Germany loves Britain

Just admit it :^)

Other urls found in this thread:

>muslim antion loves another muslim nation

No more brother wars!!

England is German territory

>Hans' hand compared to Nigel's microfist

More like Germany is looking out for its little sister.

The British crown is descendant of German/Frankish/Norse Royalty.


get out

Germans were basically super Aryans and some good workout plans and diet ones too!! To bad allies destroyed them all

Why should Germany pardon to England ? They destroyed their cities and burned (alive) 5 millions of their citizens.

Fuck that hand looks swollen as shit.


This. Thank you serb bro for taking care of that amerimutt

I'd like you a lot more if you said 'fuck you' to the EU.

The past is the past user, Anglos and Aryans share the same enemy


>He's proving the point of my meme
>He doesn't realize it

Gott strafe England.

>Anglos and Aryans share the same enemy
The French?

Based Serb is based

H-Hitler loved Britain!

The eternal frenchie lol

Dad are you mad?

We did during the Napoleonic wars
Prussia is the reason we won waterloo.

"I have made one mistake in life, I should've burned down Berlin" -Napoleon upon realising the imminent charge of Prussian cavalry.

whiter than you, Tyrone Abdul Diego Xian de la Corazon Sagrada

>*punches scotland*

German’s aren’t even Nordic lmao.

>wtf I hate Germans now

I love what it was 500 years earlier. The first queen was basically the spirtual end of it.

>Reich Minister for Food
>unironically uses the word "Nazi"

Who the fuck cares about krauts?

>gott strafe England
(((Who))) could be behind this.

Nothing worse than the British Nazi slaves on this board. Even the B. U. F. fought against Adolf Hitler once the war was a-foot.

My name is Arthur Harris, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are arrogant, retarded, murderers who spend every second of their day trying to destroy Europe.. You are everything bad on the continent. Honestly, have any of you ever won any wars? I mean, I guess it’s fun bombing innocent civilians because of your own insecurities about the Jews, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than the rape of Belgium in World War One.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best aircraft. I’m pretty much perfect. I was Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Officer of the Order of the British Empire. What geopolitical games have you won other than "Imprison and execute anyone you don't like the sound of? I also get straight accolades, and have an incredibly beautiful wife (She just made me a delicious cup of tea; it was so exquisite). You are all maggots who I do not even consider worth the bones of one British grenadier. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my Lancaster.

Two great nations, what if they both cooperated they would be ruling the world. Europe never learns. We can never be the sum of our excellent parts

>Alleged speech (1940), as reported in Life magazine. (No German source known; could be allied propaganda. Richard Walther Darré was also cited as having pro-English views, and attended King's College in Wimbledon as an exchange student in his younger years.) Quoted in "Women in Air Force Blue" - Page 213 - by Beryl E. Escott - History - 1989

Definitely not a jewish trick

Fertile lands for Merkel to stock with buck refugees now. Thanks Theresa!

refer to thank you,
the exit is to the left.

>According to captured German documents, the commander-in-chief of the German Army, Walther von Brauchitsch, directed that "The able-bodied male population between the ages of 17 and 45 will, unless the local situation calls for an exceptional ruling, be interned and dispatched to the Continent". This represented about 25% of male citizens. The UK was then to be plundered for anything of financial, military, industrial or cultural value,and the remaining population terrorised. Civilian hostages would be taken, and the death penalty immediately imposed for even the most trivial acts of resistance

>The deported male population would have most likely been used as industrial slave labour in areas of the Reich such as the factories and mines of the Ruhr and Upper Silesia. Although they might have been treated less brutally than slaves from the East (whom the Nazis regarded as sub-humans, fit only to be worked to death), living and working conditions would still have been severe

>In late February 1943, Otto Bräutigam of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories claimed he had the opportunity to read a personal report by General Eduard Wagner about a discussion with Heinrich Himmler, in which Himmler had expressed the intention for special forces of the SS to kill about 80% of the populations of France and England after the German victory

Fuck off Naziboo.

Our niggers just shoot one another. Enjoy the exploding sand niggers.

it's alright i guess

>google these quotes
>only results are you reposting them in other threads

Otto Bräutigam: "So hat es sich zugetragen…" (Holzner Verlag, Germany 1968, p. 590)

h-hey fellow g-germanic

like fucking pottery

give me your blood.

All that implies is that he bothers to do original research.

we're too poor for niggers

i'm actually polish, not german

psst. wanna fly some cool planes?

i dont like either country these days but early 2000's germany was comfy the 2 times i visited.


Holy Kek

restored empire (including US) when?

Good choice boy, you won't regret it. Go harvest the Krauts for me.

