With freshly typeset 4koma things and a Zara and Prinz anthology chapter right after. Starting off with Chapter 141.
Kantai Collection -艦これ-
Other urls found in this thread:
This chapter is like 3 months late by the way.
And now for some Sanma.
3 more 4koma chapters.
Thanks for the 4koma, here's a very cute Kaga-san for you
Kill yourself, Kagashitter.
Wow, rude!
Kaga is my idol and favourite singer of all time
Last translated 4koma chapter until the translator translates more. We're now only 3 weeks behind.
Why are we suddenly seeing so many Kaga in 4koma?
And that's it for 4koma things.
And now to keep celebrating Zara's Kai 2, even though tonight it's Arashio, a Christmas story.
>That Kaga in 2nd CarDiv uniform
Oh my god, too cute Kaga-san!
I'll get around to translating eventually.
Why don't you give it to her?
And that's the end from me, back to hibernating.
Oh so you're still alive, good to know.
4koma Chapter 141:
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Maizuru vol 13 Chapter 5
I hope none of the other guys were working on the Maizuru chapter.
Do this Kagawife chapter and no one gets hurt
Fuck off.
Maybe tomorrow
>And now to keep celebrating Zara's Kai 2, even though tonight it's Arashio
Fourth Asashio in one year while Kagerou/Yuugumo gets none. How do we stop Tanaka from lusting after monkeys?
Prinz is so damn cute. Thanks for the chapter translations as always.
Nice, thanks.
Delays on cleaning the Eugen doujinshi, but I've got some stuff to dump.
But half the Kagerou-class are monkeys.
Title: Please Teach Me! Ms. Warspite! - Oshiete! Warspite-sensei!
Author: Tomokichi (pixiv.net
Note: Some dialogue is paired with English as a translation, while others use English solely as interjection.
These are sometimes confusingly combined into a single dialogue box.
Translation pairs are both written down to parallel the original intent.
Interjections are kept in English.
What's this TTK called?
I've seen him in some other art works.
Page 5
Ms. Warspite and Ms. Iowa
Panel 1
Warspite: Hello everyone!
My name is Warspite. It is a pleasure to meet you all.
Panel 2
TTK: So we've got a new English teacher from Britain.
SFX: Wow
Stare... [Iowa]
Warspite: Er, shouldn't you be introducing me as a battleship?
Panel 3
Iowa: I'm the better English teacher!
I won't lose to you...!
Panel 4
Warspite: Shouldn't we be competing as battleships?
(What's with this base...?)
SFX: Ba-dump, ba-dump
He doesn't have a name but the artist is a Kinugasafag.
Page 6
Ms. Warspite and the Pervert Admiral
Panel 1
Warspite: Would you mind getting me a chair?
I have weak legs...
SFX: Slide
TTK: Ah, of course, is this alright?
Panel 2
Warspite: You think I could sit in a chair like that?
SFX: Glare
Panel 3
SFX: Ba-dump, ba-dump
TTK: Then what about this?
Panel 4
Warspite: So good! I'm counting on you.
SFX: Thud
TTK: (Ah...)
Shimakaze: Is this another one of our pervert Admiral's weird fetishes!?
SFX: Shock
↑ Flustered Shimakaze
What's going on here?
>Shouldn't we be competing as battleships?
I can't see that as any other way than badly for Warspite.
Page 7
English Teachers' Conversation
Panel 1
Kongou: [Fluent English]
Iowa: [Fluent English]
TTK: I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that foreign shipgirls would speak to each other in English.
Panel 2
Warspite: Hello Kongo and Iowa.
What are you talking about? | 何の話してるの?
Panel 3
Kongou: We're discussing good black tea, dess.
Warspite: Sounds good! | いいわね
Let me join in.
Panel 4
Kongou: [Fluent, but Japanese]
Warspite: [Fluent English]
Iowa: [Fluent, but Japanese]
TTK: Why don't these two use English in front of Warspite...?
Love triangle maybe?
Poor Houshou
He fucked his daughter.
Page 8
Ms. Warspite and the Handsy Admiral
Panel 1
TTK: Have you gotten used to life here on base yet, Warspite?
SFX: Move
Panel 2
Warspite: You can't just touch a queen so lightly.
SFX: Slide
TTK: Huh?
Panel 3
TTK: What's the point of being an Admiral if I can't poke my shipgirls!?
Can you dodge my high-speed touch!?
SFX: Flash
Panel 4
Warspite: It's an afterimage. | 残像よ
SFX: Whoosh
Panel 5
TTK: Didn't she say she has weak legs...?
