honest thoughts on Lauren Southern?
Honest thoughts on Lauren Southern?
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You eceleb obsessed MGTOW incels are the cancer killing Sup Forums i sincerely hope you all die in a fire
TRADTHOT who preys on beta orbiters. Joined the alt lite movement to gain fame and fortune, not because she wants to save western civilization.
shes a kike shill
When the first post is the best post
in b4 finn knight
She is a ugly skank, fuck that bitch
This. Fpbp
Nigger lover
Hot babe. Unfortunately irrelevant after her nigger Trump voter tweet
I only listen to what a woman has to say if she also gives me blowjobs on the reg.
What did i miss? why is LS hated now ?
Coalburning confirmed.
Pic related. He's half groid.
needs to get a contract with blacked.com NOW
She is doing objectively good work and the people attacking her are literal anti-white nazbols.
Lauren Rose > Lauren Southern
Choose wisely Sup Forums.
>I hate Lauren Southern threads but love Boogie threads
Fuck off chubby chasing faggots
Nice ass, pretty hot. Would creampie
Otherwise useless
semen demon
White women are LITERALLY MADE to sexually satisfy black men.
That is their sole purpose on this earth.
All white women should be trained from birth to serve their black masters. This will lead to a massive reduction in crime and violence since the black mandingos will no longer be frustrated and aggressive. Their violent urges will be suppressed.
At the same time, white women will learn their rightful place as cock sleeves for the BBC.
False dichotomy.
Even though Lauren Rose is better, Lauren Southern has about 10x more power.
I want to make love to her in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.
If u pathetic Soyboys want sucess, u drop that goddamn, pathatic femworshipping in your pathetic, sorry soyboyish female mascots.
this gynocentrist pussybegging is EVERYTHING that is wrong with the West ( Germany, USA, Sweden and alike ). It is the SOURCE and reason of all the bullshit happening.
inironically - and i hate o say this - the West CAN learn SOMETHING from all those mudslimes pouring into the countries IN THIS SPECIFIC REGARD.
they understand women, they understand that they are mentally retarded and of the mentally retarded MUST NOT have ANY control over society.
Get this into your fucking soyriddled heads already !!!
not important, women will never lead anything successful nor have any originality whatsoever
another Lauren thread....
Cancer attention lowborn whore, whoever unironically follows her is a massive ugly insecure virgin.
Inb4 the Finnish knight virgin comes
remember to sage all e-celeb thread
Are you the personal white knight Fingolian of Southern. Man I really respect you for putting up the good fight. I actually do not have too much against Southern. Mostly I agree with her, except for her not supporting white ethno states in Northern America, only Europe. That is my only complaint. Cheers m8.
She, like most alt-right media figures, got into the alt-right movement as a career move because you guys will literally fawn over any white woman who pretends to agree with you. She is now trying to adjust her personal brand away from the alt right on account of having been
constantly harassed by addled, sad, racially obsessed and sexually scared losers.
I honestly just added her to my word filter
Fag knight
coalburner and slut
I support all pro-white people. As I said, Lauren Rose is better. The whole "I only defend Lauren Southern" meme was started by shills who got mad that I destroyed their arguments in thread after thread.
Hwheat fields
who has the pic where she has a hand full of skittles yet still holds her hands out for more.
typical Jewish behaviour.
i only join these Lauren threads because of him
he´s one of the most sane and normal people here on pol
Don’t deny the fact that you’re a massive insecure retards on which you spend all the time refreshing the catalog 24/7 to find Lauren threads. Waste of oxygen.
She's brave and strong and that's why men with little dicks are hating on her now.
Boring. No own ideas. Rides the wave.
You're a secret nigger lover. Anyone who hates niggers will not use words from their lexicon, as it would normalize their culture.
yea look at all this power. You think these guys give a fuck about anything she has to say?
Reminder that this shill is literally from Israel, that is why he hides his flag and pretends to be NatSoc (pic related)
Keep up the good fight lad.
Yeah it is truly entertaining to see him exposing the shills. Rose did an interview together with fairh goldy at a radiostation. Dunno remember the name let me check.
Do men actually watch Lauren southern? Why?
Your question has no relation to my factual statement about how Lauren Southern has much more reach. Try to make a coherent argument in your next post OK bud? I believe in you.
She’s pretty for a snow nigger. Would breed many strong sons from her whomb.
Lauren is Sup Forumss wet dream
Somebody sure typed some words and then hit post.
She Canadian eh. She should work on make Canada great again. We're doing fine in the "states" as you call it
Who is she "reaching"? A collection of freaks and mongrels who just want to gawk at some white girl. her audience doesn't give a shit about politics, they'd watch her play video games.
>he´s one of the most sane and normal people here on pol
He's an outlier.
>taking weev seriously
Looks 35, is 22.
I think that's a photoshop.
Let me put it this way Lauren SOuthern is one of those slightly chunky girls that you date and put on a diet so that when she loses 20lbs she becomes attractive, and shes all yours.
I think she's very attractive and has a lovely, sexy voice. I suspect her politics aren't as right-wing as mine, but then the only woman whose politics are as right-wing as mine is Savitri Devi
Based traditional girl who is just mixing it up
Reminder that you promised to leave, bitch. GO AWAY.
Those two things aren't related. The picture doesn't show that.
You simply took two pictures and pasted them together. Only a fucking idiot would fall for that.
>Who is she "reaching"?
Tons of people all over the Western world.
>A collection of freaks and mongrels who just want to gawk at some white girl
You having a picture of some non-whites attending her events is not proof of anything to anyone who understands how numbers work. Of course they would attend, she is not explicitly white nationalist in the US
>her audience doesn't give a shit about politics, they'd watch her play video games.
Retarded, unfalsifiable arguments.
If you have brown eyes, you are not white. End of story. She's not white. She's a mutt. A dirty amerimutt just like the rest of em.
When ever a woman becomes popular for our cause ,the leftist tear her down.
never seen except here when you get hardons for them here, as any other of those muppets, they are after $$$$ and probably gatekeepers. as is aj, red ice etc...
they all base their masked message, which are not even 10% of handful pre ww1 and ww2 stories, neatly put together by eustace mullins in secrets of the federal reserve. every single one of them is a fake.
would do her but.
I will never leave. As long as you keep waging war on us whites, I will be here. And I don't expect you kikes to stop soon. You will need another train ride to a camp before you get the message.
>Promised to leave
Oy vey goyim you're all antisemites for trying to make me leave
there´s always somebody with a Nazi flag "exposing" Lauren southern being jewish
i believe he is mentally ill or something, he´s completely incapable of understanding anything quite scary to think about how some people live
there´s a lot more mentally ill people here on pol than people expect
Why the fuck would I ever abandon my people? There are no "rules" in war you fucking kike. I sincerely want you people to die, do you not understand that? This is not a game. You have played too many video games.
>Of course they would attend
Doesn't she talk about european displacement, demographics, and white genocide? You think those guys give a shit about that? Do they talk geopolitics with her on her $200 skype sessions? No one (except you) thinks women have anything interesting to say about politics. She's a virtual girlfriend, and that's it.
kek, why are finns such cucks?
mongolian DNA