What is happening with these alt-right female figures lately or tradthots as you call them. I always skipped threads about them but now I'm interested what happened, they got exposed or?
What is happening with these alt-right female figures lately or tradthots as you call them...
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what is the meaning or trad thot ? pls explain
Women have invaded a male only space, the beta males have teamed up with the women, and the infighting is destroying the entire thing. It's just what women do when they place themselves on our level and involve themselves with our creations.
Reminder what Finngolian beta that shills for this Spanish subhuman promised us to do
just thots being thots. Nothing new under the sun
This is essentially why sailors didn't allow women on ships. They divided the crew and caused unrest.
Let me remind you that if you associate yourself with the "alt-right", you probably have a testosterone deficiency.
"alt-right" is not a political opinion, it's a hype, fed by edgy sheep.
I wish all of you people who masturbate to these girls would take a bath with your respective toasters.
Hottie that claims to be a traditional woman (marriage, children, family)
You sure? It seemed more like the MGTOW's chimping out and dividing people.
the real white knight Finn left a long tie ago, what you see is people LARPing as him
A bunch of actual misogynist keyboard warriors are fighting with beta orbiter Patreon paypiggies over whether or not 22 year-old female e-celeb philosopher wannabes should be able to be ethno-nationalists.
Fuck nu-pol
Aren't tradthots women who pretend to be traditional to gain male attention but are actually no better than average liberal feminist hoe when you look at their lifestyle?
You eceleb obsessed incels are the cancer killing Sup Forums i hope you all die in a fire
As if on que, the last thread dies and a new one starts. How much are you shills being paid?
Lauren Southern and the rest of the crusty mid-20's sluts are yesterday's news. They have been exposed as shitskins, coalburners, jews, and feminists. They have been replaced by superior fresher models.
Meanwhile Lauren Rose is younger, prettier, actually white, light haired, blue eyed, wears little makeup, has better teeth, accepts ethno nationalism, isn't a coalburner, and doesn't want your shekels.
Lauren Rose is an innocent virgin wifey material qt who wants to share her journey into ethnonationlism while Lauren Southern is a cakeface whore trying to subvert and destroy the movement by "leading" it.
Lauren Rose > Poo N Jew McCarthy > Crusty Canadian Coalburner
Hahaha t. Madonna-whore complex incarnate
What's happening? A massive shill, divide and conquer campaign is being put together to drive all women from the alt right
That is what's happening. They want us to kick out all the women so our ideology never gets anywhere and and just remains among basement neckbeards
>I always skipped threads about them but now I'm interested
You should have alteast put on a trollflag for this, slavnigger, this is your 'nth thread today.
There, he already knows, because he has been making Tara thread all day now.
Reminder to beta orbiters that when Lauren is travelling at your expense she is having tons of dick in order to satisfy her unquenchable appetite for Paki cock hence why she went to London the Paki capital of the world.
Here, a still active one
(((Madonna Whore Complex))) is a quack theory invented by a perverted incestuous jew. It was Freud's attempt to shame virgins and justify whores.
A man should desire a virgin for both love and sex. There is no "complex". Take your Year 1 University Psychology elsewhere faggot.
I hear LR might be a lesbian. Don't know how true this.
Also the e-celebs give a watered down version of whatever they read on Sup Forums
Even Lauren Rose and Faith Goldy are guilty of this. Like when they stopped being civnats because Sup Forums was making fun of them.
>as you call them
Oy vey me shekels.
>because Sup Forums
No. They elevated Sup Forums not the other way around.
But believe what you want.
i totally agree, only men such as homosexual millennial woes and flip fucking andrew anglin are mike enoch with his jewish wife and andrew auernheimer who is jewish. is allowed these are real "men" remember people can´t change
Lmao pretty much this
Oh look another eceleb thread.
Just what we needed.
6 months from now im going to post this in a thread about her 10 nigger fuck friends
>They elevated Sup Forums
The only thing they elevate is the dicks of their beta male followers
>implying that's not the same guy phone fagging.
Don't forget blonde in the belly of the beast. She is white, a ethno-nationalist and I believe she will be having a child soon.
Also I think there is hope for Faith Goldy.
fuck off shill. that comment had no context what so ever. first day on the job?
God i wish Lauren would do a blacked scene
which one? and did she admit to it?
also lana lokteff
Shit thread, why bother asking questions you obviously know the answer to
Weev covered this at great length in his most recent podcast.
lol no, he's still here with more cognitive dissonance than ever. His argument now is that if we don't accept Lauren Southern we're hypocrites because Ryan Faulk is gay. He'd rather tear down the Alternative Hypothesis than see his coalburner get booted. So goddamn pathetic.
reposting is against the rules
This coalburner is irrelevant. Bow to our future e-celeb empress
>the old teenage surrogate girlfriend e-whore is tainted
>have this new teenage surrogate girlfriend who's totally BASED
You deserve to be shot
every leaf does
a literal race mixer
"Thot" is niggerspeak for roastie. The term "tradthot" is being shilled by JIDF in collaboration with the ZOGstream Media (ZSM) to astroturf a "controversy within the (((alt-right)))" narrative, because ZOG primarily attacks its opponents by fabricating drama and leveraging that to "crack" the community they're attacking.
The overriding lesson is that e-celebs are cancer and you should expect nothing less when stooping to the level of such reprehensible normalfaggotry as becoming invested in e-celebs
Show us your real flag kike.
No, they didn't. Alt-right just do what it was designed to do from the get go - implode any sign of nationalist movement in the West so that Richie Tikki Rich can get signed photo from Bernie Sanders.
Go back reddit you gay shill.
Conservative cuties are great. The only people who hate them are shareblue shills like you.
