It's really over for him, isn't it? Our movement was just not strong enough.
FBI has now access to Trump's bank data - Trump impeachment set for 2018
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K. Keep me posted.
that faggot is never right about anything
us8ng peter thiel software no doubt
That fatass knows shit.
dont believe this fat fuck.
>Play one side
>Make predictions that never pan out
>People get tired of your shit
>Switch sides
>Pander to different people who now give you attention
Great playbook Kim
Just like he knew Seth Rich?
It'll keep happening.
This fat fuck has never delivered.
(he didn't)
Trump has been leaking deliberately false info to the House Intel committee in order to catch leakers
Completely two different issues.
Shut the fuck up you jew loving zionist faggot.
Shareblue operatives are exposing themselves to possible charges of sedition and treason. You have been warned.
What fucking morons.
If Trump really was guilty of some monetary fraud he'll probably erase anything related to it so nobody finds it. In other words these people are a whole new level of retarded to warn their enemies of what they're doing.
Or maybe they know Trump is clean hence why they have no problem announcing it.
I wouldn't worry about this. They're more likely to 25th Amendment Trump out of office than actual impeachment/conviction. Especially if Moore wins.
But on the chance that they were able to remove or assassinate Trump, it will be instant civil war.
I assume /ourguys/ are feeding intentional disinfo to
A: find leakers
B: expose the lügenpresse
Read the fucking Tweet. Trump doesn't know they're doing it. Gag order.
>Trump is clean
He's a new york businessman, no such thing as clean in that city, especially in construction
If Trump is taken out for bullshit all the other politicians get away with, there will be war.
>being this delusional
they really are disconnected from reality, the internet has warped their minds and they can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy. I'm sure if they hope and wish hard enough their delusions will manifest itself into reality.
“These are bad people, these are very very bad and evil people. They know who they are, these are the people who made their money, their names, their careers, their power off the corrupt and broken system and they liked it the other way... so they will do anything, at any time and they'll never stop. But you know what, we're stopping them! You're seeing that right now, you're seeing that right now we're stopping them. It's corrupt, it's rigged and we're stopping them."
Notice he did say they'll do anything. He also told us this was just the beginning of our revolution and to fight, fight, fight
Kim is pro Trump, ya dingus.
Very true. When he claimed to have all of the Seth Rich info awhile back, I believed him and waited on the edge of my seat for a happening. Turns out, OP was a faggot.
If the fbi impeaches Trump they will become enemy no 1 of the right in America, it will also push the overton window more far right, and the intelligence agencies will have trillions of dollars and top minds focused on destroying them and their families for the next 50 years.
It's actually a good thing if he gets impeached because it would prove to the normies how fucked America is under the rule of banksters and spooks, and how their vote doesn't matter so the democracy meme will finally end.
He offered to go to DC, testify and bring proof provided they guaranteed him safe return home, meaning not arrest him. He has the goods or he wouldn't have made public his letters to DOJ, Grassley, others.
>data mining for criminal activity
>They're more likely to 25th Amendment Trump out of office than actual impeachment/conviction.
NYT and Rolling Stone admitted the 25th Amendment is a pipe dream. They'd need to prove Trump is severely mentally ill.
it's up to like 20th time this year by now
It wouldn't be a good thing because then we'd be stuck with cuck/gloablist Pence. Normies think he's great cuz muh Christian
>Literally denied by the bank
>denied by white house
Tick tock, marxist faggot.
It would be good because it would probably mean rebellion against the system would become extremely likely. The elites don't have much longer and they know it, which is why they're panicking and doing stupid shit like this.
>ID is literally "rat"
Hello, Shlomo.
>That faggot knowing anything.
I don't know if you understand how America works, Muzzie, but here you have to prove something before you can go digging, you can't just magically produce evidence without chain of custody. Especially, if you are trying to convict a wealthy white man with armies of kike lawyers.
>team Clinton
Jobless rapist and a post-menopausal drunk
I say we need the rebellion before it happens. All revolutions have to have a leader.
Dude has no fucking idea what he’s talking about lmao
Hill is so old her tits squirt powered milk but she and her rapist husband have the elites blackmailed and or in their pocket. They wont stop unless someone stops them.
The punished Trump meme may become real. I hope he realizes (((who))) is trying to get rid of him btw.
Reported for hate crime to your own kike overlords, shekelnigger. Tick tock.
Hello kike.
Fat boy is right on this one, anons. Trump's attorneys are committing malpractice. Nonetheless, if Mueller even flinches, D.C. will be cratered and atomized.
Trump's a Zionist shitlord and it will not be a bad thing if he goes. And I voted for him. If I only knew sooner.
not worried at all, they will not impeach him, true or not, they are so desperate right now. Trump is goin to stomp these corrupt politicians into dust
Literally gagging orders niggas
The truth cannot be killed. If Meuller was as diligent against the Clinton Foundation and fusiongps, things would be different.
