Was he originally meant to play a more major role?
Why wasn't he in China with Guang Hong?
He clearly has a established character design and still competed in the current GPF; why was he the only character not to be explicitly mentioned/animated?
Does anyone have the old promo sketch where Cao Bin is in the background?
Definitely Medo-chan and Johnny Weir. Joe Johnson would be a funny addition too, though not sure how he's fit in with men's singles. Who's the guy from the same country as Otabek again?
Jose James
Nobody. That was a painful waste of time
Carter Parker
Denis Ten?
Thomas Cook
Denis Ten. But he's an asshole.
Evan Collins
It really is kinda creepy. You think we would actually have seen him by now considering all that. He had to have been at the lewd banquet too.
Noah Edwards
Why is he an asshole? Did he try to break someone's leg?
Benjamin Garcia
All the better to piss off the Yuzu-fans.
Jonathan Ramirez
What's the appeal of this show? Not shit talking or anything just wondering
Jaxson Morgan
>you will never feast on that ass as if it were the last meal of your life as a prisoner on the last day of death row
Ian Green
Homo main characters.
Adrian Edwards
It's entertaining.
Brandon Watson
Gay boys skating, music and memes.
Liam Baker
That's about what I figured. Probably not for me but who knows?
Adrian Evans
Yuzufags argue yes. Although he did come off an asshole with his comments after the whole incident
Carter Carter
Yuuri's ass.
Landon Campbell
comfy happy homos skating
Noah Diaz
Probably not. Move along then.
Bentley Ward
Incredible OST, funny, enjoyable side characters/interactions, gay, and pretty much a love letter to ice skating (if you like watching the sport irl you'll like it here too).
Dominic Edwards
the bottom half of his body is too lewd
Henry Myers
I might give it a shot
Dylan Rogers
It's funny!
Brayden Harris
Will Tyrone ever show up in s2?
Caleb Roberts
Fucking godly hips
Lincoln Sanchez
Can Tyrone afford to go to Russia. He lost his job at GM
Josiah Ross
Kubo gave JJ her seal of approval twitter follow so she'll find a way to write him in.
Alexander Torres
But he became a successful marriage counselor
Kevin Howard
Cao Bin is going to be a love rival in s2. Good luck Victor.
Noah Cook
I remember watching ep 1 for the first time and already getting the feeling he was secretly eros under his more homely moe look after seeing that poster
Brandon Martinez
I want a omegaverse doujinshi about a secret society of sponsors and coaches that take the top skating performers and force them to breed with each other featuring Yuuri as a stud and Yurio as an omega that's forced to be fucked by him and produce future top skaters like horses Since the two won first and second place. JJ, Phichit, and Chris can be part of it as well while Otabek is forced to be paired with someone else and has to watch Yurio suffer.
I always see hetro doujinshi feature similar plots, but never homo ones. Is that too much to ask?
Ryan Powell
Jackson Gomez
>this again
Thomas Stewart
for the love of fuck, please, no.
Andrew Green
Go and stay go
Thomas Lewis
Could we have just one thread without this getting brought up please
Kayden Reyes
If he pops up in s2 I hope he's a super fan of JJ.
Ayden Edwards
Oh well, back to fatalpulse then.
Lucas Garcia
Got that right
Carson Wood
Cao Bin will wind up being Yuuri's ex.
Nathan Nguyen
Have you done anything productive with your lives after this anime, /yoi/?
James Barnes
What would you like to see from their friendship in s2? We know that Fairy is nicer to Piggy when Victor isn't around but it kinda looked like he's not that mad anymore after the hug in the last episode so their interactions can only get better.
Gavin Allen
No, I just watch other anime and read manga.
Robert Long
Technically yes
Jason Barnes
Victor and Yuuri's PDA will drive him nuts.
Gavin Robinson
I still can't see Fairy ever being nice to him with Victor around. But they can just be friendly rivals.
Sebastian Wood
I've destroyed it further if that's what you're asking.
Cameron Russell
What if, YOI funko pop figures?
Carter Scott
I'm working on fixing my sleeping schedule
Cooper Taylor
The PABarthezz instagram is just as weird and the explanation for it isn't good either. I guess they ditched some ideas last minute.
Blake Gomez
Those this are dumb but I can see it happening. They hop onto the popularity wagon of everything.
Nolan Butler
Anyone have screenshots of Victor's Hasestsu Instagram posts from 2?