>Polish fighter pilots became instant celebrities with all classes of British society. International journalists flocked to airfields to write about their exploits, waiters refused to take payments for their meals in restaurants, bar owners paid for their drinks and bus conductors allowed them free journeys. Quentin Reynolds, one of the war’s most well-known American war correspondents, dubbed Polish airmen 'the real Glamor Boys of England' in Collier's Weekly, an apt reflection of the 'hero worship' attitude the British had towards them.

>After the Battle of Britain the Polish Air Force continued to serve alongside the RAF until the last day of the war. By early 1941 the PAF listed 13 units – eight fighter, four bomber and one reconnaissance squadron. In 1943 and 1944 a further two observation squadrons were formed. Polish airmen in these squadrons participated in practically all RAF operations in the European theatre of the war. Their contribution to the war against Nazi Germany was significant, although achieved at a very heavy price. The 1,903 personnel killed are today commemorated on the Polish War Memorial at RAF Northolt.

The utter state of amerimutts

I see nothing wrong with this...

You’re Polish. We get it.

You guys are alright. That's limited to actual British people, though. I wouldn't count Pakis, Mudslimes and the politicians selling out your country as British.

Churchill is the man that sold the west to the kikes.

100% Anglo BLOOD.

>be mongrel
>get shot by mutt

Such is life for the average amerigoblin


Do you do this in every thread mr 50%? You're not getting many (You)'s anymore

>The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.


that was true up until WWI, in which you fought on the wrong side.

Reddit's that way


Do you want 0.02 cents or half a bitcoin?

Too bad the UK kikes abandoned Poland and let the USSR annex it.

>start war over Poland getting invaded
>end war by letting Poland get annexed by something far worse
Good ol' Brits.

Every American should learn more about the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution. Those two caused me to rethink my position on monarchism.

i don't want to be associated with polish subhumans tho. no, i will stay at home and play my games

To be fair, we had expended most of our resources and had no power left

>the intention for special forces of the SS to kill about 80% of the populations of France and England after the German victory


>lost our empire too

Do you really think we had the strength or resolve left to liberate Poland?

The only winners of WW2 were the USA and Israel.

Most of you are alright

I like you too man

>Just admit it :^)

True :^)

>things were so much simpler in ww2
clever pasta

Germany only came into existence because a lot of Central European bohemian countries decided to pretend to be a race and get an empire and be big tough John Bulls.
It was about 40 years before the First World War and Central Europe has been fucked ever since.
Germany was literally a mistake.

> switzerland
> not violet
So you do like us.


Dump your eternal anglo memes please. I miss those threads

You realize we are all in the same boat right?

Germany, explain yourself

>minister of food

German looks like an alpha chad while the bong looks inbred and weak

Made me think

Fuck man... whole my life I've been lookin up to German engineers and philosophers, artists and writers, I even took 2 year course to learn German for the sake of knowing it.

My grandfather who served in all 3 wars ( balkan, ww1, ww2 ) had stories about how awesome Germans are etc.

It really saddens me that you hate us :(

not really no.

On my visit to england I picked up that the english love the french, secretly.

fill me in on the oswald posting best form of shitposting i've seen all week

I think I have to admit that my view is skewed by the gypos from your country. Most Bulgarians I've met in real life were great, but I haven't met many. Also, there are a couple of Bulgarian Sup Forums and Sup Forums regulars who post anti-Brexit stuff in a really articulate and insightful way, and I love them for it.

I should probably change your color to green :^)

nah, we prefer the Germans, trust.
Downvote me all you want Sup Forums, but i do very much like Germans tbqh.




So the polar opposite of Americans then

>So what you gonna fill my centrifuge up with ARYANS and then I'm gonna show you and then refine em?
>Yeah FACKIN RIGHT you are
>Yeah? Do you like that?
>Yeah, FACKIN love it. Fill that centrifuge up with those ARYANS. Put your mouth around the tap
>-And then I'll swallow it but I'll keep sucking it 'till it's empty then I'm gonna go *shows tongue, its covered in blood*
>FACKIN right you are
>I hope you've saved all your ARYANS?
>Yeah I have FACKIN 'ELL
>Well, a couple. OARGH FACK
>[unintelligible] ...the whole FACKIN lot?
>FACKIN [Rest unintelligible due to the centrifuge whirring to life]
>I hope they really enjoy that
>OAARGH go on
>Loads in there. BLOOD, I love it
>OAH YEAH. OAH YEAH go on. OARGH you ready for THEIR BLOOD? AARGH FACK go on. UARGH, OAH FACK... [continues]
>*shows tongue*
>Mmm swallowed the lot
>FACKIN did didn't ya?
>Hhmm. Lick that bit off there
>YOU BEADY ANGLO you. Lovely
>Mmm, beautiful. Did you enjoy that?
>FACKIN right I did!

I dont hate you im actually thinking about studying 1 semester in Budapest

First Reich best Reich