/reported and saged
who is lindsay shepherd
A bunch of MGTOW faggots decided to chimp out against betabux whores effectively spreading white nationalism-lite, therefore destroying any hope of mainstream legitimacy in the younger generation's political consciousness.
Too many dumbass men are thinking with their small head instead of their big head. That's why we're in this mess.
> needing roasties for legitimacy
The absolute state of wh*te cucks lol
The future.
unfortunately, its true.
omg I'm so demoralized now :(
The claimed to be traditional women, but they live the life of a careerist woman, along with dressing and acting provocatively.
Also Lauren is being trolled for dating interracial, despite her not once claiming to be alt-right.
Basically any way who is claiming to be Trad is being held to those standards, and any women who has ever dated interracially or has been (allegedly) promiscuous is being trolled.
Crusty Canadian Coalburner did. She said he was "half irish half black" when people accused her of dating a Muslim because she thought that was somehow better.
Jew N Poo McCarthy has been rumored to lust after married brown guys at her old job before having a breakdown but that's just hearsay so far. She's a jew/indian mongrel anyway though.
Sure thing. Why do you always hide behind your pathetic meme flags when making these posts?
Not fucking niggers is literally the only base requirement. If that's what drives women from away from white nationalism they are toxic to the movement.
Sorry Jamal Hernandez I don't speak nigger.
>Spreading white nationalism
>Fucking niggers
Link to last thread faggot shill
isn't Weev Jewish? His name sure as fuck sounds like it and he doesn't look 'Bavarian'.
MRAs and MGTOW never went anywhere and they share these exact attitudes. Furthermore all the DS does is accentuate negatives, it's good for lulz but wont get you anywhere. You need to actually fight for something to get anywhere.
There are much better women than these posers. But they're ok I guess but don't waifu on them.
Consider the following:
>its a woman
females ruin everything they are a part of.
>OH NO, how will the right survive if we get accused of MISOGYNY!!!!!
Lel fuck off. This is the same nonsense concern trolling that we saw right before the election when the Access Hollywood tapes came out. Guess what? The "misogynist" not only won (against a white woman) but he took the white female vote by a wide margin. You know why? Because being a soft, whiteknight faggot gets you absolutely NOWHERE with women. We don't need to compromise our most fundamental values to accommodate loudmouthed camwhores with GEDs. That will only make us weaker, and thus push more women away from the movement.
And you're a beta cuck little bitch boy, we can call names too
all Idols are (((phony)))
Roosh revealed that he heard from multiple sources that tradthots are sleeping with shitskins/niggers
>"Europe and the US should never allow minorities to enter. Im an identitarian and a supporter of pan europeism"
Why is everybody taking it as a given that Lauren Southern fucked the brown guy?
fuck off rabbi
>because ZOG primarily attacks its opponents by fabricating drama and leveraging that to "crack" the community they're attacking.
Do you have such a hard time believing that the sort of people bitter enough to end up here don't like it when entry-level women try to claim a position of leadership?
These controversies aren't manufactured, they are legitimate grievances between parties with otherwise overlapping goals.
Stopped reading right there. Please explain to me what "other things" a young 7/10 female community college dropout to make all of this money you're talking about. Sucking dick? Working at Starbucks? What regular job do you think she would have if she weren't doing what she does?
Roosh is a 40 something sandnigger seeking a purpose in life and he gets it by internet drama now. The fact that a supposed WN site like DS allies with him shows they shouldn't be taken seriously. What's even worse is that Americans seem to trust him, is it because he is vaguely semitic looking and your good goy complex kicks in?
Fucking based!
Fucking faggot canadian flag. Faggot you are gay.
>they are legitimate grievances
youre right there are some, such as the in the balancing act 'political commentators' have between thought policing and recruitment.
trying to spin people calling out a coalburner roastie as an attack on all women is where the fabricated drama comes in.
>Fuck capitalism
Yes. Fucking burgers I swear to God
Why do you think these kike-right icons get platforms on mainstream media but Goyim Godess has been banned from her small Youtube channel?
Shills are attempting to discredit and character assassinate them. It has turned into a debate as to whether they should be accepted as traditional or conservative when they all have non-traditional or non-conservative pasts.
The original shit stirrers were shills, then the /r9k/, MRA and MGTOW crossover picked up and ran with it, despite these movements never getting anywhere. DS also had a similar campaign running a while ago and they picked it up again.
being a housewife is all the wealth a gril needs
Leftypol shills and shareblue are trying to demonize alt-right E-celebs as they've been the most effective in combating globalist and neo-marxist rhetoric.
He is also a sex-obsessed Persian who likely has Semitic ancestors. Is it any surprise a social parasite like that would debase white people so he can continue expounding upon the virtues of raping them?
Calling out Southern is legitimate and she was behaving like a retard before, idgaf about Tara. But then it expanded into attacking everyone and DS shilled their white sharia again.
They all seem the same for some reason. Bleach blonds that love nigger cock. You can tell just by looking at them.
Well soy’d
The only way that the left knows how to win is through toxicity and by demonizing their opposition. They aren't able to logically explain their positions so they resort to ad hominem which NEETs here eat like catnip.
I don't even believe that to be "fabricated." Almost all of the Sup Forumsacks I know are unsuccessful with women (slight selection bias that those are only the ones I can figure out are Sup Forumsacks, obviously).
But yeah, I was more talking about stuff like Pagans vs Christianity or White Nationalism vs Nordicism that often gets passed off as "divide and conquer" campaigns.
As far as I gathered a beta uprising happened because many of them began to question the fact most of them aren't married, let alone have children
Might want to listen to that podcast quoted retard. Also learn what a niche is.