Does Sup Forums still support Trump?
Does Sup Forums still support Trump?
More every day
no..never had
Hell yes I love my nation
Why wouldn't I?
He Is
Le Walking Meme
i hate him
Campaign Trump yes.
That's cool nobody like you.. you should do the world and kill yourself.. must suck so bad to be you. Want a hug? Want me to ass rape your father you faggot!
He is a puppet who has done nothing to drain the swamp. He bends over to Israel so much that he might ass well be Bush.
Yes. Best president of this century and the last.
there's a new official portrait, print one and frame it, or don't and be a commie, I don't care.
I took a blow after the Jerusalem thing. Still support him though.
Quite possibly the most successful American to have walked the earth.He is /our/ "Alexander" if you will, but not a fag, and not stupid enough to let his own men kill him young.
Why yes.
Trump is the greatest thing to happen to the world is a long long long time.
Poll flogging much?
I not only still support him, I believe we need to continue the argument(s) as to why his reelection is necessary.
The left like Michael Moore is complaining that he IS getting things accomplished, and we need to keep that momentum moving strongly, in a positive, forward direction.
Yes I do
No matter how many times you call him an Zionist shill
Actually that makes me like Israel even more, if it's main enemies are Muslims and libshits
Yes but swamp is trying to change that
Donald Trump is the greatest President the United States has ever had.
We have CIA swamp
Israel has Mossad swamp
True, I don’t like the israel garbage, but he IS helping the right wing gain momentum.
I don't even know what flag you are or why you think your opinion matters on a foreign president
Knock on wood. Don't jinks him. Let's wait 7more years to put up his face on mt. Rushmore. I suggest removing FDR and replace him with Trump
Yes as if europe doesn’t have the same problem.
Yeah but there is only one country that still claims its the best
it's "jinx" ya daft cunt
Techically we are until china somehow beats us in the the future.
That's President Trump to you, and of course we do. President Trump wants to renegotiate or end NAFTA, end TPP, end the Paris Accord, secure our borders, deport illegals, block immigrants from countries that can't vet properly, stop H-1Bs, stop letting companies move jobs to foreign countries, job creation, higher wages by decreasing supply of underpaid foreign workers, reduce the scope of expensive foreign wars, preserve our Constitutional rights by picking pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices, vet Muslims, reduce crime, lower taxes for everyone, end the UN and NATO if other countries don't do their share, stop forcing people to give money to insurance companies even if they don't want insurance, increase energy reserves, everything else in Trump's executive orders, and put America ahead of all other countries. Why would any American citizen not support him?
>confirmed Jew puppet
>nu/pol/ supports anyway
But why be delusional of Trump, tomahawk missiles and Syria were a wake up call
blind followers say ah but he had too...its the same thing with leftists but real communism was never tried...
Making America Great Again every day
The only people who support Trump are literal good goys. So yes, Sup Forums supports Trump and his Zionism. Israel first goyim!
Why would you?
>lies to the goyim masses to get elected
>immediately gives Kushner immense power
>No actual policies that curb illegal immigration, shills for DACA criminals
>No wall, nor any real process/intention to build one
>Israel first in everything hes done
>print out a portrait of the supreme leader
>or dont and be a commie
I thought this was America and not fucking North Korea
Poll is currently at 75% yes. Shareblue BTFO!
You Russian?
There are like 20 Stormfags on Sup Forums that wouldn't support Trump because of Israel.
Everyone else pretty much understand the difference between the right wing Nationalists in Israel and the left wing globalists that exist in every nation and among every race. But yes, chief among globalists are left wing globalist Jews. But the right wing was power in Israel right now.
and then there are r/donald....people that still think Israel is the good guy...
As long as he is not the antichrist, I think he is the best President we have had in the modern era since JFK. it is great to watch the deep state writhe.
You don't seem to understand current day American politics and how much it's changed from even 3 years ago. The reason people always said Democrats and Republicans were the same was because the Republican nominees were always neocons, so you had corrupt career politician Democrats vs. corrupt career politician neocons who were both owned by the globalist elites (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Schiffs, Soros, and their subordinates). President Trump is neither a career politician nor a neocon, which you can easily see by looking at all his policies, and that's why his policies actually help the American citizenry instead of the elites for the first time in 50+ years. Every nationalist in the Republican party is fundamentally different from the neocons, so now the American people finally have federal politicians who represent their interests, such as Trump and Roy Moore, which is why the establishment is working so hard to discredit them with false accusations and fake news media shilling against them 24/7. Pay attention please.
