ITT: Anime/Manga Villains who did NOTHING wrong

ITT: Anime/Manga Villains who did NOTHING wrong
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You fucking stupid ningen, that's not even anime.


is this anime

She just wanted a pure society

>wished to have the body of a filthy ningen

yes it is, also has the best fight scene in anime history

>went for an imperfect body

Dude fucking called Super Saiyans being the master race.

He's guilty of having a voice that's too sexy.



>dumb barbarians only good to destroy and steal from other cultures

Pretty accurate portray of the Aryan master race

He saved the Universe from a horde of super strong psychopaths. Really deserved to rule all over the Universe.

that's literally all human beings

the people who originally created cviilization, if they did not steal it from a time traveling nerd or aliens, are long dead. bred into nothing, naturally selected into subservience and dullness by their own creation when not expelled for violence and left in the wastelands to become even more like animals. that's us. all of us.

the entire human race is garbage and japan's animation industry is one of its few redeeming factors

>After BtD, he adquired the quiet life he wanted
>Could've conviced Hayato that he won't kill him or his mother (since he can just make someone Bites the Dust and nothing bad would ever happen)

>Josuke is still the main character tho, so he needs some serious plot-armor to even win
>Araki fucks the most interesting and well developed character of DiU by killing him with a fucking ambulance

Araki was the real villian all along

And yet he couldn't kill the last one. Fucking failure.



You heard it in his voice


>japan's animation industry is one of its few redeeming factors

that's incredibly deppressing

>Could've conviced Hayato that he won't kill him or his mother

And it would have been a lie, since he doesn't give a fuck about them and if the choice is between pretending to be Kosaku for the rest of his life and killing an autistic kid and a thirsty old hag with beautiful hands, the election seems pretty obvious.


well I guess killing his mom right after being born was pretty harsh, but everything after that was just part of an identity crisis

He actually paid his deal, like an honest and hardworking man he is. He isn't a villain but a warrior.

He just wanted an independent colony for newtypes.

This ningen was all kinds of wrong