So Godzilla's getting an anime this year, you hyped, Sup Forums?
So Godzilla's getting an anime this year, you hyped, Sup Forums?
No and I say this as a Future Diary fan
I liked Shin Godzilla. There, I said it.
This. I don't know how Urobuchi is going to top it.
>Meetings: The Movie
t. someone who never saw a godzilla film
>he didn't get it
Godzilla is never really about Godzilla, user.
>Polygon '5fps CGI' Pictures
I liked C-Span: The Monster Movie desu
and godzoooooooky
>not loving that top nippon politcian banter
that's too bad for you
Godzilla is always a treat so i'm excitebike.
>Godzilla was human
I loved Madoka, but it feels like he uses the same twist all the time.
what is this, dreamworks godzilla?
Only if Godzilla-chan is in it.
>t. never saw the part where humanoid ten foot tall godzillas were crawling out of Godzilla
Humans are the monsters, godzilla is jesus christ here to forgive us, and then he gets attacked by a flying monkey.
But I want Godzilla to be about Godzilla. Is it so wrong to enjoy big monsters smashing into each other without bullshit political commentary?
2014 Godzilla a best.
I just want Urobuchi to get it over with so he can get to work with that new Madoka project.
They've basically already done that with Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, albeit angry dead spirits. I guess it's possible he'll be a human bean but I think more likely he'll try to play a revengeful spirit angle and maybe Japan somehow at fault again.
The difference is that was Godzilla evolving into a form optimal for mass dissemination. A typical Urobochi twist would be that Godzilla was human before being Godzilla. Also
>That atomic breath scene
>That Ame no Habakiri operation
Come on user. I liked Godzilla 2014, but it's still plagued by some of the same problems of Godzilla 1998, like the plot doing a full stop for fucking human drama.
Just like Anno is going to make more Eva, right?
Godzilla 2014 had as much Godzilla in it as any other Godzilla movie.
Which is to say, not that much. Too much giant monsters just makes it all silly. You need the human element (or to humanize the main players of the story) to make it interesting.
Rule 34 preteen hardcore shin godzilla w/raymond burr degeneracy homosexual spin please.
>like the plot doing a full stop for fucking human drama.
Are you sure you've watched other Godzilla movies?
ALL of them have pointless human shit
Except Final Wars which has Humans doing Super Kung Fu and fighting Aliens. Also Don Frye being the best character in any Godzilla movie ever.
>Are you sure you've watched other Godzilla movies?
Not really. I just hate Hollywood and anything it entails, including unnecessary drama.
Yeah this. Expelled from paradise had potential but the show looked so fucking terrible i rubbed my eyes out with Chloric acid afterwards to cleanse them. Godzilla will be another shitty cg fest
Trust me, Stopping plot in Godzilla for human drama was NOT Hollywood's idea.
>all this new godzilla stuff
2004-2014 was a rough decade, but it was all worth it.
If King Kong doesn't fuck up, we'll have a BearGodzilla vs Kong
i think kong would have to absolutely bomb for them not to go forward with it. they're the two biggest names, and everyone needs a cinematic universe these days.
>A typical Urobochi twist would be that Godzilla was human before being Godzilla
The sciencist who 'killed' himself is heavily hinted as being the Big G this time.
Final Wars was truly an experience.
>Godzilla 2014 had as much Godzilla in it as any other Godzilla movie.
Check out Final Wars, it replaces all the politican/scientist stuff every godzilla movie has with stupidly over the top matrix fights
Godzilla x Eva when