>tfw you will never grow up in 90's Japan and participate in illegal street races with your dad's pristine AE86 with an aftermarket Toyota racing engine redlining at 11k rpm.
Tfw you will never grow up in 90's Japan and participate in illegal street races with your dad's pristine AE86 with an...
nobody ever did, so dont feel bad.
How do you know?
Pretty sure no kid ripped the touge with there dads 86 racecar with an unobtainium engine
You can get close enough.
I mean sure if drop the whole 11,000k meme engine. Im sure lots of kids raced there parents cars.
I'm not even that interested in cars but Initial D is pretty damn comfy.
The songs are pretty catchy.
The romance is too real
Go to bed Keisuke
go to bed numbers
>tfw slow automatic shitbox
>tfw you haven't been to this place before
you forgot
>tfw front wheel drive
You can still be a SPEEDY SPEED BOY.
>tfw manual transmission and rear wheel drive
>tfw only 96 hp and aerodynamics of a brick
I'm still going to try to drift this thing one day.
Thread theme
>sitty honda civic
>rusted a little bit to help prevent air drag
>decide to lol drifting!!!
>automatic transmission
>use emergency breaks to "drift"
>get it checked up because the breaks weren't working at a stoplight
>no damages just a slight heart attack
>repair dude is like your bearings, shocks, and rear drums are all fucked dude that's why your skidding your wheels are failing completely
Then I did a burnout and hit theGAS GAS GAS
Did someone just say weeaboo?
These always make me laugh.
Good luck street racing with a slow as fuck shitbox. Maybe while looking at a Miata or some other ricer in the distance.
is that still even a gutter?
Dagumi x Hachiroku
Just finished rewatching the first season and I can't remember any races from the second. What am I in for?
takumi realising his childhood friend is a slut.
As soon as they play Junjou Midnight Densetsu
>tfw some fag trys to argue that 4th stage is the best season
2nd and 5th are.
The only thing 2nd and 5th have in common is that they literally only have 1 good battle in their entire run
I'd rather grow up in 80s Japan.
They also have top tier cars.
90s Japan is cool too though
5th stage is cool mostly because it was their last chance to cram the remaining iconic cars they forgot in like the Z and Supra but 2nd stage was literally "Muh Evos: the series"
>You'll never be a rich Italian expat in late 80s Japan
>You'll never smoke shitty Porsches and Z30s with your F40.
4th/5th Stage was basically "car of the week", instead of actually having good characters like the previous stages.
They did look good though.
I now have a fetish on Evo 3 because I'm driving a Lancer from that era
>you will never look as cool as this in a stock car
The difference between the cars didn't even matter by 5th stage
At least 4th stage still had stuff like the Cappuccino and Spoon Civic where they had to play to each cars advantages
>tfw there was never a serious Silvia battle or classic Z battle or AW11 battle
>meanwhile there are 10 Skylines and Evos
>90's Japan
Nips want to prettend that 90's don't exists (or it was the 00's)
Initial D would be relegated to the dustbin of forgotten 90s works like Wangan and all of Shigenos other stuff if it wasn't for Eurobeat
Prove me wrong
>tfw this show isn't actually about cars but about encounters and farewells
But Midnight Wagon is shit. Other than the OP and the cars.
i believe it was the 1940s
Never said it want, reread my post
How do I drift? I know literally nothing about engines and cars, despite owning a drivers license. They only taught us how to check oil, gas, lights and other crap.
Step 1: Is your car front wheel drive
If it is then just give up right there
Its rear wheel drive. What now?
Look up tutorials, the concept behind it is basically controlled understeering
Keep in mind that Nakezato was right and grip > drift 99 percent of the time and people use it in touge more for the purposes of blocking overtakes and less for going fast
Controlled oversteering, I mean
in b4