***,980位/***,939位 (***,218 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/03/15 小林さんちのメイドラゴン 1 [Blu-ray]

>***,980位/***,939位 (***,218 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/03/15 小林さんちのメイドラゴン 1 [Blu-ray]

How can we save KyoAni?

put em on kickstarter

FUCK Japan this is clearly the best show kyoani's done since chuu2

They need to stop adapting shit source material.


Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is so fucking terrible. Only one shill who works for the American licensee keeps posting about it and his threads fall right off the board. Shit comedy, shit characters, shit plot, shit moe, shit service.

Only they can save themselves

There's like 6-7 threads that reach bump limit on airing day.

Fire Yamemeda and Takemoto.

maid dragon is what happens when someone tries to pander to yurifags with a female MC who's basically a guy so fails to do even that and it's just shit for everyone

Pathetic lie.


you can't

Serves them right for producing yuri garbage.

You don't need sales to prove your worth.

Remember when butthurt Sup Forums kiddies called Nichijou a flop? Good times.

Why do nips have such shit taste.

But it was.

>hurr durr sales

It's making money for them to this day.

Buy the manga

Maid Dragon is just buck up plan in case of KnK flop tho.

Didn't their movie just make a shit ton of money though?
If that is the case couldn't they just make a bunch of shitty anime and still be ok or does that movie money go somewhere else?

meme dragon is absolute shit, same with little sales academia and gabriel dropped out. Easily the Shit 3 of the season.

>Kyoanushit selling like shit
What a time to be alive.


Stop this meme, the re-release sold well but it's pretty much a dead franchise nowadays, and Kadokawa made the money, not KyoAni.

>all these kyoani hating Sup Forumsermin
KyoAni ALWAYS finds a way, don't even try to kid yourselves. Just stay in your jojo generals and let the big kids talk about good anime made by a good studio that won't die until the entire industry itself dies.


People grow tired of the same shit. This is just a Nichijou with much sexual subtext.
People grow tired of fujoshit pandering. If they had adapted Youjo Senki, that's what people want nowadays, that would have been another story.
KyoAni think that they can do whatever they want. They forget the kind of people that watch anime shows, shut-in misanthropes, not gay and joyous types, so sales hurt.

That wasn't nice, he was defending you.

>People grow tired of fujoshit pandering
Did you miss YoI?

Free!!! Olympics OVA.

They tried not doing so and almost go bankrupt

>making this thread again
Show me where KyoAni hurt you.

Probably one of the retards who got bitter seeing the fight scene webm and wished KyoAni was animating dragonball instead.

>implying they thought Maidragon would be a success
It's not like they're on the verge of bankruptcy.

Do you want to see his ass that badly?

Aren't these your fanbase? Where did you get that they're haters?

Nichijou combined with shitaste

No saving. It's KyoAni, only pigs watch their shows.

Are you stupid?

stay delusional, boy

You guys realise there are 2 episodes out, right?

>what are tv reruns

Good anime but bad in sales. This is what happens when you try to make goodtaste

BDs only have two episodes per volume

It's literally nothing like nichijou. Fuck off and kill yourself.

>maid dragon
More like Need aidragon.

What's your point? What I'm saying is that there are still 10 weeks to go for sales to change.

Problem is, YoI was actually and explicitly directed to fujoshits. KyoAni makes shit supposedly directed to moe-fags, when in reality all they make is fujoshit pandering without having the balls to say, "this is actually directed to fujoshit".
KyoAni think that they can do whatever they want as they animate it, since their production values are so high, with people even having the nerve to call it art. People have never heard of the dragon maid, nor it was that popular in the first place. It's not the obligation of anyone to watch shit just because there is good animation or loyalty to the studio.
KyoAni stopped understanding that anime isn't a real art-form, as it's one of the most heavily consumer-dependant mediums that exist, where you will do OK as you keep your end-consumer happy. People don't want to watch busty dragons antics, as easy as this is. Only clueless idiots watch anime for the "artistic value".

Where can I rate comment and subscribe?

Flip flappers was 10/10 before the mimi garbage when it jumped the shark

That doesn't even make any sense.

Maybe they should stop adapting shitty LNs.

They won't.

>Kyoani makes something for once that doesn't have a self insert for beta males
>Instantly fails

really makes you ponder

This please. I hope I get dubs

With few exceptions, shows that look dead at this point tend to be dead at the end. You can see the trends at the very beginning.

It's a shame, I actually like the show, it's better than Phantom World at least, so it's sad to not see it doing so well.

They did. Maid dragon is a manga by COOL.

Maid Dragon is a manga, though.


Shitty source material is still shit.

Except that's completely wrong.

It isn't sad, it's just a natural reaction of people to shit. Avoiding it.

>this thread
>only two episodes in

Sup Forums - Anime & Manga, more like Sup Forums - Business & Finance


Also, the Amagi Brilliant Park re-release BD box is doing pretty bad as well. It's getting released in a couple of days and barely has 1000 points. KyoAni is in trouble.

I know this is bait but Kyoani doesn't need saving. It's still one of the most consistently successful studios around and even if it had money problems it could the blow better than other studios because it does all of its work in-house. It probably won't have problems so soon though cause its consistent success is based on its consistent quality.

Yeah this is why KyoAni is on the verge of bankruptcy. Oh wait.

Rereleases rarely sell well, though.

Look retarded newshit. Companies pay tv stations to air anime, not otherwise. That's why they are in commitees

What's wrong with source material?

Except it isn't. It's very rare to see a show that is doing badly pick up pace later in the season. Hibike S1 and KonoSuba S1 did it most recently.

Another point that proves KyoAni is desperate.

>in trouble
I didn't know economists browsed Sup Forums

>what is ad revenue

Amagi is TBS property, not them, they don't get much money from it.

Except it is. Nice graph though.

Virtually 0 in the time slot anime usually airs. That's why usually the same companies that are in the committee are also the sponsors, so they can self advertise to the lost souls watching their shows at 1am.

They turned down Key to adapt LB because it would too hard and we ended up with garbage JC Staff adaptation. I will never forgive them.

>late night tv
>ad revenues
Just more and more of your newfaggotry.

Konosuba S1 was actually hilarious, unlike the anme about well-animated but shitty-designed dragons. The character design is atrocious. I don't know what kind of moron could have green-lit this.

Spoken like a true adolescent.

KonoSuba S1 was doing well early on, though. By episode 3 it was already clear it would be one of the best sellers of the season. Hibike is the one which had a weak start.

Not that relevant. Remember that most otaku anime air late at night when normie Japanese are asleep so commercials are non-existent, and those that do air are by affiliated companies or by other anime companies.

Someone can explain this to me please?

Need to do Hyouka S2.

Back to where you came from

>tripfag saying normie
You're embarrassing.

Contrarian shitter

How about you go back to were you came from?

He's a Leftist flip from Sup Forums, what do you expect?

Whats the joke here?

This thread is unnecessary. I don't want to see any studio go to die be it Kyoani, PA Works, Madhouse, JC Staff or even DEEN.

Therefore you are under arrest, OP

Also, Konosuba has good character design. Megumin is living proof. The Dragon Maid meme needs to rely on cow tits and horns to be recognizable. How pitiful.

>good visuals
Funny joke

They are Finnished.

Based kyoani telling Key to fuck off with their cheap vn shlock.

They need to up the beans