SFX: Mope
Guess they slipped in trans-am during her refit.
Page 9
Ms. Warspite and Yukikaze
Panel 1
Yukikaze: Is the "pai" sound in "Warspite" the same "pai" in "oppai"?
Panel 2
Warspite: No, that's wrong...
SFX: Ba-dump, ba-dump
Panel 3
Yukikaze: But the Admiral said so!
Warspite: Wha-
How could you believe that...? You sure are an innocent girl...
Panel 4
Yukikaze: Yes!
SFX: Bam
Page 10
Ms. Warspite and Ms. Bismarck
Panel 1
Bismarck: Guten tag. I'm German ship Bismarck. Pleasure to meet you.
Warspite: Ahh! Fritz X!?
SFX: Shock
Panel 2
Bismarck: You don't have to act all scared...
Let's be friends?
SFX: Ba-dump, ba-dump
Panel 3
SFX: Reach
Panel 4
Warspite: (Pant, pant)
Bismarck: Oh?
Page 11
British Cuisine
Panel 1
Kongou: Warspite's cooking is so good, even though she's British!
Even though she's British!
SFX: Delicious
Panel 2
Warspite: Only commoners think British cuisine tastes bad.
Kongou: Eh? That so?
Panel 3
Warspite: A queen like me always eats only the best.
Panel 4
SFX: Irritated
Page 12
Ms. Warspite and the Admiral That Wished to be Trod Upon
Panel 1
Yukikaze: What is that ball?
Panel 2
Warspite: It's the Sovereign's Orb, you see...
SFX: D-D-Dash
TTK: Warspite! It's me! Step on me!
Panel 3
Warspite: You use it like this.
SFX: Gong
Yukikaze: C-Commander!?
Panel 4
TTK: This, this is perfect...!
SFX: Shudder, Shudder
Yukikaze: Commander!?
SFX: Ba-dump, ba-dump
Even Yukikaze is afraid.
Oh I see, this is gonna be one of those threads where multiple backlogs are finally completed.
Page 13
Ms. Warspite and the Tamed Admiral
Panel 1
Warspite: A fleet has returned. | 艦隊が帰投したわ
SFX: S-S-Slide...
Puff, puff
Panel 2
Warspite: I took some damage, so I will briefly be docked.
SFX: Puff
Amatsukaze: W-Wait...!
Panel 3
Amatsukaze: What're you two up to?
TTK: Can't you see?
Panel 4
TTK: On the seas, her rigging is her chair,
but on base, I shall be her chair!
SFX: Bam
Amatsukaze: I can't deal with this naval district anymore...
SFX: Ba-dump, ba-dump
I actually still have a crapton of stuff from C90 that will take ages to get through.
Page 14
Kongou's Identity
Panel 1
Kongou: That authentic, British-born and raised Warspite is stealing my identity...!
Panel 2
Kongou: And how is she better at Japanese too, dess!?
Haruna: Calm down, oneesama! You'll be fine!
Panel 3
Haruna: Your way of talking with a sprinkling of English words is still yours alone!
Panel 4
Kongou: I don't wanna be reduced to being a fake Japanese girl, dess!
Haruna: Don't cry! | 泣かないで!
Kongou: Why English!?
Just move on to C91 stuff like this latest Kagawife chapter
Page 15
The Extremely Desperate Admiral
Panel 1
Warspite: Good work. I'll be docking now.
SFX: Tattered...
TTK: Can't see her panties, even at heavy damage... I want to see...
Panel 2
TTK: How can I see them...? How do I bring down that iron wall...?
Wait, I'm the Admiral! I just need to be upfront!!
Panel 3
TTK: Could you show me your panties?
SFX: Bang
Warspite: What? What're you saying?
Panel 4
TTK: Could you show me your panties? (パンツ見せてくれませんか?)
Warspite: No, I understood the Japanese fine...
By the way, is your English always so fluent when you're desperate...?
Page 16
The Admiral Without a Conscience
Panel 1
TTK: I have to see her panties today!
I'll have to make a break for it!!
SFX: Swoosh
Panel 2
TTK: An afterimage...!?
SFX: Miss
Panel 3
SFX: Gong
TTK: An attack...!?
Panel 4
Warspite: Stop kidding around so much.
TTK: Didn't I say...? This is the true reward...!
[Pant, pant]
Page 17
The Admiral Suddenly has a Complicated Feeling
Panel 1
Warspite: The wind sure is strong today.
