Do you ever wonder if we actually did find WMD's but the government kept it a secret??
Do you ever wonder if we actually did find WMD's but the government kept it a secret??
To what benefit exactly?
We didn't, and we'd be A LOT better off if that dummy GW had left him in place, and I don't just mean several trillion dollars richer and several thousand fewer young Americans dead. Maybe GW could have taken out Sadam's psycho sons in a drone strike to send him a message not to fuck with us (or try to kill Poppy) again, but it was a strategic mistake of the highest caliber to remove him and his government.
to not scare the living shit out of civilians
no because 5 mins before we "found them" he announced he would sell in euro instead of dollars.
Except they were trying to run the story that they found nuclear arms before it was proven to be bs. If they didn’t want to “scare people” (which you absolutely want to do to prepare for war), then they would have never tried to make that the whole reason we invaded.
Saddam had WMD's spilling out of the cupboards. Mustard gas, sarin gas, white phosphorous, etc. He was trying hard to get actual nukes from the Norks as well.
We did. The chemical weapons we gave to Saddam around the time of the Iran v. Iraq war.
Careful OP, that kind of conspiracy talk is... completely correct
The problem was the media narrative along with Bush being an idiot.
They used the "WMD" line instead of just saying "Chemical Weapons" to sell the war. So then when we found the chemical weapons, and all he had was old stockpiles of howitzer shells from the 80s (the good shift/mobile labs were already in Syria - they fled during that 3 month window Bush gave him to abdicate) they did not count as "WMDs" since they were a short range small scale delivery system.
Then for some reason Bush doesn't release that we found chemical shells to the public and the media waits 8 years before running a story on it.
I never understood it, but I had friends that saw the stockpiles and my friend's cousin got treated for sarin exposure after an IED strike.
Why? Americans are so stupid that you can tell them anything, and both left and right will lock steps behind their rulling class as they march on to another war for their proxy rulers, you don't have to even make anything up or do shady stuff in secrecy.
Gen Wesley Clark sits on the stage and just says to the audience that Iraq war was a sham that was planned years before 9/11 and Americans do nothing.
Also this, but much of their aresenal in 2003 was degraded due to age and lack of upkeep. They did manage to gas some of their own citizens, but IMO if they had a large arsenal of chemical WMDs they would have used it during the war a lot more
thanks for sharing that friendo
No. They wouldn't invade if they actually believe he had WMD's.
It was good for the Jews. And that's why we did it
They made up the WMD story specifically to scare the hell out of people. Colin Powell literally brought Anthrax to a hearing. At that moment Colin Powell was a bigger risk to the U.S. than Saddam Hussein.
This is true and ironically acurate.
I have an uncle with a very high security clearance who works for a military contractor designing satellites for surveillance purposes.
I was told they most definitely had WMDs. they had shots of WMDs being loaded onto a plane in China. the same plan could be observed landing in Iraq. the footage was clear enough to where you could even make out unique markings (like a serial number or something) on some of the WMDs.
I trust the guy 100%, he would never lie to me. however, I'm also open to the possibillity that somebody above his head released this footage, in order to astroturf the meme that they have WMDs, which would be grounds for invasion.
so basically, they either had them for real...or Israel false-flagged them having them, so that we would invade.
No. Both Libya, and Iraq threatned to drop the US dollar and use a different currency.
Iraq is the third largest oil reserve
We didnt invade libya, bc no oil.
I dont recall Iraq threatning to use nukes on the US or its allies.
The US has nukes. And more then threatned Iraq. We invaded and toppled its government.
The real problem was not those that believed Saddam had WMD even if he did or didn't. He wanted his neighbors such as Iran to believe he was a threat. So he had no desire to show his hand. The real cause of the war was the food for oil program. Germany, France, and Russia were all dealing with Saddam under the table while also guaranteeing Saddam that they could keep the US from acting unilaterally. So Saddam was under zero pressure to prove he didn't have any. And it turns out those three couldn't stop the US from acting. If not for that, if everyone was acting above board, Saddam would have felt real pressure and a war would likely not have occurred.
lmao. This. The kids these days have no idea how much bullshit we've been fed this century. It's impossible to get them up to speed. No one has the time to learn them right.
Your such a cuck. My uncle works for Nintendo and can disprove everything you just said
Are you fucking serious? Iraq would nuke Israel into oblivion the second the opportunity presents itself.
We did, the NYT has a long article about it probably six or so years ago.
There were no "WMDs" found in Iraq. Some former service members will lie to you with "I know so-and-so" stories. These faggot LARPers should be shot for treason. An acquaintance of mine at the time actually knew one of the inspectors. There were no active WMDs found.
Saddam stored decaying weapons that were unsafe to move. These had already been declared to the UN for the most part. The neocons through their puppet Bush tried to sell us the idea that there was an *active* WMD program. There was not. Period. Anyone who says there was evidence of an active program is a liar. Enough with the sore loser conspiracy theories to justify a war you were dumb enough to support.
