>hand holding
Do you think he went straight to the bathroom to masturbate after that?
He probably just came right there
Why all charcters voiced by Suwabe are the absolute madman?
>Suave characters
He is just a Bane pupil.
Just /fit/man
His most role he voice a fucking assholes
And sometimes
I hope Satou wins the Takabowl. I know nothing is going to happen, but god dammit Japan, give the lonely cakes some love already.
vampire chan has already marked him
Too Genki
I remember getting to this part in the manga and it actually got me to start lifting.
The voice acting of this guy is top notch.
No one is going to win.
I read that as she
He was a fucking dick
He's a big guy
Of coursh!
Plot twist: he already has a girlfriend but she's never shown.
vampire is already playing wingwomen for the others
Wouldn't surprise me, dude's a legit nice guy, is fit and good at talking with people.
First year teaching and my weeb girlfriend is convinced this will happen to me
I love when authors fuck around with cliches and that would honestly be amazing
but I really want Sukie and Tetsuo to end up together.
Fell short on that one. This is well beyond lewd.
He dates boys and eats his own cum while he eats oats and squats 24/7?
How big was his boner?
I love how he said the exact same thing as that little kid
Would he suffer kannagi's fate too?
hes as big guy
>Girls like MC not only because he's kind but also because he's /fit/
I like it
I can finally self-insert
>muscles so smooth light is reflecting off them
uhhh no homo
I don't think it has anything to do with muscles.
Moist skin and no body hair.
But user, he's not actually fit...
Wish the girls would get off his dick though. Literally all he's done is show interest in them.
For you
For you
I worked a couple of stints as a Teacher's Assistant and have become incredibly fond of Hikari.
I ended up going into freelance writing but I guess I always wanted a student who clung to me in a cute way.
Yeah, the entire idea of him getting his harem of high school girls (plus succubus) is stupid. The manga/anime would be so much better if it was more similar to The Legendary Musings of Professor Munakata. I'll never understand the point of harems.
The only two girls who are interested in him are sensei and Dullahan.
Good thing it isn't a harem then!
I'm an American teacher. Kids like Hikari scare the shit out of me. They're career-enders.
Really? why?
Apparently that's all it takes in this kind of series.
Monster girs get treated so harshly that all you need to do is not spit on their face and they will be all over your dick. That's how fags like Darling get so many bitches despite not even having a fucking personaiity.
At least this MC is fit and can hold a conversation without getting flustered like a retard. Though the monster girls in this show don't seem to suffer as much discrimination as those from Monster Musume.
Also, so far the only girls romantically interested in him are a highschool gir with a pretty normal crush on an older guy and a cake that has been starving for affection her whole life and thinks he is immune to her slut powers.
It's the freedomland, if you so much as look at a female student you're a pedo rapist.
>Male teacher making physical contact of any kind with a female student
>In an American school
You know what? That dullahan is into some kinki shit and has the THICC going on for her, but the sensei just cant be topped.
Solid 1-2 of best girls there.
Ep 3 was really disappointing. It was literally haremshit: the episode. Hopefully next episode turns things around otherwise this series is losing its glitter fast.
Because what she does is easily construed as sexual, which will get you fired, barred from teaching ever again, and sent to jail.
dude haremshit lmao
At least in the American system I was both taught in and teach in, a clingy student would bring on accusations of molestation or other sorts of misconduct.
I am obligated to report any sort of conduct by a student just to cover my own ass because, if they go nuclear when I don't return their affection, I cannot win an argument after the fact.
Will it ever happen? Probably not, but it is always in the back of my mind.
Some people go doctor-tier and won't meet with female students without a female sitting-in. I would probably do that if I knew I was about to deliver harsh news.
Behind closed doors, you are always raping. So, open doors, lots of witnesses.
Can't get any more kinky than sex with a semen demon.
>Suwabe voices sensei
I knew he sounded sexy, but holy shit it all makes sense now.
Don't even bother responding to people calling this a harem, it's the same as Gabriel Dropout, a slice of life where only girls interact with each other with no romantic tones at all, being called "yurishit".
It doesn't help that in this case the teacher is asking about personal matters in a way that could be considered sexual harassment, even if he only cares about those things because of his research.
That gay shit has been over for weeks, why haven't the tumblrites fucked off yet?
