Is it true that Sup Forums used to be Libertarian?
Is it true that Sup Forums used to be Libertarian?
yes. Ron Paul was the messiah here
Ron Paul style, yes, very much. Closer inspection and evolution of libertarians as a political party resulted in a greater parting of ways.
But the basic idea is still intact even if it takes other forms these days.
There have always been unironic national socialists here. The fight between collectivist nationalists vs. conservative nationalists vs. ancaps has been going on forever.
I kinda miss LUAP NOR
It still is.
So there are people who don't support socialism UNLESS it's white ethnostate socialism?
Pol still has libertarian roots. We just switch to nazi because to fight the commie you have to organize into groups.
I'll add, once the tea-party popped up and the Republican party successfully co-opted Ron Paul's base after Obama was elected, support from actual libertarians and the like seemed to begin to decrease. The entire grassroots effort to go back to core American beliefs was intentionally infiltrated and made to look completely retarded by the same forces that subvert every "movement" or group which is either nationalistic in nature or wishes to return us to the republic we're supposed to be.
Yeah, you would have to be a rural and suburban retard to support RINO's before Trump was a thing.
I think you've found a lot of the common ground. I'm not big on socialism, but the socialism we have should be for our own people, and that means something at least close to an ethnostate.
Yes, I mean there's a group for everything, but I've seen lots of people over the years around /new/ and Sup Forums who in theory would enjoy national socialism but only in a white ethnostate and believed it would be an impossible failure under other conditions. Others reject collectivism entirely, there has always been a mix on these boards. The only thing a lot of them have in common is they recognize the jews for their role in things and they dislike or distrust blacks.
The wage is irrelevant
Installing those kiosks is going to be cheaper, and far more reliable, than hiring enough staff to both cook and take customers orders.
Now you just need the staff to cook/clean, without having to pay out as much overall.
Actually, you'd be able to pay the staff that you do have more.
I just don't understand how socialist principles would suddenly work with race being the the only altered variable.
only because it was strongly implied Libertarians could make anime real
Yes. I still am, although I also consider myself fiercely nationalist (freedom to us, don't care what the government does to ensure those freedoms).
Sup Forums also used to be tech-savvy, and smart enough to know what shit to avoid online. Today, we've got boomers, chrome-users, and discord participants, who know nothing about online privacy.
I can't say the new audience does Sup Forums's users, or its image, any favors.
Well look at Sweden for instance. They made socialism work for a while, but part of what made it work was that they were all the same culture, values, history, land, people, etc.
I mean I don't hate black people or anything like that. I'm a slav, so not even anglo-saxon style white, but this is my country, my people, and gibs are not for invaders and leaches. That means necessarily that "my country" and "my people" have to share a same language, culture, etc.
....right. you can now pay then the overly inflated government mandated minimum wage.
Would make sense since both are omega autism centrals
Pretty much. There were always natsoc threads on Sup Forums but they were much less common as they are now. I can barely even remember if there were any actual nazis on /new/ or if it was was all just racist shitposting.
Oh while we are at it, I love these self-service kiosks in fast foods. I can take my time to select what I want and have as little human interaction as possible.
>electronic order.
>Still have to swipe a card.
lol America
All I can say is after Sup Forums was brought back I wound up talking in detail to stormfront style nazis because I found it curious that they were actually serious, and they were excited that somebody would be willing to investigate their citations.
It's an old picture. We've got the chip now. We also have stuff like Apple pay, although that shit is so fragmented that you pretty much need a different wallet app for every store that you visit. Walmart pay for Walmart, Target pay for Target, etc etc.
Nah m8 you can pay online and just go in 5 seconds later and walk out with it. You only have to swipe or even sign or whatever if you're doinitrong.
Plus no more lines.
You can order right away and sit down comfortably while you wait for your number to come up.
Why they didn't do this 30 years ago is beyond me.
I think you literally described a normal restaurant. You walk in sit down order have a good time and then somebody brings your food.
In a normal restaurant you have to wait for 30 minutes for the waitress to notice you and then wait 45 minutes for your food to arrive.....or is that just Amsterdam?
Who the fuck are you speaking with?
Depends on how well you tipped in the past. Now, it's all done digitally through tablets on the table.
Fast food shit doesn't even require a line now, if you know what to do. Pretty much everything can be ordered and paid for online. Just go and pick it up. Straight to the front of the line, sign a receipt, take your shit and go.
I thought Apple didn't allow 3rd party payment apps?
Sounds like a restaurant I wouldn't go to if the service is that bad. That's one of the benefits of tipping culture in the US. Yes, you go in expecting to pay more than the menu price, but the tacit agreement is that they don't get a tip if they don't treat you right.
I can speak with you senpai, if you feel lonely,
I never claimed one way or the other. I'm just telling you what stores are doing.
I'm just surprised Apple allows those apps in their app store.
Apple didn't allow the Dutch public transportation payment app.
Because of that it's Android only, meaning tourists with iPhones have to find a vending machine and pay 5 euro's extra to get a physical card.
They don't allow strict wallet apps, from what I can tell. For example, MasterPass isn't available for iOS. Walmart pay and Target's wallet are both through the Walmart/Target apps.
