ITT: Best girls in their respective series






Not even, Satania is a worthless piece of shit that only exists to make the other characters look good.

>Not Birdway
>Not Shinobu
>Not Asuka
You are a good man. But this thread is still a disaster.



Somebody get the cards








Fuck off. Gabu is the worst girl along with Raphiel


Indisputable Best Girl

A lot of people still cant admit Houki is the Best Girl

All girls are best girls

People cant admit Lisha is Best Girl



Tomoyo is Best Girl and Best Key Girl meanwhile nagisa is by far WORST GIRL and WORST KEY GIRL

That Damn Overrated Rotten Peach Bathed in Semen, Fucking No
Stupid vmc member fuck yourself

deez niggas get it

Remember Rin is Best Girl and wakana is Worst Girl



Someone who loves Shirayuki?






Shit taste


Because she obviously isn't.

someone post the gif of satania on the toilet

Kyousuke never deserved to Kuroneko
Fuck You kirinofags disgusting incestfags

Too late Lisha is Best Girl and celeshitia is shit

Welp threads ruined see you guys next time

That isn't Koma chan


Lisha a shit



Indisputable. TSF is literally the perfect friend and girl.





Tomoyo a shit.


That's not Mai.

Here are the actual best girls.
One of them is kicking the other down a snowy hill.

i want to eat out of satanichia's flavourful ass


Only you are Pathetic Miserable Unhappy Hater Faggot




Lisha a shit


Literally all terrible

You are still continue to deny about these girls are Best Girls in their respective series


So many attempts and you still couldnt do it, sad.



98 cm of perfection.


Clannad's best.





Only right answers in this thread. The rest of you should be ashamed.

No contest

Somebody post karen

Frog girl is overrated.



Best Idol right here.



OP meant best, not worst.



Not even close



As expected of Shar(?)fags, their Illiteracy betrays their poverty.



Akari is slightly better

At being worse.

But also better