name on your back
>stamping your front lawn with a team logo
Imagine being that much of a cuck.
Eat shit
>football players provide a service that is enjoyed across the country by millions
>firefighters provide a service that probably only covers a part of a single town
Hmm I wonder why football players make more? Not to mention, there's ~1500 NFL players in the world, and MILLIONS of firefighters.
If you're still confused, I can't help you.
diversion is more profitable than emergency services
thats actually very deep.
In America dumb jock get free scholarship in college and degree for kicking ball and fucking white sluts.
Who gives a shit?
For someone who is supposed to care about the worker, you care a lot about money instead.
Communism does nothing to solve this problem.
If anything it makes it worse. As janitors earn as much as doctors.
it's the structure of each market - by definition, the marginal value of each player is higher than each fireman because it takes so few players to have a league. there are orders of magnitude more firemen than there are professional sportsball players. the rational comparison is between [average sportsball player salary * number of sportsball players] vs. [average firemen salary * number of firemen]. If you do that, you'll see we spend far more on firemen than on players.
deport low-iq anons.
Speak for yourself weeb. I played football, baseball and basketball in HS and kept playing baseball competitively into my mid 20s. The amount of skill and dedication it takes to break into a league like the MLB is insane.
I'm all for watching sports (and gambling on sports, way more fun tbqh) But you have to a real beta pathetic worm to get this obsessed with one franchise of a corporation beating another franchise of the same corporation. That's all these teams are. Franchises of the NFL corp.
>nice meme flag
could i borrow it for 2 shekels?
so whats the solution? End all sportsball and have that now non-existant money go towards teachers n shit?
Communism goys everyone, where you can complain about something for no point at all
in case you missed it
actually, yes. or pay the sportsball people 25k a year instead. Guess what people will still do it
I think this was the first symptom the man-child epidemic had on society. Once upon a time they along with movie stars were payed a lot less. But people became obsessed with entertainment and developed cults of personality.
Its how a child would behave.
Thought about it. Don't care. Go play football. Right, can't do it. Market dictates wages.
Ok thought about, still wanna stab her?
Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her?
People make the choice of watching and supporting sports events.
A hell of a lot more "first responders" THAN pro atholeets.
>The average firefighters salary is a little less then $50,000 a year
Where? In Moscow? Firefighters, cops, etc all do pretty well in the States. Tell your story walking, lying commie piece of shit.
I understand what youre saying, but you have to know its retarded and not even close to possible
no offense, why even say it? Whats the point?
I want to live on the moon but im gonna be dead before that happens, im not gonna complain that we're spending more money on welfare than space exploration cause its a retarded argument no one will get behind
nigger loving cuck. disgusting
xandar is that you
Yeah, and most are black and believe they are oppressed by whites.
Can't stand most team sports like football, basketball, etc. It blows me away that millions waste so much time watching this garbage, and many are emotionally overinvested in these meaningless activities. I don't blame the players though. If I had that talent, I would sure be glad to run all the way to the bank with that ball.
I'm a firefighter and make about 20k a year.
Elites have been keeping people in line with this kind of bullshit for thousands of years.
Supply and demand, buddy!
I love football - it’s a great pasttime. But for every million dollar QB there are literally thousands who failed. The competition is so intense, the players on top might as well be superheroes.
The high athletic level in football proves cold, hard capitalism works.
This is a world where you can potentially be rewarded for playing videogames well. Or poorly as long as you've tits.
Rotten species we are.
Not understanding simple supply and demand principals. Life isn't fair faggot. Move past it.
You fight forest fires part time or maybe you're a volunteer. Or an extreme outlier. Firefighters that live in any kind of populated area tend to make a pretty nice living here.
>implying America is the only place athletes get paid exponentially more than an average bloke
What timeline is this? There's so many better things to make fun of us for and you pick this?
Very true and their careers are also vastly shorter on average. They still get paid too much, but yeh.
What an ugly fucking color scheme
Entertainers are payed more than civil servants in literally every country on Earth.
>firefighters earn a median of $46,000 a year
Sorry buddy but try to actually read facts with cited sources. Just because you spew it out of your retarded mouth doesnt make it true. Good job making up fake news tho trumptard
Who cares? No really, who cares? In capitalism, you get paid what you or your manager feels you're worth. If some faggot sports team owner wants to pay $5 million to Jamal to run the funny shaped ball to the end zone, let them. It's not your money. You didn't pay a dime to have the player.
Fucking commie fucks have nothing better to do than worry about who makes what and how it's unfair to someone else in another entirely unrelated field. Besides, you're supposed to care about the worker not their money.
Firemen don’t do shit. Fires are rare. Most firemen are fucking VOLUNTEERS who take 0 pay. Athletes are entertainers like actors
This picture ENRAGES me. The white race is on the verge of total annihilation, and all white men can do is spend their time, money, and energy on pointless hobbies, frivolous entertainment, and nigger-worship.
Maybe we deserve the grave.
THIS. nothing more cucked than wearing a jersey with another mans name on it.
>he doesn't into RWSS
And majority of those players are black. But they still like to cry about whites being "privileged"
Nothing is more pathetic than getting fat on Cheetos and bud light while you watch muscly niggers play with a ball on tv. Those niggers are banging scores of hot white women while white men watch the tv. Fucking pathetic. Their wives secretly long for the black athletes these cucks idolize. If you’re a sports fan you should seriously contemplate suicide.
Maybe if firemen could get a proper marketer and made a sort of a reality TV show where there would be a shitolads of cameras, hyped up commenter and a bunch of extras clapping and cheering every time a burning roof fell or a gas tank exploded and the firemen themselves wore a colorful jumpsuits with sponsor logos all over them and planned their entrance by bending over in a circle hanging each other and touching each other's butts, they could better fit into the free market and had a salary that could compete with sportsmen, but alas, they aren't smart enough to do that so they clearly do not deserve any better