How dominant is your waifu?
How dominant is your waifu?
She can be shy but she's stronger than me so she's often on top!
She's my oyabin.
She is a fantastic leader, but I'm usually taking the lead
We get it Nozomi stop posting here
Wew... A lot.
I don't know. What you guys think?
I wish I could be Nozomi
Assuming that picture is mirrored, what is the title of that book, School Dash I?
More dominant than the average girl.
Sorta kinda
She can be pretty dominant.
She ranges from gentle femdom to hardcore masochism
As dominant as a Roman emperor can be.
Does my waifu look like she would dom?
it depends
You misspelled slutty.
>The year of our Lord 10,000 - 7983
>Boku No Pico posting
Fuck off Gawain.
She's not from that, or you're replying to the same guy.
Top Tier
she's probably very dominant
Not vary much.
No, that's OVA DM.
I wonder what her reaction would be when she finds out that you're a sub
Are there any good doujins where she is ruthlessly gangbanged into submission by faceless old men?
>wanting more of the same old tripe that's been ceaselessly done to death since the dawn of time
I wish bleach was a ecchi series.
Pretty high up there
I want to be Shinka to laugh at me
Pic related is my waifu user. Not very dominant in bed, but in life quite so.
I would like to say when she gets into the swing of things she can play the part if I asked.
Equal i guess.
She looks like she's in pain, which makes my boner extra hard
This is my waifu.
Very, but I think she would like the roles reversed every once in a while.
Very much not
How could you do that to your waifu?
I have a school roommate so my waifuing privacy is limited to the bathroom tonight, unfortunately.
I'm not sorry. At least not until you tell me why I should consider that a bad thing.
Not at all. She would hate the S/m perverts equally.
Pretty dominant, or maybe just assertive. In bed and out.
She has a big dick to go with it.
Overbearingly so. Though I'm pretty sure she's a switch to keep things from getting bland, which is a serious risk you run when all you ever do is have sex for the sole purpose of procreation.
who here into /bitchbreaking/? best part of liking a dominant girl is wanting to ruin her.
No, that's terrible. So much promising femdom porn is ruined by that.
Not very dominant, just sometimes rude
She can't be dominant even when she tries.
Nah, I'm too alpha for that - I need a girl strong enough to tame and break me.
Does she break you by picking up the pace as soon as you ejaculate?
She's a true switch who's comfortable in both the dominant and submissive role. She has a lot of experience with both.
Surely those mamarries get in the way of her work.
Those suits do a good job of containing them
But does Revy do dom stuff only for work or is she actually like that? From what I remember that guy she used to work for said she was a switch.
Extremely. She sort of uses it as a baseline and expands out to find new kinks to combine with it, which is almost a waste, really.
Leona is a good girl and I want to pat her head and tell her it's okay.
She's so submissive that she is literally a dead lay
Is this true?
Which part, what I said or what she said? For the latter, do you really think the majority of Sup Forums would act as gay as it does if it had access to pussy?
Oh man, how long do I have? I'll be 24 next year and I'm still a virgin.
Is this why I waifu'd a futa?
If she treats me the same as she does with Araragi, then very.
What would Asuka be like in bed?
Whiny at first, but she'd warm up to it, enjoy it, then slap you for raping her.
I think she'd kinda just sleep there while I jerk off on her.
Not very.
>She has a lot of experience with both.
She's a total dom though.
This is probably why she was upset at the kiss, because she didn't get the opportunity to call Shinji a pervert.
It would totally be her to lie about sex and say that she didn't enjoy it, and call you a baka hentai.
I need to watch Future Diary sometime.
Satsuki's my waifu, so...very dominant.
Come for the yandere, stay for the badass terrorist.
Seems like she would be but I doubt she actually would be.
Casual facesitting
Is there anything more cancerous than purity fags?
it's this
Come for the yandere, stay for them both, really. Good taste, short hair Minene was best though.
I was being facetious. At the very least, you have to admit she's not a slut. "Cockslut" fags are every bit as bad as "purity" fags, user.
Well given her age it's possible she went through a slut phase at some point in a desperate attempt to fill the void left by centuries of loneliness, but she's certainly not a slut by nature.
Sounds about right. At least she found someone to actually fill the gap, though.
Shikinami is a lesbian though.
I don't think a dom can be someone who was raped. Also seems like one of those people who wants to be the sub in bed.
>I don't think a dom can be someone who was raped.
This is the single most retarded thing I've read today, good job user.
Probably eager to please, but easily frustrated.
How cute. A dom is more often than not someone who has been raped or otherwise submitted in some other way and find the opening to empower itself.
I'm actually not sure. I feel like she could play both roles but would lean dominant.
So a dom can be a rape victim, the easily most submissive thing anyone can be.
I don't think you know what words mean. You can stop now.
>find the opening to empower itself.
Good point
God this series was so absurdly edgy.
Patrician taste in waifus, son, Marika is best girl