Magi 335


That ain't Sense, though.

Dumping the chap because OP is a faggot.





We saint seiya now




The sentence flow is pretty atrocious and this is coming from someone who's been shitting on Sense. Is there no better version yet?

But thanks, OP.




Yeah, everything sounds way too formal to me.

Arba a cute!!!!





Best boy Baba about to BTFO Shitbad.

>tfw Magi is ded

7 or 14 chap miniarc i guess

I'm more and more convinced that this is going to end like Shaman King, with Sinbad becoming god and doing whatever he wants without the world returning to rukh because he fucking can.

Which is total bullshit.

we got a sorta good thread when the raws came out, we didnt hit bump limit tho

Every shonen manga saint seiyas eventually