I have a question for the cultists, will you still be voting for Trump even without a "wall" having been built come 2020 (hes already said its just fencing mostly, not a actual wall like structure)
"Israel" isn't the good guy. That's retarded childlike thinking.
Nations are made up of people. And those people have different ideas. Right now, the right wing nationalists have control of Israel.
>rothschild's on israeli money
>Israel's not globalist goyim!
Well I agree that the missles were bullshit, but he did stop the funding of syrian rebels and has left them alone for the most part.If he strikes again then he is just like the rest of them.The only reason I would still support him if he did that is because of the good things he is doing here at home.
>deporting like crazy
>wants a better immigration system
>lowering taxes
I understand there are also a lot of people who are blind to what he did, but he is also the best thing we have right now, every other candidate is worse than he is and I do NOT want open borders or any of that shot happening under a neocon or a democrat.Every other candidate that is actually worthy would never win as well.We aren’t perfect, we may act like barbarians a lot claiming were the best, but we honestly do the best we can unlike the liberals who just want whites and my home to die.
wanna know why right wing fags and trump supporters are so rampant on this board? they're too scared of not having anonymity. actual pussies
Stormfags btfo
Rothschilds own everyone's money
Pay attention Trump isn't the good guy sooner or later he will sell you out guys, just like he attacked Hillary over Syria but proceeded to tomahawk them himself....
His family is (((their))) family now ...he helps Israel you know the people that are for you good guys but killed the Liberty crew, but I guess you muricans dont learn a lot about history
You continue to help them yet they always stab you in the back be it immigration acts or sell your tech to China...
But you still continue like stupid EU polticans not all muslims and you not all jews...
I don't think you understood me goyim. They're ON Israeli money. They're the Jewish George Washington you dumb fucks.
Stupid poll, where was the option for “I didn’t but do now”.
Meaningless results.
what a ugly fucking picture
>SCOTUS pick
>Other federal judiciary picks
>Tax reform
>Consumer confidence up
>Illegal immigration down
>Has demonstrated repeatedly that you can cut budgets and still perform
>Has got liberals to care(for the moment anyway) about state rights and executive overreach.
At this rate, under Drumpf, not much longer.
Right wing Israeli Nationalists like Netentayuh had involvement in 9/11. Nationalist Israelis were caught setting up a camera to film 9/11 before it happened then celebrating it. Jews are loyal to their own tribe alone and view us as cattle, their political affiliation is irrelevant.
Well, the did help to establish their nation. That's not surprising.
But just as the left wing in America doesn't do things the way the Founding Fathers did.
The right wing in Israel doesn't do things the way the Rothschilds do.
Washington is on our money, show me a Liberal who acts anything like him.
Then you know shit about right and nationalism how could you your nation is a mixed one, let me clear things up for you just because they are right doesnt mean they are your firends
after all a true rightwinger will betray anyone for his country, bomb US ship,9/11, secretly make nukes...
For Israel its all about them and yes your current go is a helpful fool
>name your son oliver willis
>son ends up having a lisp
How the hell do you know they were Israel Nationalists?
Do you know that every CIA agent is a Republican that loves the constitution?
this but dont try muricans will never understand how could they understand what a nation is ...they dont have a homogeneous group of people they are a mix
they dont know how it is to think like a nationalist like ww2 style and thats how Israel works
I don't know, Washington did shit his pants quite a bit during the Revolutionary war and the libshits are infamous for their shitty undies.
As far as the ship goes, Japan and Britain have done terrible things to America too, we moved on with them as allies.
9/11 was the globalists.
And I don't care about the nukes
I'm pretty sure all of the purples are Sup Forumss parasitic Mudslimes.
I dont, but presumably they were, doing risky work for the benefit of their state then celebrating it. And Israeli/Jewish nationalism is different from other forms of nationalism since it takes the form of Zionism, which seeks to control other countries/the world itself, not just Israel.
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away” Netanyahu
Same man has fucking sleepovers at Kushner's house!
These people do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, they're cartoonishly evil.
>75% of Sup Forums is still retarded
Yikes... I mean, I knew it was bad but not that bad.
Are you trying to tell me that the Zionists are any different to the (((left wing globalists)))? It's literally no different to the moderate/radical meme that (((they))) push.
