Rip retard

1:20 - the policeman made sure they are not drunk and can understand basic orders, they confirmed they are not drunk so he assumed they will not act like idiots.
2:30 - the girl made it across the corridor, crawled towards the police to get cuffed. Zero problems whatsoever.
Now this is where the fun starts.
2:45 - policeman said to him to keep legs crossed!
3:05 - moron forgot about keeping legs crossed after 10s(first mistake)
3:10 - victim put both of his hands behind his back(what a donkey, second mistake)
3:17 - police said if he is gonna make another mistake(his third one) he is gonna get shot
3:30 - policeman said "do not put your hands down for ANY REASON" and said to rather fall on his face not on his hands or he is gonna get killed.
3:40 - after the policeman said to him: crawl towards me he put his fucking hands down!!!(third mistake)
3:46 - the guy is reaching his back(possible weapon location) with his right hand for some reason(fourth and lethal mistake)

if you think the cop is guilty you are just stupid beyond any reasoning.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good job officer - the retard may had a gun

Jewish shill threads reach a new low daily. If the victim were black, Schlomo here wouldn't require such flights of fancy

How are you supposed to crawl with your feet crossed and your hands up?

I think we have the gestalt now after 24 hours of blanketing the board

It is a Soy-Op

i just fucking did it on my floor with ZERO problems, i guess it's more like a halfcrawl on your knees with hands up, not really hard at all

who even gives a shit
stop the fake outrage
nobody here even knew this faggot irl


1. hands behind your head
2. turn your back to us
3. slowly walk back towards us

i just give a shit that the mob is using emotions instead logic

what mob
this is just words on the internet
fucking go outside

What if you're crawling with your knees with your hands up in the air and accidentally fall down because of loss of balance?

Would they have shot?

99% comments on youtube says the policeman should be hanged/jailed etc.
depends what he would do with his hands, the policeman said he must fall on his face not on his hands or he will be killed

daily reminder that every encounter with the police in the US of A is a death roulette, soviet police state style.

because they are scared pussies

You're retarded.

>Open the Door
Officer roars like dinosaur.

>civilians not trained to perform in stressful situations are at fault when "highly trained" police shoot them for slight mistakes

this might surprise you, but licking boots is actually bad for both you and the boot

This, the cop gave instructions that couldn't be realistically followed. I understand why he got shot, but that does not justify it. The cop should have kept him face down on the ground while backup arrived if he was that worried about it. Instead he yelled at the guy to move around a bunch and constantly shift his position which was negligent to the point of retardation. The choices of this officer led to him murdering this man, he could have done a million things differently and nobody would have gotten shot.

No, you are, bootlicker

nice arguments you amerifag

Police has no authority to kill anyone. The are criminals like other criminals.

Jump like a monkey or i kill you seems like no authority at all, more like a mob mentality.

Wearing a fucking costume doesnt give you any right to kill people for not listening to your stupid demands. Just lol

Police are scum

another spamming subhuman with 0 arguments

>Cross your legs
>Now get on your knees
How do you realistically get from lying with your legs crossed to kneeling without uncrossing them?
>Put your arms straight up and if you drop them I will shoot you
>Now crawl towards me
How the fuck do you crawl without dropping your arms?
This guy decided he wanted to kill someone and he did everything he could to put himself in a situation where he could

and btw why do cops run around with fucking assault rifles or machine guns all the time.
why not use a M249 SAW and go certain that the "threat" is eliminated

Why isn't he handcuffing him in the first place instead of asking him to walk on his hands like a fuckin monkey ? What a shitty police.

I have never had a swat team show up at my hotel room.

I dont shoot air guns out my windows either, and I can follow basic commands.
My dog can do a better job than this guy

Pol shills...BTFO

Yeah he fucked up when he lied to them saying he wasn't drunk

That cop is guilty of being a fucking a retard who is trigger happy

>trying to justify a cop shooting someone crawling on there hands and knees towards him to be arrested

That nigger of a cop should have said lay on your stomach and put your habds above your head. Then lay your hands off the trigger and go over to the guy and arrest not be a lazy bum pointing a gun at an unarmed drunk.

it doesn't matter if he is criminal or not. only thing that matters is that the judge said NOT GUILTY. this is the atrocious scandal

>crawl without dropping your arms
like naruto ninja

>if you think the cop is guilty you are just stupid

there is a difference between understanding why he was found not guilty and questioning the pure shit tier police work by 6 officers that resulted in a dead father of 2 for no good reason. I get the victim fucked up, that's not even in question. I even get why the jury ruled as they did.
Yet the bottom line is the police got a 911 call from hotel staff that was totally calm. No shots fired, some people had just seen guy inside his hotel room had a gun. They knew who he was, they gave his name etc to the cops. He had stayed there before, a bunch of times.
The police are not rolling up blind to some unknown dude on the street.

