Why are rightwingers typically not atheist?
Why are rightwingers typically not atheist?
Because to emulate and seek to match the divine, you must believe in it.
anyone who is a right winger usually has a lower IQ and education level.
Is he okay?
Right wingers also tend to be social conservatives and adhere to tradition. Or at least try to.
No, he's fat
i iz..
Because Christianity is rooted in tradition and athiesm isn't.
Because Left wingers are cucked and have better funded schools which indoctrinate them
Why are left wingers usually communist faggots?
Xir is clearly menstruating, shitlord, and it's beautiful.
Low-key agnosticism is the true patrician stance, if you don't believe me check my post number.
Lol, the guy on the left isn't a nazi, he's an actor from a movie.
why are atheist typically not skinny
Fake and gay. Nowhere near enough blood in the tub to kill that fat fuck.
It's because 90% of Atheists are Left-Wingers. whether they are communist or just Liberal, and one of the biggest parts of Communism is that Religion is bad. It's Rare to find a Right-Winged Atheist because their speakers are either Marxists or Liberals and they are usually shunned by their Left-Winged "Friends" because they are friends with everyone else.
I'm a conservative Atheist. Also if you watched the amazing atheists videos he's come to realize much of the left is batshit crazy and retarded, he a little more conservative than he used to be.,
Because atheism breeds degeneracy. Look at any group of atheists, gays, trannies, soyboys, etc. Religion is necessary to keep western civilization alive.
Do you tolerate other Religions, because i've noticed that the Atheists who bash religion are usually Liberals and/or Marxists.
Word. He should spend less time in the bath and more time eating veggies.
Another thing is that Atheists are fighting against so called Bigotry, which is a term the left usually uses to describe Right-Winged people.
Atheism is a tool of and a stepping stone to communism. No joke.
>Do you tolerate other Religions
I tolerate most religions, specifically Christianity and Buddhism. I have Christian people in my life that i love a lot, and i don't try to shit on their faith. My cousins asked me to go to church with them and i did without being a fedora faggot. I really don't care if someone wants to believe in god to find happiness or be comfortable with life, it doesn't effect me. I typically don't like religions when they start to enforce their ideology on me.
Eh, what?
You do know witch tradition, right 56%?
There is literally NO christian tradition, they have all been stolen to easier take control of various nations and it's people, usually driven by greed. But you retarded motherfuckers are so deep in it, you are like extreme mudslime's. The difference between you is that islam actually is the shitskins religion. Meanwhile, you worship a magical sandnigger in space that does not belong to you (unless you are a shitskin, then it's okay, it's your desert-cult to begin with).
>Muh we wuz vikangz n shiet
No. I do how ever actually have pride in MY history. In those that came before me. In those who got killed for hailing OUR gods (I have a woman in my family way back who was killed for having a 'vägvisir' in her home, another was fined for searching for his 'Hamingja').
>Muh jewnited states of israel
Nigger, I can trace my roots to 1200's. Back then, your (((nation))) was ruled by native's, those who belong there.
Gas all burgers.
wingnut freaks have a cult mentality. they may not believe in god but they'll never tell their fellow travelers
I did the atheism thing at the turn of the millennium, but it got old real quick. I'm still not religious, but I know too many good theist (christians in other words) to be against it.
Well i'm glad you do. I also Tolerate Atheists as long as they don't Shove their beliefs down other People's throats and call people who believe in a God "Glorified Schizoperenics", which is what that Leftie Fag Richard Dawkins does.
I think Sup Forums is full of them
I am one
Your country is embracing Islam now so you won't be able to be atheist. Hope you enjoy their rich religious history Mohammed.
Pol has a lot because of the Redditors from /Atheism/. Some of them come over to here because their political opinions differ from the others.
Atheist don't have beliefs pertaining to their atheism, only one specific lack of belief.
Reddit is completely compromised, their isn't a single sub that is even remotely inhabitable anymore. I honestly hope that net neutrality dies and takes reddit with it.
Atheists believe that Science explains everything, that is a belief, which means Atheism is a set of beliefs.
Same. Winding christfags up is one reason I come here.
What is it with all the Atheists Coming from Britain?