Liam Turner
Matthew Gray
Thailand episode where Phichit and friends visit Siam Paragon. Maybe a cameo by Michael Martinez where Phichit thinks he's seeing a doppleganger of himself.
Brandon Gray
it was good until they got cockblocked by Makkachin
Bentley Long
Michael Martinez is by far the cutest of the 3DPDs
Dominic Phillips
whereas taco is worst
Daniel Bell
>funko pop Out, crossboarder.
Brandon Hall
This will be what will happen to them every time they try to get busy in S2, they'll have to have Yurio dogsit Makkachin if they want get anywhere.
Joshua Brooks
Elijah Stewart
Makkachin is worst dog.
Aaron Ortiz
Even the majority of /toy/ hates them I guess it's possible, but I'd just ignore their existence and wait for nendos. In general, POP! figures are just there for people who are too cheap to buy better merch (if you like the style, good for you though, since you're getting tons of merch at a low cost)
Robert Johnson
Who're these guys
Hudson Nguyen
I'll accept it if that's how SayoKubo wants to imply BaldFat are regularly fucking
Anthony Davis
Can you blame him, his dads can't even be bothered to give him a hug after a near death incident. He'll take any scrap of attention he can get.
Jason Thompson
Ideas for implied sex?
>yuuri making a hump move in eros routine >caressing his chest down to croth in eros routine >fairy complaining how baldfat are late and them showing up to the rink with tossled hair blushing >chris making some lewd comment no body denies
Anything else?
Daniel Williams
That'd honestly be great. Just an offhand comment from Yurio complaining about having to dogsit Makkachin at night all the time would be enough.
I just want it to be more obvious they're in a romantic relationship. I know, I know they are, but there's still too much autism on Yuuri's side. A little smooch here and there wouldn't be difficult.
Samuel Rivera
They should buy Yurio something cat related every time he has to dog sit, his entire room will wind up filled after a while.
Ryan Lewis
Rohene Ward and Jason Brown.
Michael Phillips
>the convertible poster includes one weekend's worth of pay for dog sitting via cat plushies >doesn't include the cost of therapy Fairy will need for witnessing Piggy giving a handjob and Victor almost crashing because of it
Ayden Gomez
Caleb Turner
>found Chinese secret club >can't make it past 注册原因 in the registration I learned the wrong moon language.
Jose Butler
Its not too late to be able to read two types of moon runes
Kevin Wright
D-did I miss part of the Tyrone saga?
Wyatt Cruz
Yes. Check the archive.
Landon Davis
Speaking of Tyrone-sama, did anyone compile his compelling story?
Josiah Martinez
I think it would be faster to order the things in Japanese instead.
Luke Barnes
Joseph Robinson
Jacob White
Yes Tyrone best boy and Yuuri a gold digging whore
Matthew Wilson
>moo shoo pork
Isaiah Fisher
I finally accepted that my hair is too thin so I'm cutting it soon. If Bald is beautiful, then I can only hope for the better.
Robert Mitchell
Yes, but I won't elaborate because it's not the right time to blog.
He's most likely doing a routine from YoI. My bets are on Agape.
Christopher Scott
Victor throws a cloth over his potted plant every time he and Yuuri start something to protect Plantya's innocence
Levi Roberts
Do plants have ears?
Dylan Nelson
Maybe they'll show Makkachin sleeping outside their bedroom after showing in a previous episode that he sleeps with them. Dog outside = implied sex.
Kevin Wilson
They need to buy him a premium orthopedic dog bed if they're going to fuck all the time, he's an old dog.
Camden Turner
He can sleep on the couch.
Luis White
I want to believe, but I don't think we'll even get to see them share a bed. We might get the whole season without seeing their sleeping arragments.
Nicholas Ramirez
You're right, it is a sports anime after all. But I really doubt KuboSayo will tone down the Baldfat in S2.
Asher Smith
> shirtless Victor in bed scrolling through his instagram feed on the phone > next to him is a human-sized lump under the bedsheets > it's Yuuri with only the top half of his head showing, hair all messy > Yuuri pulls the covers down just a little bit to reveal a sleepy, half-lidded expression, flushed cheeks, and a smile > possible monologue on how Victor always manages to surprise him, so he wants to surprise him back in return > cuts to a shot of a random flower blooming to symbolize loss of virginity
Chase Phillips
We already did see them share a bed, even if it's not quite under the bed covers, implied sex sort of bed sharing. They might step it up next season, they must know by now they can get away with it.
Luke Lee
There is no right time to blog, only a right place. Which is your actual blog. Which isn't Sup Forums.