SFX: Whoooooo
Yukikaze: I hear a typhoon is coming!
Panel 2
SFX: Whooosh
Panel 3
TTK: I saw it!
I finally saw it!
Panel 4
TTK: Who would've thought she was going commando...?
Page 18
Panel 1
Ms. Warspite's British English Course
Panel 1
Yukikaze: Ms. Warpai!
Warspite: It's Warspite.
Yukikaze: What's the difference between British and American English?
Panel 2
Warspite: (It's easy.)
British English is beautiful and American English is vulgar.
Panel 3
Iowa: I won't let you trash us like that!
(Fuck! Son of a bitch! Holy shit!)
Don't let the Admiral's interest in you get to your head!
SFX: Bam
Panel 4
Warspite: See?
Yukikaze: I get it now!
Hey fuck you mate.
This is what brits actually believe.
Page 19
Ms. Iowa's Job
Panel 1
TTK: Warspite seems to have settled into her position as English teacher.
So Iowa, you're fired.
Panel 2
Iowa: WHA!?
Panel 3
Iowa: Are you saying my English's worse than hers!?
TTK: Calm down. I've got a job that fits you better.
Panel 4
Iowa: That fits me!?
Is it something pervy!?
SFX: Ba-dump, ba-dump
Panel 5
TTK: I need you to sortie as a battleship.
Iowa: Ordinary work!?
>Hey fuck you mate
Iowa is an Aussie now?
Page 20
Please Teach Me! Ms. Warspite!
Panel 1
Warspite: Well, let's begin today's English lesson...
er, why are you alll here too?
Panel 2
Iowa: Hmph. I wanted to see just what kind of teacher you'd be.
SFX: Grin, grin
Kongou: Let's get the lesson started, dess!
Panel 3
Warspite: (It can't be helped...)
Repeat after me. | 私の後につけてね
Sanday, Monday, Tuesday.
Panel 4
Class: Sanday.
SFX: Serious
Warspite: They're being pretty dilligent about it... I guess that's fine, but...
I think that was him saying fuck you to the author.
Sup Forumsutism, never change
Fuck off Kagaslut.
Sorry Kagafriend, my bad
Sorry Lagasluts, my bad
Title: My Little Sisters are So Cute It's Troublesome! - Uchi no Imouto ga Kawaisugite Komaru!
Author: Kino (pixiv.net
More Hatsuzuki is good too
Movie rips when?
Page 6
Panel 2
SFX: Pitter-patter
Teruzuki: Akizuki-nee! Hurry, hurry!!
Panel 3
Akizuki: (Sheesh.)
There's no need to rush.
Commander wanted us in at 1000, didn't he?
Teruzuki: No, no!
Panel 4
Teruzuki: We have to get there before Hatsuzuki-chan does!
(We have to welcome her!)
Akizuki: Hatsuzuki? She should be here already, you know.
Teruzuki: Eh!?
Page 7
Panel 1
Akizuki: Remember? We were told she'd be here at 0900, but to come in an hour later at 1000 so they could take care of formalities.
Teruzuki: Ehhhh...
Akizuki: Understood!
SFX: Tap
Teruzuki: A little sister...
SFX: Gaaaasp
TTK: (Heeeey!)
Teruzuki-san, are you listening?
Panel 2
Akizuki: Point is, we'd just be in the way if we went now. Let's wait here.
Teruzuki: Ugh... fine.
Panel 3
Akizuki: Anyway,
Panel 4
Akizuki: You've been all fidgety ever since you heard Hatsuzuki was being posted here.
Are you that excited?
Teruzuki: Of course I am!
Page 8
Panel 1
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock
Teruzuki: [Fidget]
Panel 2
Clock: Tick-tock
Teruzuki: [Fidget, fidget]
Akizuki: Sheesh, calm down, Teruzuki.
Panel 3
Clock: Ding
Teruzuki: It's 1000!!
SFX: Jump
Panel 4
SFX: Knock-knock
TTK: Come in!
Panel 5
Teruzuki: Excuse us!
TTK: Ah, you've been doing well.
Panel 6
TTK: This is Hatsuzuki, who arrived today.
You sister ships will give her a tour of the base.
Teruzuki: This girl...
Hatsuzuki a cute, my favourite duck
Page 9
Panel 1
Hatsuzuki: It's been a while, neesan.
You look well.
Akizuki: You too.
Fufu, and you're still the same as ever.
Teruzuki: Akizuki-nee, Akizuki-nee...! [>