nice meltdown
Nice meltdown
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hes not wrong
also that tweet was at 5am why does it say 7 for you
>Most trusted name in news? Ha nah, more like LEAST trusted name in news
Ha ha keep telling it like it is Mr Trump, keep telling it like it is.
>Mr. Trump
That's Mr. President Trump mate.
Dab on them fake news cucks. Sad!
>big fat faggot beats up on straw man
I'm surprise he didn't have a heart attack working his iPhone on the toilet
What are timezones you dumb fucking nigger
why would it change though, it was tweeted at 5am
please tell me this is bait...
lie if you have to, but just tell me this is bait
are you fucking retraded, Trump is in DC and he tweeted in at 5am..also Portugal is like 5 hours ahead it doesn't make sense for it to be at 7am even in portual time
It's the most trusted among ultra high IQ city people. Not sure about rural and suburban retards though...
This is actually embarrassing now
He's not wrong faggot
Nice try
>reddit spacing
>Haha the President of another country tweeted
>I better just screencap it and post it online
>Nice meltdown amerifat/amerimut/burgers ;^)
>Meanwhile, my country is a literal-who so they can't make fun of me haha
he typed a sentence nigger
lügenpresse btfo
Trump is Julian Assange now?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to watch CNN. The bias is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of world news and politics most of the bias will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Zucker’s nepotistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the company- his personal hiring philosophy draws heavily from Washington Post practices, for instance. The viewers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the globalist bias, to realise that they’re not just watching news- they say something deep about POLITICS. As a consequence people who dislike CNN truly ARE rural suburban retards- of course they wouldn’t appreciate.
Everything he says is true though.
it's actually His Honor President Mister Trump the Magnificent, or 45 for short, read a book for a change.
>nice meltdown
CNN got fuckin' roasted today, buddy
Hello retarded CNN reporter that doesn't understand dates, time and timezones.
How are you still in your job?
they use 24 hour clock in europe so it would say am
Cnn hasnt reported on daniel shaver yet. What a joke.
slide thread
No, you literally have to be a fucking dupe of the highest order to not realize CNN is completely full of shit.
I hope that is sarcasm in ultra subtle form because if not then you're a bigger dumb ass than the user you replied to.
How is it a slide thread?
ok sharebluew
You still haven't given me a reason why its a slide thread?
>getting this triggered
I'd rather be unimportant and safe, than a fucking ethnic warzone
your a ctr shill
Meltdown? It's a statement of fact. Hell ever since they fucked over Bernie in the primaries, right in front of us, I have zero trust in corporate media.
Even the much lauded NPR is jaw dropping in their attempts to push narratives. Just listen to any if them critically and you will weep.
sick burn friendo
Say it again. I heard if you say it 3 times it becomes true.
>leftists get BTFO by yet another Trump tweet
>claim he's "having a meltdown" or "unstable" for BTFO'ing them and not just laying down an taking their bullshit like a cuck
Try harder, Shareblue.
>No, you literally have to be a fucking dupe of the highest order to not realize CNN is completely full of shit.
t. loyal Alex Jones listener and proud long time consumer of the Male Vitality line of products
Caliphate news network brought to you by kike incorperated
Tell me more...seems you didn't get the message yesterday. Is oliver mad? Do you 'really' want the full dump? It's just as extensive, but for all of you.
*(spoken in deep, black guy voice)* CNN, The least trusted name in news!
Some people might try to tell you that it's the most trusted name in news. They might say most trusted, most trusted, most trusted, over and over and over again. They might put most trusted in all caps. You might even start to believe its the most trusted, but its not. This is fake news!
>daniel shaver
why were the cops at that kids place anyways?
Definitely senile. It's Reagan all over again.
Basically if you watch CNN you want to be lied to.
CNN, the most trusted name in Jews
CNN: Infotainment for Leftists.
/give the people what they want, even if it is a lie.
QTick tock, faggot marxists. Tick tock.
Prepare to die, marxists.
Israel won't exist soon.
>8 posts by this faggot Marxist
your insufferably pathetic (((tactics))) won't ever work, nigger.
He does not use ze iphone.
Nice non sequitur, fellow (((non-kike))) (((non-faggot))), (((non-non-racist))) (((non-nigger))).
Funny, when I think of city people I think of junkies, nigger thug gang members, welfare brood mares, prostitutes, trannies, homeless paranoid schizophrenics and other dregs of the earth.
one day our enemies will no longer have a voice in our lands... or a pulse.
He's actually right. Yes his tweets are kinda childish but CNN is fucking garbage.
Such a pathetic twat. Kill it now.
>no yuo
spoken like a 10 year old
stop having a meltdown
Soccer mom reported to the police that he was aiming a gun (unloaded air rifle) outside his window
It was a low energy tweet from our shitposter-in-chief, I'll give you that.
Holy fuck you retard, he could've got that screenshot from anywhere
It wasn't his best work, true. Twitter's expanded characters allow too much wordiness. That one needed more focus. But it'll trigger libs anyway, so as long as he enjoyed it, who cares.
>drumpf says something retarded
>L-LIBSHITS BTFO triggered yet?
He doesn't have to pick on just CNN ya know.
but we are on the internet most trusted medium ever invented!