But yeah, this shit is fragmented as fuck, and its making shit unusable. If they want that slice of extra income so badly, they should do what credit card companies do. Like Quicksilver offers 1.5% cash back. Walmart should let any app work for them, but offer a 2% discount if you pay via the Walmart app, instead of Apple pay. Actually COMPETE, instead of just denying all competitors access.
The whole Internet was libertarian in the 1990s. Someone (Yahoo, I think) did a poll for the presidential race in 1996, when the web was pretty new. The libertarian candidate won; out in the real world he got under 2%.
The Internet then was also overwhelmingly male, white, and nerdy -- computer hobbyists. Then women started getting online.
At the same time, libertarians got a lot more spergy and focused on "mah weed."
I can't fucking stand how much they focus on that shit. It's the most stupid shit to focus on. Fine, legalize it, I don't care. But just shut the fuck up about it. The people who talk about weed don't focus on anything BUT weed, and that's a stupid as fuck issue for a single-issue voter to focus on.
Seriously. They always argue about the most ridiculous fringe issues based on some hardcore ideology or other. Just fucking compromise on this or that and get back to the main program. Nobody's ever going to agree about every last little thing.
>Walmart should let any app work for them, but offer a 2% discount if you pay via the Walmart app, instead of Apple pay.
That is certainly not allowed.
Apple pay has to be the cheapest option.
Any app sold in the Apple app store also has to be as cheap or cheaper than the Android version.
You're a fucking luddite.
The reason that Walmart doesn't allow Apple Pay is because Apple gets a percentage of the sale. Walmart wants that percentage, so they deny literally EVERYTHING but Walmart pay. Not only is is anti-consumer, it's also anti-competition.
In the early 1990's the internet was mostly restricted to people working for government agencies, big corporations or universities.
I think the first public ISP was founded in 1993
>implying I'm still not
It's Apple that kills the competition, not Wallmart.
And how is apple killing the competition? They allow the Walmart app to use Walmart pay. They allow the Target app to use Target pay. They allow the Subway app to use paypal/the paypal app.
It's the businesses that are limiting the competition to their own system, and no other.
many vocal people on Sup Forums supported Ron Paul
since then most of them have probably realized that nothing in a libertarian society prevents mass immigration of undesirable people because the government is too weak to resist it, and those undesirables are undesirable because they will vote away their freedom in a heartbeat if it means they can get food stamps and "free" housing
Even molymeme came to that realization.
Ron Paul never supported unfettered immigration, though. That is a position of the Libertarian Party, and one of the few areas where he diverged from their platform.
I was, and I miss it, but "live and let live" only works if they're willing to let you live.
yeah, but we got flooded with roleplaying neetsocs
Like you said Apple wants a percentage of each transaction.
But they do not allow shops to push those extra costs onto the customers.
So shops will have to over-charge in their own apps or run at a loss with Apple pay.
Artificial pricing kills competition.
Yes RON PAUL FTW . He was too intelligent and no lies no bullshit to become president :(
NS isn't Marxian socialism.
Any source on the claim that apple forces businesses to run at a loss? Quick search turned up nothing.
Dutch sources OK?
Most of these things are about obtaining market share at a loss for future ROI rather than playing fair and being outcompeted in the future.
I can't read dutch, if that's what you're asking.
Then you'll have to do your own searching.
Might be biased, but I found this:
>Are there additional fees to accept Apple Pay?
>No. Apple doesn't charge any additional fees.
According to this claim, it doesn't cost businesses anything to do this. They just take a percentage of the fees that are already there.
Not as much as people think. The predecessors to Sup Forums (/new/, /n/), were deleted twice for becoming "stormfront".
Strong men breed good times. The good times aren't here yet. Check back in 15 years when we've expelled the Juden.
No I'm talking about outright banning discounts when you use a different payment method than Apple Pay.
Even when it's on Android.
ie: if Apple decides to charge 5%, driving the cost from $100 to $105, you cannot offer it for $100 somewhere else.
Again, they don't charge the merchant any additional fees. It's just a percentage of the fees that would normally go to Visa is going to get diverted to Apple.
Sorry, I meant from Apple's perspective. What you describe is the difficult question of how the government could and should regulate trade to ensure a free market instead of total anarchy.
It's a difficult question what to allow and what to not allow. In my opinion the more important thing is that we should ask the question and debate the potential solutions. When this is not done, then the government, the corporations, the warlords, the unions, and the bandits all collude against the individual.
Pretty easily. Just demand the smartphone shit be completely open if its going to be turned on at all. Then they MUST compete with each other. This selective shit is for the birds.
So you're saying the payment platform is a public utility or what? I mean, I think it's shit to have to live on the company script if you catch my drift, but I don't want to be prevented from trading with my neighbor or joining a local co-op or something.
I'm just saying that IF you're going to have a credit card terminal, and you're going to turn on the smart phone wallet shit, then you have to accept all the different wallets. You can compete, by offering discounts to use your wallet, but you can't make other wallets more expensive than just using a credit card via chip.