We gave Saddam the wmds
No Jew, we don't wonder if your oil wars were justified.
I dont know which one to believe. This guy or:
They both sound legit
There should have been WMDs there, because we should have used them there.
>a kike dies?
The world is a better place
>a mudslime dies?
The world is a better place
>a negro dies?
The world is a better place.
>an amerimutt dies?
The world is a better place
>Muh oil conspiracy
Calm down there Mr 2006
You dying would be a great thing for Germany.
yeah lets kill all white people my fellow amerimutt
>yeah lets kill all white people my fellow amerimutt
kek, yeah you're white totally Akmed. The only thing a white Mudslime is, is a race traitor, but thankfully there aren't many of those.
literally just re-read that faggot's post. he contradicts himself every other sentence.
>There were no "WMDs" found in Iraq
>Saddam stored decaying weapons
>been declared to the UN for the most part
>There was not [an active WMD program]
regardless of what you want to believe, this is very clearly a conspiracy, and as such everything in this entire thread is conspiracy theory. yet only posts that disagree with his narrative get branded (((conspiracy theory)))
why is that? have we ever seen such behaviors before?
No, I don't think we found any WMDs
He was armed with WMDs by western firms, with the approval of western governments, as part of the designs of western intelligence agencies, in a war against an enemy of the west. Those weapons carried with them the possibility of later declaring the ally we armed as the next Satan to be defeated.
I still can't believe that Powell was retarded enough to bring anthrax at the UN meeting if he had dropped the vial and it broke all the people there would've died.
How did the UN security even allow him to bring it in the building?
It was flour
no, it was real anthrax, Powell confirmed it later in an interview.
we found rusted out chemical shells and the like, a number of our boys were contaminated by them and suffered adverse health consequences.
Muricans actually still believe there were chemical weapons? What is this, 2006?
News flash, the weapons were found.
The problem was main stream media swept it under the rug.
Proof ---->
Yes we believe it, because the weapons were found and disposed of.
Main stream media did not publish anything so president bush would be discredited.
Chemical weapons were found and in a readiness state. However, since that was against the narrative at the time, it was hushed up.
The problem was declaring that chemical weapons were "weapons of mass destruction" e.g. WMD. They are not. Chemical weapons are area denial weapons. They are used cover a (relatively) small area to disperse enemy troops. Thus "area denial". However:
(1) Actual weapons were sent from Iraq into Syria by the the Russians. What those weapons actually were is classified. They were almost certainly not actual working nuclear weapons.
(2) Saddam's own generals and scientists told him they had a working nuclear weapons program. They were lying because they were afraid of what he would do to them if it was revealed they had not made much progress. But Saddam and his key guys thought they had a well advanced program, and British and French spies reported that. This was the basis of US intelligence believing that Saddam's nuclear weapons program was in an advanced state when it was in fact, not.
No, there were none, just an excuse.
They were looking for and found THE WMD. An ancient alien particle beam that was guarded by the Sumerians.
holy shit its so frustrating to see the younger generation pretend they have any knowledge on global political matters
once you get old enough you will realize how corrupt and truly fucked up our society is and you will feel powerless
if only you knew how bad things really were
LOL you think it had anything to do with WMD's. Naive fool.
Saddam was moving the Iraq oil trade off of the dollar so they killed him. The WMD bullshit was the smokescreen.
Nearly the same for Gaddafi except it was primarily over gold and his plan to make Libya a sovereign nation.
Does anyone actually have a problem with this? What the fuck is a military for if not to protect our interests. We need oil and these sandniggers have it. We pay them good money for it and if they wanna fuck around and mess with our economic interests then I hope our leaders will take them out.
well didn't the west sell them to him?
top the fucking kek
As reason to attack Iraq it was totally fine to "scare" sheepel.
But can't show them that you told them the "truth", top kek
>Powell was retarded enough to bring anthrax at the UN meeting
He didn't. He simply lied.
Well of course, he is a nigger after all.
And like all niggers, he should be hung.
Cardoen sold some cluster bombs to him that's on record.
But those were WMDs in the 80's.
>We pay them good money for it
>t. mafia burger
Right. How dare anyone ask for a reasonable price for something that you want.
No, kill millions and dump your nuclear waste on top of that. And then tell them what price you are willing to pay.
I really hope that someone at some point destroys most of the US, so that you finally get your teeth knocked out and experience a war yourself.
>libya, bc no oil.
nigga what are you talking about. libya has lots of oil, and is was the oil rich region that revolted because americans and british told them they would give them the money directly if they did.
That's the actual red pill here.
pic related
Pretty sad that Saddam had already destroyed those western values weapons. All the lies - exposed.