Galko is for:___
Galko is for:___
loving marriage.
Anyone have that pic?
This thread gonna be shit. Image dump and race bait. 0/10 OP is still a faggot. Also the Anime is dead half of Sup Forums could not name this shows name. Hell I know I can't.
It's OhShit Gal-chan.
Getting to know
Going to the movies with
Playing games with
Poking fun at
Cooking with
Having a picnic with
Jokingly flirting with
Shopping for clothes with
Hanging out with every day
Developing a serious crush on
Seriously flirting with
Asking out
Kissing on the cheek
Kissing on the lips
Holding hands with
Going to the beach with
Having a romantic dinner with
Proposing to
Making passionate love to on your wedding night
Telling her that you love her every night
Taking care of
Taking care of you
Having a happy married life with
Raising kids with
Growing old with
Being happy together
This one or the other?
Producing healthy children and ensuring the continuation of our lineage.
Watching late night anime with
Making love and having sweet caramel children.
The other
Setting on fire because she doesn't do her shirt up properly.
How do you fuck up being a mother? Seriously she should aim a little higher.
By going out partying and smoking meth while your kid sits alone in the house unfed. Or killing it before it's born like Hilary wanted.
Hand holding.
Giving shotas paizuri and making them feel loved.
Doing my best to look like Galko!
Galko is for fattening to Sonic Meat size.
Waving at.
>he wants more niglets
Making babies.
Cooking with Galko when?
Little boys!
She's trained her beta boys well.
Is such a heresy the manga isn't translated yet.
Fucking weebs could stop translating One Piece for a moment and give the best girl some english text.
You could go around and post this in the 99% of threads and it would fit, not that repeating it gonna make it sound less stupid.
OVA raws when?
The first two volumes are translated though.
t. Someone who obviously doesn't have kids (and probably never will)
Scans fucking when?
This. I thought they were supposed to be out already.
It is. Nips on tweeter post their 4th volume+OVA purchase but I haven't seen a raw yet.
Studio Feel did post a new pic to commemorate the occasion.
We have Gal Gohan for our gyaru cooking needs
Picked up.
Having missionary consensual sex after marrying, while holding hands and leg locking.
Only one chapter out so far, be strong
Fine, I'll be the sick fuck who does that horrible shit, but I better be able to stick my face in her butt too.
See a mirror user. Then think of the mother of what you see. That's when a mother fucked up.
aint that the fathers fault tho? your dads the one who needs to not fuck up his seeds
getting S L I M E D
>dat Ojou
As expected from Yakuza daughter.
Why are the nips taking so long?
Little boys are for little gyaru girls.
Ojou looks fucking incredible here, holy shit
Can someone explain to me the difference between gyaru, gal and ganguro? Aren't they supposed to be "Fuck Japanese culture, amma be a Western-style slut" girls?
I thought gyaru and gal were literally the same word.
Ganguro is blackface, or blackbody I suppose. I dunno.
Gal and gyaru are the same thing.
Ganguro is a sub-branch of Gyaru in which they go more extreme on make up as a form of rebellion.
Gyarus are seen as the very fashionable/pretty girls but are also the "bad girls" as opposed to like a preppy cheerleader pretty girl.
That's why a big theme of Galko is the fact she's a gyaru, so everyone assumes she's a bad girl/slut but she's actually not even though that's common for those types of girls.
Are Japanese schools really this obsessed with keeping up appearances, even if it means sending students into the jobmarket entirely unprepared?
Is making cookies supposed to be slang here for fucking the teachers?
Alright, thanks m8s.
In that case I can see the appeal of a qt Gyaru who's also pure.
On that note I wish some author would get ballzy and actually have a gyaru heroin be a typical gyaru.
Gyaru is getting pretty popular these days, but as far as I can tell they all follow Galko's "actually pure, don't judge a book by their cover" which is getting boring now.
Sorry, buddy
Are gyarus and ganguro girls even really a thing in real Japanese schools? It really feels like just an anime/Jap porn meme.
Bad mothers aren't exactly a rare thing in any country user.
As far as I know Gyaru are still a fairly big thing, including in schools but Ganguro have gone really out of fashion and very few people still use the style, they were much bigger in the 90s
That is a fantasy though
>How do you fuck up being a mother?
It's incredibly easy to fuck up, but I'd say the biggest way to do it wrong is becoming a single mother. It's why millenials are as fucked up as they are: they are 'men' raised by women as if they're defective girls, and 'girls' without a father's guiding hand to keep them in check.
>Seriously she should aim a little higher.
How can you get any higher than being responsible for the next generation? For centuries this was seen as the greatest honor a woman could achieve and they were respected for this. Of course you can argue being a mother isn't the *only* thing she should want, but any culture that tells you it's not an admirable goal is a culture that doesn't care about the next generation.
Interracial sex
We are never going to see it at this rate.
Fuck the nips.
She dreams about being fucked?
A boy's fantasy, user.
Holy shit Ojou is hot with her hair like that.
Posting the conclusion to the festival arc that came with the third volume.
Some amusing stuff happens here.
How long's the OVA?
Galko's creator seems like a cool guy, he always replies to me on twitter.
>I was basically a male gyaru in school
Is there a male equivalent?
Or is it just being a style slut?
You're probably metrosexual
It'd be refreshing to have a slut that is just a slut and not "(pure)" and isn't ashamed of who she is. Might be fun if she bullied the purityfags.
Is this guy supposed to be dislikeable?
He has a girlfriend but still wants Galko
>be fun if she bullied the purityfags.
Yeah he's shit.
Has a cutie gf that really likes him but lusts after tanned tits.
Kinda, he's that sleezeball dude in school who always dated girls much younger than him.
What have you talked about? You aren't the guy interested in Galko's stinky armpits, are you?
>cutie gf
She looks like Otao in drag.
I don't blame Charao for wanting those sweet gyaru tits.
He is a total bro to Galko in the later chapters though. I think he is slowly getting rid of his obssesion for her since now only the other two guys are the ones seen lusting over Galko.
> You aren't the guy interested in Galko's stinky armpits, are you?
...I am
I want a character that will tell people she doesn't want to be their girlfriend, but wants to fuck them. They don't need to worry, she's got the contraceptive implant. And would brag about her camgirl or dominatrix career and how she hates the guys who only want to talk about their feelings. Is it too much to ask for Panty without Stocking in slice of life anime?
I don't think he has a girlfriend as much as a girl who wants to be his girlfriend that he makes fun of
... you have my attention. What other stinky secrets have you found on Galko?
Well he said her feet smell a bit too.
Also he likes ponytails.