Kind of like how credit card companies compete via benefits like cashback, or miles, or something like that.
Because you're confusing (((socialism))) with socialism.
It doesn't have to do with fees, it has to do with transaction tracking and details. Walmart wants to be able to track users VERY well to get a good datamining profile of what sort of phones, spending habits, financial institutions, finances, budget, etc, everything they have in order to better tailor a product and keep getting those shekels coming in.
> Sweden made it work
> now Sweden is a shitskin infested hellhole with a totalitarian feminist Marxist government and no-go zones full of violent muslims.
> Sweden made it work
It failed the same way it always fails. Because if you don’t earn what you have, you won’t fight to protect it.
Neat. But they aren't offering anything in exchange for that. Instead, they are just blocking all other options, creating an effective monopoly. I don't like the anti-competitive nature of this shit.
Yeah, I see a disturbing trend among Finnish posters about making a decision to just drop out of life because there's no reason to contribute to the system instead. But it seems like they had something close to right for a while.
Or Norway, for instance. Norway wouldn't work if it didn't have oil and good management of its investments, but the socialism there seems to be working alright as long as they don't screw up the pillars supporting it.
No. It enjoyed a greater diversity of viewpoints a few years ago, and conspiracy threads (being chiefly American in content and origin) often leaned towards libertarian ways of thinking, though. Abolition of the federal reserve lines up enormously with goals of those farther right on the spectrum, but that's where the similarity mostly ends.
Oil reliance is going to drop within a few decades. Electric vehicles are here to stay, and many countries are in the process of banning vehicles by 2030 or 2040. Reducing demand reduces the price they can command.
Socialism works until you run out of other people's money. Nordic Socialism with pride in your nation and considering your neighbour to be part of your extended family allowed politicians to raise taxes so that everyone could be taken care of but with the social contract of everyone has to pull their straw to the pile. When the government started to break the social contract with Palme at the head, that is when socialist Sweden started to drop and having to borrow to keep everything moving. But now that Ponzi scheme has fallen which is why the government is trying to bring a ton of new migrants to Sweden to become loanslaves for the government. Munincipalities are already running out of money and the bill for the migrants haven't been sent yet. There will be a civil war soon.
And that's where things start going wrong. If electric is so good (and it is good for certain applications) then there's no need to ban the competition. That's when you start lurking outside your local politician's office so you can kick him right in the balls first thing in the morning for taking your funmobile away from you for no legitimate reason.
They don't have to offer anything besides the Walmart cash-match giveback program that is already destroying smaller supermarket chains by giving back the cash to re-use in walmart rather than as points or rewards which for those penny pinching is a worse deal. They're already making bank.
They fucked up more with no longer allowing rewards to go to Bluebird imho they will lose buyers due to that
I agree. But I know that Germany is banning combustion engines by 2030, and France and Britain are banning them by 2040, if memory serves.
I don't have to like it, but if they are actually banning them, that drops the demand of oil.
When governments get out of control then the black market overtakes the rigged market. It's just that simple. That's one of the clear signs that you've fucked up your domestic economy is when you get a force majeure and people at large start using something else for trade.
That's also when you get people who decide they might as well go kick politicians in the balls because the cost:benefit ratio has changed enough and they might as well.
I tried that a couple of times (I have a Bluebird card), and they never actually compared much, so I stopped trying.
If only your voice wasnt drowned out by stormfags shouting 'nigger'. U may have a chance.
Are there niggers in Malaysia? You sound like somebody who doesn't shout about the Jews because there aren't enough Jews for you to understand why everybody always shouts about Jews wherever they go throughout all recorded history because #JustJewishThings always happen.
Oldfag here. Yes but we grew up
Have fun filling your fuel tank when the government is banning it.
Nah, I'll just laugh at all the crumbling local businesses, rioting niggers, and I won't even need any fuel to go start kicking government workers in the balls. I know where to find them. I just don't do that because there's no reason to in a civil society.
And meanwhile I'll run agitprop to provoke regime change.
they only compare printed ads. Its insane savings instead of driving to ten different stores come holiday season.
> Corporations introduce automated worker replacement screens
> Once a week a random volunteer in your community goes to the store and in one quick motion jams a small diameter pointed metal pin into the screen, destroying it
> After enough time goes by the corporation realizes that it's cheaper to pay a human being a living wage than it is to continue to replace the automated machines
> Corporation goes back to hiring human beings
Destroy these, save jobs
An intelligent population can make anything work. Niggers and kebabs not so much.
>fighting for your right to flip burgers
Is this the only thing you can come up with? Annoy your corporate overlords until they give you... a minimum-wage job?
or you could study something and not be a burger flipper
You think this shit is going to be relegated solely to fast food?
Even if it was, a person making minimum wage flipping burgers andpaying taxes is better than a person sitting around on their ass getting welfare and foodstamps.
Burger-flipping is a good job for somebody who is studying or isn't old enough to study. Not for an invasion of slave workers. My brother flipped burgers for a few summers. I don't usually eat burgers, but I really like it when there are cute high school girls with ponytails taking my order, not niggers and old ladies that should be doing something else in life already.