I knew that Faggots were degenerate, but What the fucking fuck is wrong with these sub-humans?
How new are you?
didn't know that spreading HIV was a fetish. I figured the AIDS laws were there to combat negligence, not this shit.
anime is a problem
Go away, Jim. You lost all credibility when you chose a roastie over your own values.
The topic of bugchasers and giftgivers has been discussed on this board at length on numerous occasions.
Seriously, you need to venerate Omar Mateen. I mean fuck, most likely many of the fags he wasted were actually pozzers
Fuck off Jim, the moment you attacked /ourguy/ you lost our support.
cringey faglords, go back to rebbit
Serious question, is bug chasing still a thing in the fag community?
He is fantastic at redpilling though. Don't ever give e-celebs money though.
>Fan of MisterRedditor
>tells others to go back
i feel sick
Need elaboration
This is nothing new.
The reason things are as fucked up as they are is because there are faggots like OP, he browses Sup Forums and doesn't even know about the homo poz community.
If someone browsing Sup Forums doesn't know this, do you think anyone outside of Sup Forums knows?
Things are going to only get worse and nothing will get better. No one knows what's going on.
Basically he got a fat gook gf like the beta cuck he is.
This nobody attacked Jordan Peterson, he is not Sup Forums approved.
faggot who is afraid of pussy detected
all he said was that he thinks it's retarded to give patreon shekels to a middle aged ivory tower type to tell you to clean your room
respec da oldfag
Kill yourself (and that orc you call a girlfriend), Jim.
Fuck off, retard.
Peterpuffers have no power here plebbit
He's one of the best, fuck yourself shill
So who wants to go to California and have some blood work done?
>Go away, Jim. You lost all credibility when you chose a roastie over your own values.
Black people 1/2
Kill them all, user. Kill them all.
I could only make it half way through the video before it made me ill. One of the most disturbing things I've unfortunately found out about. Fucking Jim...
Black people 2/2
Look at the post dates on the video. This shit has been a thing for over a decade. Are you 5?
>No one knows what's going on.
You don't casually bring up some of this shit to the people you work with?
I have upper management at my job making excuses to come talk to me, just to hear about some of this crazy shit, because all the other office workers only talk about boring shit like the latest reality TV show or what their retarded kids did over the weekend.
You faggots have to get out there and start talking to people in real life if you want to start making people aware of this shit.
I'd go to CA with a tranquilizer gun full of AIDS to hunt for Sen Scott Weiner
it's kind of alarming how most of the people in the comments are just first hearing about this.
gays are degenerates now I understand why the NAZIs hated them and the Jews love them
That's true. You can't get up on your soapbox and lecture people, that drives them away. Just drop hints that you know things most people don't. They'll want to know more. Mention things in conversation like they're already common knowledge.
You must be new
Eye opening documentary made before gays took over society, must watch to understand this topic
I support fags with aids who target ones without it, it’s a good solution to the gay epidemic
LGBT are not human, they are demons wearing human skin.
You can always tell a demon from a human because demons are very interested in corrupting children.
Anyone who corrupts children is a demon. It's not hard.
>I support fags with aids who target ones without it, it’s a good solution to the gay epidemic
except for when they target straight people as "revenge" for their perceived oppression
are you 12 this shit has been talked about here for years
Bingo, how you initiate the conversation is important. You can't just lay this shit out on the table for a normie, you have to make the conversation drift into the area, and then hit them with a little tid bit. And if they want to know more, feed em more, but if they quickly change the conversation, just follow along and don't try and force it. Another opportunity will present itself in the future
Digits confirmed
>it's another video where Jim reads the audience things we've known forever with 0 effort on his own part
Gotta earn the Patreon bucks somehow, huh?
Yeah, about 7 years behind the Sup Forums wagon on this one.
>posts on anime forum
Seriously though have you even watched Madoka? It's literally one of the greatest masterpieces of all time. Especially episode 10.
Did you only just now find out about bugchasers? I don't get why Meto made the video since all the logs he read are years and years old. I guess he's cashing in on the August Arms thing or whatever her name was.
100% chance he's already positive anyway
This little boy could have been normal, but we let him be corrupted.
Miserere Domine.
Probably because of the recent change in California law regarding HIV/AIDS.
I think he said he pushed this back a week or two when he discovered the Porn bullycide
I made it to like episode 5 and got bored. Should I retry?
We all knew this, but this is the face thousands are making right now.
Faggotry isn't a lifestyle it's a death cult, and if Satan existed they'd all want his cock.
