>tfw no cute girlfriend to do this with.
Tfw no cute girlfriend to do this with
Is this rape?
just keep browsing image boards im sure it will help
btw give sauce
Only on California college campuses
>wanting to touch a 3DPD
when you resist waifu
the file name you phoneposting retard.
Then get one.
Don't worry dude, this all wont matter when we eventually die. Also SAUCE!
Why is she crying?
Jesus Christ how the fuck are there people this retarded on this site?
Feel the burn lads.
Mugi doesn't have a cute girlfriend to do things with, either. He just has Hanabi.
Is this the lewdest thing or I should look into it if I just want to masturbate?
>She starts crying
Boner fucking ruined.
Yeah this.
That hurt Sup Forumsnon.
>tfw no cute 2D girlfriend to do this with.
become a japanese high school sensei
B-but real life jap girls are ugly
It's a physiological response Japanese women to arouse the men and increase changes of pregnancy.
Take off a sweater? You can just take off your own sweater.