This is also in AZ, THE most gun friendly state in the entire USA. Anyone over 21 can open carry or CCW with out a permit. Zero waiting for handguns, rifles etc. Guy could of bought a new AR15 10min ago. Guns are zero big deal in AZ. Yet the police tactical up like just seeing a gun is a big deal. Then you all all the shitty cop work in the video. The strange screaming, the fat crying drunk idiot, the lack of any sort of rifle they had been called out for in the first place. He is not a street nigger level of threat. The location is not a street level of threat. It's a crying drunk dumb ass begging not to be shot.
Officer manlet with You're Fucked on the side of his gun. My problem is the police over all in the case, not the verdict.

Fuck you.

You look like a bootlicker, and if you get killed by a pack of cops, it will be your fault.

>and btw why do cops run around with fucking assault rifles

someone called the cops because he was a person wave AR near hotel window

>How do you realistically get from lying with your legs crossed to kneeling without uncrossing them?

are you retarded, obese as fuck or just lazy? I just did it right now in 5 seconds on the floor.

>How the fuck do you crawl without dropping your arms?
just 'walk' using your knees, with your arms up, it is possible even with crossedlegs, slow as fuck but easy

The judge is honestly just as much of a piece of shit as the cop. He refused to show the video or the "You're Fucked" on his gun as evidence. If just the video was shown then this guy would have been convicted.
What the fuck is the point of bodycams if Judges refuse to use them as evidence?

>just 'walk' using your knees, with your arms up, it is possible even with crossedlegs, slow as fuck but easy
That's not crawling you fuck. He probably would have gotten shot for attempting this and falling over

I know they're trying to apprenhend him safely but does that really entail crawling with your hands up, legs crossed? Surely there are better procedure to this?

nope, because the cop said if he is gonna fall, fall on your face not on your hands, this is perfectly doable but maby no so much for a drunk person. But he lied to the police about his state so yeah...

All they had to do was walk over and cuff him after the girl was passed and cleared. This cop had already made up his mind about executing this guy and did everything he could to manufacture a scenario in which he could.

of course
but the cop was a retard who couldn`t remember his trainig

Are there actually people trying to rationalize and justify this shit?

100% this could be done some other, better way but let's face it the guy was just a clueless 80iq betafag who was not listening or obeying, got what he asked for.

His hide managed just fine

>actually people
no, only soyboy-cops on Sup Forums

she was 'crawling' with legs uncorssed that was a little bit easier. TFW in a certain scenarios women are smarter than men lol

Spot on ,there was a big failure of communication, the cop should have been much simpler in his commands, there was even poor communication between cops when the shooter starts ordering a colleague to move the girl and used about too many words.

He was told to cross his legs because that obfuscates movement in addition to keeping his hands up which ensures the officer that he won't reach for anything. They couldn't detain him when he was down because it was a narrow hallway with the possibility of someone else in the room, this is SOP for enclosed spaces.

It's a very rare situation, nine times out of ten when an officer responds to such an emergency he would ask a felon to put his hands up and walk slowly backwards to the officer, these guys were on edge and obviously aggressive, and it ended very unfortunately

There could be someone else in the room

>Sup Forums is full of bootlickers that ignore the fact the cop was a degenerate
Well that's surprising.

It didn't end unfortunately. It ended just as orchestrated. There were a million different ways to resolve this situation but this cop just wanted to fuck with this guy until he made a mistake.

Every single person I've talked to about this incident in real life agrees the officer was in the wrong. Not being able to empathize for someone that you didn't know is actual nigger logic. Maybe YOU should go outside

oh yeah because the two first mistakes were because of the policeman, you are fucking delusional

I kind of agree, the dude was a retard.

