No, sorry.
That's icky, OP.
Girls can only love girls.
No, women are incapable of love.
But they can't reproduce.
I wanna stick my goo maker into her cooter
There is absolutely nothing in this world more intoxicating then two sisters staring into the eyes of each other midkiss,forcing their tongues to intertwine as the feelings born of purity and love are twisted into lust and desire.
maybe in the world of yuru yuri
My nigga.
No, so fuck off.
Nanda omae?
She wins in the manga.
>finally a series where the two main girls come out to each other and enter an openly lesbian romantic relationship
>yurifags still obsess over a pairing that didn't happen
Why do you do this to yourselves? It's like you want to be upset.
Are you retard?
>Why do you do this to yourselves?
We don't. Yuri never wins outside of yuri manga/anime, so some yurifags take the Herculean task a supporting a ship that will never happen to give other yurifags the satisfaction of winning a bowl.
Hey lilifag, still no date for yuri savior citrus? dragon meido and urara are fun but I can still watch those with my sister.
Yuri is garbage for degenerates.
Are you being serious?
I've never even heard of a flip flaps manga, and Yayaka winning would be such a twist too.
I can't believe it yet I want it to be true.
>yuri savior citrus
The true yuri saviour won't be out until 2018. And, as a bonus, it has another group of yakafags that are also going to lose.
It's real, ask /u/ for the scans.
that's mean
is Yagata kimi ni naru getting an anime?
If Citrus doesn't bomb it may open the gates for more pure yuri anime including Yagate-kun.
What do lesbian bitches stench like?
pussy juice, electric shavers, and hair dye
Girls can and should love Girls.
Girls can and should also love Dragons.
See Maid-Dragon now airing for when the two gloriously meet.
>can girls love
Sorry, I'm too busy watching Little Witches-loving-witches Academia
Me too user. Me too.
No yuri
Not real yuri
Even if this is a lie, I enjoy it.
It's better than the truth. At least I got something to dream about.
I think it can be quite wonderful...
Why is the autistic purple one always a queer?