Dunno about your country but here AfD voters are overwhelmingly irreligious
When you choices of religion are atheism or Islam, I would take atheism too.
Atheists might not agree on everything related to scientific discoveries though. It's just that scientific evidence tends to be easier to understand and believe than having faith in god.
Because the state isn't God and the Earth will never be heaven. I like my sky wizard more than your millionaire lawyer elite dick sucking Washington politician.
That's cause Germany is Atheist. The East was because it was forced on them under communism, and the west because of tolerance and all that gay shit.
Pretty much this. Go to your local college for proof
I think that's why you always see them waving the flag. they wanna make it clear to their moronic degenerate clique that they are part of the group, one of them
I am of the belief that all aerospace engineers and physicists are looking for god, even if they say they are atheists.
Well we do need all the help we can get to defeat Islam and the left. I'm glad their are people like you who can fight with us but the rest are just lefties and commies.
Yes but my point is that AfD voters are more irreligious than Greens, Social Democrats, Liberals and CDU (Merkel) cucks
>if it isn't 10,000 years old it isn't tradition
Fuck you Ahmed, we made our own traditions and will continue to make new ones.
You wallow in something that never existed as the history books say, as the history books are always wrong.
because they need something to give them the moral high ground against communism and shit. but the moral high ground is just an illusion.
Because they're typically traditionalist.
The problem is that they can no longer apply their religious structure to such a large population with such access to information. Basing your laws on invisible gods isn't going to work anymore, you need society to be based on tangible cause and effect. Fortunately it already is, and conservatives just pretend it's based on their beliefs, which are actually just adapted to modern western societal structure.
they think it gives them the moral high ground.
Because religion is bootlicking and traditional hierarchical society is bootlicking and capitalism is bootlicking and right-wingers just love authority in all forms.
depression eating from nihilism etc. also more likely to enjoy aspects of life like food and sex, nowing there's nothing else after we die.
fucktards need social support to validate their believes/existence. so they wanna be part of as many of their in groups as possible. religious kooks are the base of their peer group
sounds like you have problems with authority, fatherless perhaps?
I don't believe in god.
but I wouldn't consider myself to have the same mindset as atheists. I don't really care what you believe, it doesn't effect my life in anyway, shape or form. believe what you want.
I think the atheist label has taken to describe a certain sect of people who have certain attributes rather than simply a non-believer. atheists tend to be self-righteous cunts.
I just don't believe in god, plain and simple. I believe when we die we revert to the state before birth, I.E non-existence. our energy will always exists in some recycled form as energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but our consciousness as we know it ceases to exist entirely. I will be dead, I won't be conscious of it, my conscious will cease to exist, the very concept of death will no long exist for me, because I will no longer exist.
I think a lot of people tend to project the conscious we feel on life onto death, when death itself is the lack of conscious, everything you know now, in death, will no longer exist, conscious doesn't exist in death, nothing does, you will be completely unaware because "you" will no longer exist, people just fail to grasp this concept, they try to project the properties of life onto death when they couldn't be anymore separated from one another
Most Atheists are superstitious as fuck and believe in nigger-tier new age shit, wicca lesbianism, or subscribe to quantum theory-derived shit like The Secret, or the crap they were selling in "What the Bleep Do We Know".
They never kicked free of religion at all. Just rejected uncool Christianity while still following the same basic magical thinking and fell for marxist bullshit into the bargain.
Also and ignoring their new secular celebrity gods and political priest classes when they engaged in similar abuses of the vulnerable.
And yes, it's been studied, "Higher IQ" people are more likely to fall for cults and bogus alternative religions.
If you're as smart as you think, you should be able to find it online and educate yourself.
Atheist right wingers typically get BTFO. Roman Catholic leaders tend to survive and live well after ruling nations (see Pinochet, Franco) and pagan right wingers kill themselves because no morals (Hitler)
Glad i'm not the parent of you. Sorry your dad ran out and your mom is getting nigger cock.
Implying most atheists are atheist and not just secret marxists.
you mad?
Did he ded?
It doesn't matter what you believe, because we all can believe that Bill Nye is a fucking moron for saying that Gender is on a spectrum, that fucking retarded ice cream video, and that stupid dance thing.