>3:30 - policeman said "do not put your hands down for ANY REASON" and said to rather fall on his face not on his hands or he is gonna get killed.
>3:40 - after the policeman said to him: crawl towards me he put his fucking hands down!!!(third mistake)


There is no reason for a lone police officer to handle a situation like this. We should all expect MUCH better from law enforcement. If they don't have the tools to PROTECT & SERVE better than this, then it's our fault and we need to start writing some checks.

>someone called the cops because he was a person wave AR near hotel window

you have hear the 911 call.

It's about as calm as -look just doing my job lady- as it can get. Zero panic, zero anything but yeah I work at blah blah some people are telling me a guy is point a gun. All of this taking place in the most gun friendly state in the entire USA. Where guns are zero big deal to get, open carry, CCW and so on. They have his name, his car etc so the police can pull his entire info/criminal record etc.
So I really question rolling in so hard on this dude.
If had been a street thug with a gun at a sporting event or bar then maybe. Hey here is this guys name, he is in room with a gun in a super gun friendly state. Better go full hard core tac on him. Errrrrrr?

Being a cop is about using your brain to "check" on the situation.

The guy is on the ground.
The guy is terrified.
The guy has no weapon in his hand.
YOU have some fucking assault rifle or whatever that is.
There' s another cop behind you, pointing his gun at the dude.

When were you - as a cop - ever in danger in a situation like this?

Daily reminder that police massively exaggerate the risk that they face. Their job is less dangerous than bartending.

Every mistake was because of the policeman. They were mistakes that wouldn't have happened if it was any cop but this psycopath giving out the orders. He intentionally gave him unclear and hard to follow instructions just so that the guy would make a mistake

looked like a good shoot to me. the vic was clearly reaching for his waistband. I mean clearly in retrospect tubby was just self conscious and didn't want his pants falling down but in a stressful situation the officer would never be thinking that. so its a good shoot, unfortunate, but good.

the woman had 0 problems understanding what the cop meant. But i guess he should say 'aproach me on your knees with your hands up' or something like this.

There were 6 cops in the hallway

you don't know if you did it right though, he wasn't there to judge you with an assault rifle pointed at you the whole time. He might have shot you for not being down low enough or moving your arms too much.

>being able to shoot a gunner makes you safer
what a surprise

I learned:
Cops are afraid of everything and are cowards.
People can't follow instructions
People will hide their hands from cops when guns are drawn on them.
Lefties can make anything about race.

One thing that I have yet to learn:
How to crawl with both hands in the air. And if you guess wrong, you die.

>3:30 - policeman said "do not put your hands down for ANY REASON" and said to rather fall on his face not on his hands or he is gonna get killed.
>not seeing what's wrong with this

what a retarded order to make. just cuff the guy and get over with it. the police officer just wanted to justify killing him.

>be amerisharter
>lose at twister
>cry and plead
>get shot
Definitely the kek of the week

You cowardly keyboard warriors wouldn't stand a day in the shoes of a real police officer. Were HEROES, and we deserve the respect and admiration of everyone. We may not agree with the law, but we'll still enforce it no matter what, even if we have to do something unfortunate. If you just let us do our jobs and accept what we tell you, you have nothing to fear. Why is that so difficult? To just let us do our jobs, and enforce the law? What do you have to hide? I've never been afraid of a police officer, I've had no reason to be. You people need to learn the meaning of the word respect, or else someone like me may be coming to give you a nice greeting at your home sometime soon. Not one of you would have the courage to say such things to my face, because if you did, well, you're fucked.

6 cops let this 1 officer fuck around for so long? Why didn't these 6 pussy cops go in and cuff the guy? Instead they waited around for the 1 cop to murder a man and did nothing.

Perception and mentality going in matters. That's why they train cops to let go of road rage after a long heated pursuit.

Cops would have been geared up head to toe. The guy was in sweat short crawling on his knees crying. Not a sizable threat even if he was percived to reach for something.

He was buzzed not drunk. Mesa Mormon PD wouldn't know or care to spot the difference. This guy was probably itching to check his white privilege and get triggered by blonde white guy and play hero to his wife at home and maybe wink at the hotel clerk.

>depends what he would do with his hands, the policeman said he must fall on his face not on his hands or he will be killed
>99% comments on youtube says the policeman should be hanged/jailed etc.
the latter should happen to you too.