"Be a good little faggot, my son. Hail Satan."
-Demon wearing human skin.
i guess he was just driving home a point. apparently, it hit a lot of newfags pretty hard. so that is good.
its like those mobile games now everyone wants the whales who pay $10 a month for these rehashed reaction videos
Are you really going to get your ass kick by aids riddled degenerate
I'd never give money to any e-celeb and Jim is no exception. But desu he deserves every cent he's getting. He funny as fuck.
let me tell you how patreon REALLLY works
Same better than all the other e-shit celeb
why did you have to give up the gas hans
I legitimately cannot make it through OP's video, I didn't know it was this bad
all it takes is a syringe
And when's the last time you heard other ecelebs talking about diaper furs and gay poz parties?
Shits entertaining, and all those alt-lite faggots usually come across Jim after he starts shit in other 'communities'
I can't wait for Jims future Skeptics™ video
>t. Peterson cultist
My ass could tell you to clean your room and it would cost you less than $200.
Then gives you accuse to do a mass shooting
Jim and Murdoch Murdoch are the only ones I really respect. Braving Ruin is alright, but he has to walk on eggshells because he's lost channels already (used to be Edgy Sphinx)
Is this Weimar on steroids?
Fucking hell... Were there always people like this on our planet, or are they a product of our sick times?
>posting scoobyfaggotdo
>posting reaction image
>doesn't recognize the ancient screencaps from 10 years ago that have been posted here over a million times
yep, this place has gone to shit.
Most of those screen grabs have been floating around Sup Forums since 2007-8
It's just (((they))) don't want the goyum to know about this shit
>tfw jim is about a year or so behind common filth on this one
Same here, although Braving Ruin intro is better to me
poz the neghole
Nice digits but I think he’s bring it up now since that porn star who killed herself, best time to bring it up I guess
When will he stop making these shit videos and come out with the Skeptics video? It will be legendary
I'm gonna make a wild assumption, and guess Jim is putting together another persona for when he does a Skeptics™ video.
Those faggots will go after Jim like they did Harmful Opinions, but they are too lazy to pursue Jim if he drops out for a few months and reemerge as another persona.
I don't mind him bringing it up. People need to know about what homosexuality leads to.
>the oven
You must think Sup Forumslacks are really stupid
Peterson is not Sup Forums approved faggot
ya'll cowards don't even raw dog poz loads? smdh
i can't fucking wait. I hope he talks about Kraut, who's probably the most spergy Skeptic™
>So disgusting I can't finish watching it
Well played Jim
i had to look away when he put up the pic of the toothbrush
Have something to clear your mind of that
Here you go bud
I didn't get that far. Holy shit, there are some foul, evil people in the world.
m8 he's already pozzed up, why do you think he made that law? To protect his ass.
heard about this in the late 90s early 00's on npr. Guess I didn't think it was still happening, so wide spread or regarded as posh. The idea that these men will go out of their way to infect women in order to mess with the straight community is now a growing concern. Red Pilled.
The outcome will make being a virgin in the straight community more desirable, will add to the notion that homosexuality is truly a mental disorder, and shunning gays, especially teens, is once again acceptable.
Perhaps, we can understand why Sharia Law is making it's way to the west and why historically people looked down on homosexuals. If I remember correctly, QEI forbid male with male sex, but was fine with lesbians.
I watched the whole video, clips Jim used, and this convinced me I don't have to bother with gays anymore. Course I always felt they didn't give a shit about me anyway, but I did go out of my way to be mindful and accepting, I won't any more. Toss the ribbons and no more charity giving. I will also request this video be shown in all the high school health classes, this news is beyond disturbing and the law in California should be changed to a felony.
I really think this kind of shit was started by the very people who created the virus in the first place.
I don't know who Jim's crowd consists of, I don't care what his motives are or what the general happening his fans do, but if his videos makes more people realize that faggots are just disease spreading overly sexualized scum then I fully support videos like these
dude, bugchasing has been a thing since at least the 90's
I thought the same thing but the set up was worth the reveal in episode 10.
Jim's crowd mostly consists of old faggots from Sup Forums circa 2006-8, and newfags that started following the breadcrumbs from Gamer Gate and the Skeptics™. Notice how everyone comes out of the wood work to condemn Jim as an eceleb when we have Kraut and REE and Sargoy threads that reach 300 and 400 posts. Jim came from old Sup Forums, before the shills started infiltrating, and that scares the shit out of the shills
says a guy with no life and knows the history a little too well