Because atheists are degenerate faggots. They suck a lot of dick and are generally bad people.
Nah, i'm just sad that your mom raised a horrible shitstain like you.
Looks like one of those hyper realistic art pieces.
he mad.
why so mad?
We don't have daddy issues. We either had a strong father figure or we wish we had. God is exalted father
christian propaganda.
Right wingers are a diverse crowd.
Some actually believe and it makes them better people by giving them moral guidelines and traditions. Some prefer hethanism or other forms of traditional paganism. Some don't believe, yet they understand the value in tradition and attend services to set the example for people who need it. Some are absolute atheist and avoid religious institutions all together; of these many don't find it necessary to shit on an institution that makes degenerates behave less degenerately.
Atheism is toxic.
>Tell a Christian you're atheist.
>I'm sorry you feel that way but Jesus will always be with you if you let Him in.
>Tell an atheist you're Christian
>LOL you actually believe in the Sky Genie?? You poor thing. I stopped believing in God when I was 13. WUBALUBADUBDUB.
>Why are rightwingers typically not atheist?
because we have values and believe in family
That's not correct, there are atheistic religions like buddhism for example.
Atheism is just the lack of belief in deities.
that passage doesn't forbid decorating a tree
Bill Nye isn't an actual scientist, he's a literal shill, and looks like a creepy fuck.
Because traditionalism and religion walk hand in hand. Likewise, what you'll find in a lot of circles are people similar to what kikes call "reverse marranos." They'll go to church, on the surface level follow their religion, but ultimately they have no real faith in its gospel. Why? Because what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Religion is helpful to them not as a belief system, but as a bulwark against leftism, and thus as a bolster for their own offbrand conservatism.
>I go to church to find a conservative wife.
>I belong to a church because it forms community.
>I raise my child religious because it instills values.
Likewise, this is also why you'll find libertarians/classical liberals lean heavily on conservatives. They might not have any love for conservative social values, but it is very much a useful cudgel to swing at those who violate their personal or property rights.
You are right but they still have their own metaphysical construct of the world which is ironically irrational.
He ain't mad, he sad.
>hitler killed himself
how naive of you
So he's Latvian?
Captcha: Altar Helsinki.
>like buddhism
or feminism, or enviromentalism, or veganism...
We are superstitious fearful little monkeys. Atheist try harder to check this behavior...
It dosn't always work.
Nope, my dad is cool, happily married to my mother and we have a nice relationship where we hang out and play music regularly. Sorry you still have to struggle for your dad's approval though ):
Nazis ARE left wing
>getting jewed this hard
Id rather just avoid tax and run my own psyops
I think I hit a nerve. his whole life philosophy reduced to a couple sentences. what I said it true tho. that why you have the whole republican party believing global warming is a hoax or the disenfranchised are ruining everything.
>Why are rightwingers typically not atheist?
I'm a right wing atheist, though my opinions on religion have changed considerably in the last 10 years.
What's wrong with enviromentalism and veganism?
Because most religious people are right wing.
Christian values and conservative values are pretty much the same. The US was built on Judeo-Christian ideals and conservatives want to keep those ideals.
Environmental Conservationism is fine. EnvironMENTALism is an illness, as is is being a vegetarian.
But for some reason they still believe in stupid shit like reincarnation.
I love Buddhism besides that one part, but I guess it functions in helping people to treat others as they want to be treated.
I'm alt right and an artist (but I wish there were a Christian God)
Your post is a work of art.
That's child abuse.
This, in my opinion its best to try to have a strong spiritual life, but even just following the moral guidelines is fantastic for a community.
At face value not much. But when you start devoutly donating to Soros projects to "save mother gaia," or threatening to kill omnivours you may have given up atheistic skepticism(tm) and ventured into religious zealot territory.
I doubt it
it's funny how prigs who proclaim christian values and think everyone should live accordingly, have never bothered to read the bible themselves
sam harris
richard dawkins
bertrand russell
all skinny dudes
all atheists, all skinny
I'm an atheist.
Christianity is worthless. What good has 'Christendom' done to prevent the extinction of the white race?
because you can't get a decent high-paying job if you're openly right-wing as a white person. The GOP itself isn't even very right-wing, but centrist in the grand schema of things.