Protip: There are no "good guys" in Israel.
Jews are pretty smart.
Have the libshits play villain, make Trump look good by comparison. Now, the goy feel like they're sticking it to the man by sucking Israel's cock.
No, just people who would rather not support a Jew puppet who has accomplished nothing in regards to the wall/getting rid of illegals (through actual policies of his, not placebo effect of more reports to ICE) which is what he was elected for. That and shilling for DACA criminals/putting Israel first.
The old Zionists did become the Globalists of today.
But there was a shift Like Classic Liberals are not Liberals of today.
Modern Zionists in Israel dot seek to control the world. They just want their little bit of land.
Globalists, who were the old Zionists want to control the world, and do control it.
They did help create Israel, they were Zionists, but they are not in power in Israel right now. They have lost influence.
Don't get me wrong, they still have a lot of influence there. But they have a lot of influence everywhere. However they don't have the power right now.
Kek, I love being right.
Wouldn’t that make you guilty of zionism?
>offers no rebuttal beyond haha ur da muslim
Go back to your T_D echo chamber.
Now, I get it
>"Dude, let's not forget that the last war we had with Britain was 200 years ago, and lets not forget that after we promised to remain neutral in WWII, but constantly supplied Britain and created an embargo with Japan that Japan attacked us during wartime! Dude allies! How is Israel any different? Sure ever since our "allegiance" with Israel we've been in a perpetual state of war that only seems to benefit them and yeah, maybe they did knowingly attack the USS Liberty and blame the Muslim Brotherhood so America would attack them and then once they realized they were backed in a corner said it was an accident and sure maybe Israel did blow up a lot of building in Egypt and blamed the Muslim Brotherhood and tried to convince Britain to unironically nuke Egypt and denying any involvement, but dude that's just pure coincidence, they are great allies of ours! 9/11 was globalists fellow white man, not those based Israelis! Who cares about nukes dude they're our allies!"
You're quite blatantly a Jew. I hope someone sets you on fire.
The british empire basically served the Jewish interest, so yes
20% telling 75% to leave
Of course, trump is the best thing to happen to this country. Also, fuck your inb4, you are a leftist shill
Lads, of course we would love to have a fascist or an ultra-hitler to be our president, but we don't have that, do we? Trump is the best we have, whether we like it or not. Give it a decade, the overton window is shifting.
He's not even close to decent. He's a kike cock mongler. Yes he was the best option we had. No he's not worth a fuck.
>Gets triggered by the naming of the Mudslime
>isn't a mudslime
>Is in a western nation
>thinks it's only kikes who care about the Mudslime problem
I swear, you people are just slightly less intelligent kikes.
Look at how let Japan off the hook. It was America's fault that they attacked us and killed so many Americans.
No, Japan made the choice to slaughter Americans so that they could then try to take control of the Pacific with no one to stop them.
Britain tortured Americans and burned down the Capitol. And it didn't take 200 years to forgive them. We went right back to being pals right afterward.
Also, not a Jew. I just see the difference in human beings based on their ideas.
I have no doubt you are a NatSoc though, blaming America for Japan attacking us.
When did I say that? Sure he sucks israel's cock, but at least he's trying to lessen immigration. He also makes leftists cry which is all I really cared about doing when I voted for him.
Jews own both the left and the right.
You don't think they're smart enough to manage a pro wrestling style campaign of "lefties bad, trump is good" to keep the goy in line? Get real man.
I just hate it when most brits act like we were the only zionist to ever exist.
>britain dindu nuffin
>we wuz good boys
>jus tryin to take over the world n shiet
Really depends on what you mean by supporting Trump. I'm still happy that he is president and I'm glad to see that nationalist politics is flourishing in America, largely because of Trump. But I'm not going to cheer him on whenever he does something stupid and/or enforces the neocon agenda.
how are you such a massive faggot, when will you get aids and die...these are the questions you need to ask OP
Is he the best though? Hes appointed random Jewish family members into key positions, letting them dictate things. Hes been pretty shit. Dont see how even Cruz would of been any worse at this point.
Bud, you're putting words in my mouth again. I know jews own the left and the right, but what i'm saying is that it makes SJWs and leftists/communists cry, which is what I wanted to see. Politicians are (mostly) jews, the general populace crying about trump is not. (and it's entertaining.
Trump is a crypto-kike that sold his entire family to the tribe.
Fuck him.