If this is true, the hypocricy is astounding.
Your kikery is your own death, shekelnigger. Tick tock.
It's true, President Trump is being backstabbed by his own lawyers.
that Zionist shitlord told Saudis to knock it off in Yemen this week.
No war in Syria, notice how all that talk stopped?
ISIS on the run
No Zionist shitlord would do that shit.
Which members, though?
This is the retard that claimed he had Clinton's e-mails two times.
Kim Dotcom is such a faggot FAILURE.
Jesus fuck, to think I ever liked that guy,.
They did a long time ago, user. They are all in to cover their own ass.
Mueller isn't digging into the Clinton's shit. If he was, the bitch would already be in jail
Oh but Kim Fatfuck does?
>If I only knew sooner.
You had to know all his adult children were in relationships with Jews.
You had to know he advocated for Israel long before running for office.
How were you that ignorant?
That's what I heard all the Wikileaks DTJr release was about, give someone fake info and watch if it came out.
Its pure speculation, its possible kim is right but it would be luck, no way he'd know.
Yes, the Fat Fuck does
One thing I'm always confused about is if the dems/FBI/Clintons have so much power why don't they just doctor a bunch of records and just gaslight everyone to the finish line?
FBI, DOJ, {C}IA top 40% are corrupt. It's the lower 60% they worry about.
He's just trying to get the attention of the Trump admin because he wants that deal.
He doesnt need the deal. He walked in NZ, they agreed to no extradition as part of his deal. He has a new crypto company. No way he'd risk ruin his reputation to get attention now
This guy always posts these super inflammatory claims but he's NEVER delivered.
Like how he had hillary's emails.
The state of politics in this country is fucking disgusting. They’ve been taking shit on us all the while trying to undermine a democratically elected president. Fucking crybaby faggots.
My guess is that someone on the House Intelligence Committee gave the democrat members the DonJR story and told them Sept. 4 on purpose, so they spread that.
Then this person/s gave the real date (sept 14) to WaPo, having caught the leaker and ruined CNN/MSNBC's credibility in one move.
They absolutely will impeach him., user.
more than that, their hypocrisy is seditious, an abomination, and their own death warrants.
>which members are committing treason, espionage, and sedition
Schiff, Carson, Speier, Swallowwell, Castro, and believe it or not, Gowdy and King.
Fortunately Nunes is back on watch, so heads are about to be rolling.
Because Seth Rich, a data guy would be stupid enough to upload them directly to wikileaks?
Assange is asshole buddies with KimDotCom. Assange don't hang out with dumbasses.
A joke this is. Thanks for making me laugh.
right with ya on Gowdy. Fucker even wore purple the other day, flaunting his shit in our faces.
Fuck its over from him. I knew orange cheeto Hitler was finished
dude are you stupid?
I was hoping that fucker was being sarcastic, otherwise he needs to go kill himself.
Are you dumpfy?
Big if true
>In febuary they said drumpf would be impeached by summer
>In summer they said drumpf would be impeached by winter
>drumpf will be imeached in an non speific date in 2018
>crybaby faggots
DEAD crybaby faggots.
>Gowdy purple revolution tie
Unfortunately, even among true Sup Forums, this is not widely known and understood.
So far Kim has been wrong on lets see, 100% of his ominous premonitions.
no there won't be
keep fapping to that, perhaps a unicorn will come lick your balls as you're thinking of infallible politics
Yeah, and it is not something to be happy about. Civil war is the most wicked and horrible of wars. Some will resist nonviolently, and others will fight.
Yeah, if Trump is illegitimately knocked out of office, or even knocked out for shit the rest of DC does, it will be the last straw.
So, I don't care if Trump is impeached or not. The way I see it, that would benefit us, because it would result in the destabilization of the country.
But - this fat shit was and continues to be wrong about everything. In fact, he wasn't right about one thing.
remember lefties police dont have to protect you as per the SCOTUS.
You're seriously going to post that without sauce or even an attribution?
If the left thinks they're going to use legitimate bank data to lay the case for impeachment, they're in for a rough ride.
They'd be better off searching old footage for Trump using the N-word or something
they're obviously new at this.
This is an important message for everyone that keeps saying "its over for Drumpf" and other similar rhetoric:
What do you think will happen if Trump gets removed? Do you really think you can put toothpaste back into a tube? Once people get redpilled, you can never un-redpill them. Trump has already succeeded.
In fact, part of me wishes Hillary actually won so that we would have seen streets full of patriots eradicating these criminals the very next day.
Everybody knows it was from his speech at the rally in Pensacola last night you sad little cuck!
in reality it will probably end up with a ton of white people white flighting to the midwest and trying to secede along with California. Good enough honestly.
Insult might've landed better if it had avoided answering the question. Thanks, faggot.