What's the point of white nationalism when we will be able to alter genes themselves?Technological augmentation will make race redundant. It's not worth overthrowing our current system to install some insane fascist dictatorship when we can wait out for technology to solve our problems peacefully.
Yes, i'm still a race realist and support practical methods to keep the peace in the interim, but white nationalism is not the answer. Technological progress will create a new paradigm which will make issues like the racial iq/temperament gap solvable via genetic engineering/AI. Why will being white matter when genetic engineering can give anyone 150+ IQ? Nationalism and traditionalism can not survive such a powerful change. If anything the rich will become the new master race.
A generous democratic socialist system will be a better guiding hand than a fascist dictatorship when the singularity comes because of it's inherent humanist principles.
So far no one has made a compelling case for an ethnostate that takes into account rapid technological change that will by its very nature make traditionalism impossible and race redundant.