You can visibly see his hand is empty when the officer shoots

You are pussies who hide behind a gun. Fuck off and die. Also fuck your bait.

no, you are asking the wrong questions.

all you need to ask is.
If the police, government officials, spooks and very wealthy people had to follow the same laws as everyone else... would this cop be guilty of breaking the laws that apply to non-government persons?

The answer is clearly yes, so yes... he is guilty.

This cop is the swamp.

My cop friends are telling me that if he just laid on the ground and put his hands out to his sides and not moved any more, the cops would have just come to him and got him, looked through his room, and let him go

Why didn't he just sit still?


>What does hands up mean EXACTLY? Left leg over right leg? But whose left?

Bottom line is that the guy reached for his waistband despite being chewed out just prior for putting his hands behind his back and they were there because they were told he was brandishing a gun. Though the cops could've been clear with their orders rather than an angry mob shouting incoherently all at once about how the guy was going to die, I thought keeping your hands where they can be seen was common sense.

>the vic was clearly reaching for his waistband.

exactly, the guy was just a reckless idiot, i guess he wanted to fix his falling pants or something

a bullet in your head is the only thing you deserve

Because any psychopath with a power fetish knows he can get his fun on the police force and at WORST he's going to get fired.

Also I'm almost entirely sure the reason why the jury ruled in his favor is because they knows his friends in the police force have the means to get revenge.

In which world anyone thinks is a good idea to send a bunch of civvies playing weekend suburban commando as a first response?!?!
The normal thing would have been to send a patrol car and talk it over to see whats what.

you are so stupid. You can't crawl with your hands not on the ground

Yeah it's crazy how safe you can be if you're a violent coward who operates with a complete disregard for the safety of others. Imagine how many firefighter lives we could save if they refused to enter burning buildings and just let people burn. After all, why should they accept any risk? Easier to just let the civilians die instead.

That whole crawl thing isn't even standard protocol, which is to have them turn your backs to you with your hands up and walk backwards or something like that. That way they can watch his hands, the guy can't see what they are doing or where they are, and when they get to them a cop can be there to grab his hands and cuff him easily.

I actually feel bad for the manlet cop that shot the guy because the sergeant gave some fucked up commands. He could have easily been going for a gun.

No, no, see, he only shot an Amerishart. That's barely a crime. Illegal destruction of an animal at best.

>defending someone who had a gun like this

The cop was ordering him to do a bunch of bullshit commands.

cop was too agressive and would make anyone feel nervous.

retard shill that has never watched videos of cops getting killed in seconds by even more innocent looking guys then this one, kys retard cuck

shall not be infringed

because cops dont accept any risks ever

I'm going to pump you up on adrenaline in tight hallway, I'm going to point a rifle at you, I'm going to scream at you and promise to kill you, and you're going to crawl to me like a worm, and you're going to crawl to me with your legs crossed, and if you don't follow my instructions in a precise sequence I've ordered them I'm going to slaughter you in cold blood, because I have a gun, because the reason I joined the police is to kill people, because my dad hated me and my classmates bullied me in school, because I'm a failure at life, because I'm a debased subhuman, because the law in this country elevates debased subhumans like me to a god

Supposedly "SOP" to get the suspect away from the open door where another possible threat could have been hiding. It's worth noting though that the officer giving the orders is not the officer on the bodycam who shot. The officer giving the stupid and contradictory orders was the sergeant in the team, the highest ranking person in there, which is why no one else stepped up and took over. Also the sgt immediately retired from the force and moved to the Phillipines after this happened

Yes the guy fucked up in putting his hand behind is back and the cop was justified in shooting someone who looked like they were reaching for a gun.
Or he would have been justified if there weren't 6 fucking cops in the hallway, geared to hell like they were raiding Bin Laden's hideout and wasn't in an incredibly high stress situation manufactured by the cop so that he would fuck up and get killed.

how did you learn lefties make this about race from this? I was with you until then.

Here's an experiment, Sup Forums
>drag your fat ass out of your chair
>knees on the sticky floor
>torso straight up
>move one knee forward
>move other knee forward
Well? Did it work?

I would like to know as well. However, that dumbass did reach for his waistband. But, it doesn't matter, he wasn't any threat and cops are scared of everything it seems.
You have a better chance to live by just shooting at cops first if they come your direction.

Post one of these "even more innocent" shooters.
Protip: a dindu on his feet with his hands hidden doesn't count as more innocent.

so if the gun would be pink you would assume he is a lovely person? Your argument is invalid