Why don't you fuck off with your retarded __ wars.
>implying you can't enjoy both homoshit and harem shit
it's 2k16+1 get with the times ojisan
Retards will look for any excuse to shitpost.
Here's a (You)
This is why you should teach 1st-2nd graders. Most are over friendly but are too innocent to be curious about that stuff. They're pretty liberal with hugs and nobody cares, myself included.
Granted you need a certain level of patience and energy to keep up because they are still children.
My ideal grade is 6th. They have some understanding of the world but are still pretty innocent. It was sweet. High school is making my hair go a little white now.
>low cut tops
>see through leggings
>"Why are you looking?"
>Moms start calling angry and shit.
Left out:
>trying to enforce dress code
Let's all dress like whores because you go to school to find dicks, not studying.
Usually, their outfits wouldn't be a problem in the real world, but they take it all the way to 11 if you try to stop them.
>1 shitpost the entire thread
>0 replies
>Guys don't reply to shitposts, guys, for real tho don't respond to them OK.
Yeah young middle school kids are really endearing since most are pretty earnest and haven't turned into nasty monsters/jailbait yet. I use to teach 7th but I eventually quit and moved to elementary. The bully middle-schoolers face are really nasty though. It broke my heart seeing some students suffered.
Did you try to help them?
American ((((African))) teachers can't be trusted with petite white students.
The first time I had to pull a kid out because they were receiving actionable death threats was rough. Just a kid sobbing uncontrollably in the office. Those are the moments you wish you could hug them and say it will be okay.
Like boo-hoo, I heard them at I'm stuck up is laughable compared to some of the real shit that kids will do to take each other down.
Is this the blogging thread?
Any recommendations for a good male teacher/female student love story?
Try sadpanda.
>Tfw sadpanda threads are banned because a mod is trying to force that h-manga is not manga
Race may make it worse, but, in this one instance, it ain't all right cuz it's all white.
I did have 6th graders tell my black, female coteacher to not go to their houses for a home visit because they were worried what the white folk would do to a black person.
Not anymore, I just got rambling. My bad.
Succ best girl. (Oddly enough, I'm not attracted to my students, but other teachers are pretty shweet.)
It's a generic harem sol, what are we supposed to talk about?
Does GTO count?
>It's a generic harem sol
>what are we supposed to talk about?
If you don't have anything ontopic to say then don't post anything at all.
If you really want to chat then maybe /r9k/ is more your place.
But Onizuka's romantic relationships with teacher and students don't go anywhere.
Fuck, that Paradise Lost shit even erased the romantic relationship between Onizuka and that one teacher and erased most of his students into oblivion aside from the idol girl.
The more severe cases, yes. Usually suspension and, in 1 or 2 cases, expulsion were used. Thankfully the middle school I went to had several camera systems installed, and most bullies were idiots and did them in the hall. We could always prove it, and usually parents would do the rest. The cases we struggled with were usually the social bullying. Children can be so cold. I like to think I helped as many as I could and fostered and environment to nurture them though.
We had to expel two children; one a young girl who bought a knife to school and tried to stab a young man (she never got close to him) and the other blew up a toilet in the girl's bathroom. The former child wanted to see if the boy "bled like a human" (the boy a brown-skin living the fall out of 9/11) and the latter child was just a general hell-riser.
jesus what shithole city do you live in?
If you don't see this as a harem, how would the relationships have to work to be a harem, in your eyes?
I see it as not be a definite harem, but it is harem-esque
Stop living in Detroit dude.
the middle school was in Northern Michigan. I like to think there was more good students than bad but there was definitely some stinkers.
two girls is not a harem
>I see it as not be a definite harem
>I see it as not be
You don't see it be like it is, but it be.
Real-life science teacher here. That's how it works. Hell, even if you don't show an interest you get a ton of kids with juvenile crushes on it. It's normal as long as you're youngish for a teacher and not heinously ugly.
Holy shit Dullahan is perfect in episode 2. It's depressing she won't win.
It's worst when you move schools and some little girl breaks down and cries as she is forced to accept the reality that her dream of marrying her teacher will never come true, and she tearily hands you a photo so that you won't forget her.
what manga is this?
because this is some bullshit
it's not a romance story to begin with
It's real
I was in Indonesia at the time