Post your liberal comics.
Post your liberal comics
Are these satire? Because if not... holy shit.
>critical of liberals
pick one
Nope. They're all 100% serious, which is a little scary.
>more like anti-abortion
Don’t they realize that’s opening them up to being called anti-life?
I’m not even a pro life christcuck and that was my immediate thought.
w-what the fuck is this even? Where is the point in this? It feels like it was written by someone with the kind of disabilities you don't joke about without burning in hell.
Pretty accurate depiction desu
>The Quebec mosque shooting was done by a right winger
lmao that was parroted by media corporations because of his fucking facebook likes and I'm pretty certain he had "God" and "Occupy democrats" liked as well
remember when a registered democrat killed 60 gays at Pulse nightclub in California?
>can't spell extinct
>africans aren't racist, misogynist, or homophobic
in Florida*
who else read black lady with james earl jones voice
T... These are satirical, right?
I'm not reading these soyboy comics
lol, literally every pro-life catholic I have met would not give 2 fucks if you called them anti-abortion because they are very very openly anti-abortion and believe it is sanctioned baby murder.
imagine you realy believe in this ...
Ok the first panel is meaningless. The second one applies to Hillary voters the exact same way. The third might have a point but then the 4th. I hope the left thinks " If only i had been nicer" when a refugee trucks them over or the islmaic califate puts the women in trash bags
>t. Justin Trudeau
But no pro lifer will take offence at being called a antiabortionist. They're of the opinion it's murder.
> fucked him without having asked a basic small talk question
Absolute state of wh*te roasties
> quoting epistles
There are many ways that situation could turn out, and that's the least likely of them all.
Why do leftist women think they could beat a man? I mean even most of the soyboys could easily beat them irl
This is my new favourite pic
Forgot how many of these I have.
libs BTFO
>Not being pro-infanticide
>got ourselves a hillary bitch do we
Alpha AF. You know her panties are soaking after that line.
would succ whoever made this beautiful edit
better version
So optimally no one should want tolerance because it might not include their views.
Depends on the colour.
>they're not rent-a-cocks
>unless they are
>totally (((human beings)))
This cracks me up every time.
What did they mean by this? I don't get it with the archaic style and whatnot.
Well she looks like a lovely person
Another edit
>mfw when I actually read it left to right
Basically every successful civilization is racist or at least xenophobic, misogynistic, and has rigid sexual mores if not outright homophobia. Hmm, almost like those traits contribute to a successful civilization...
>i only take the part i like
Has any man ever said this unironically? Would any man ever say this?
>leftie men portray themselves as spineless cucks
>leftie women portray themselves as aggressive psychotic cunts
Maybe they do have some self awareness after all
Why should Jesus quote the apostles?
Very charming
Better version
>buying women drinks
ya fucked up gary
I think that is a /jp/ Sup Forums thing. I read obvious anime/ japanese mangos left to right just because
So, getting hit on in a bar is rage inducing to feminists? I'm struggling to understand this comic at all.
Literally all her comics are about her being angry and/or beating the shit out of people.
fuuuuuuuck it didnt evem register until you said it but I definitely did
Islam is not going away, cuck.
By men, do you include niggers and spics? If so, yes.
normally i would think this is just a joke, but thanks to you, Sup Forums i imagine there are people living this way.
I hate this place
Huh, I went Steve Urkel.
it's a comic dude
I'm sure most conservatives would be fine with that label.
"I deserved this for being a misogynist"
My Obamacare got repealed recently. But whoever repealed it is probably more happy it was repealed than I am sad to lose it. The total happiness in the world just increased. So, whatever.
>Czech Republic
these so called artists are going to get women killed
I honestly hope the artist for this comic goes on a rampage someday to get back at all the whites males that bullied her through out life (like her dad.)
It’s a dumb comic
>being friendly is rape
>mfw i actually read it left to right for once
Once, I liked lasagna...
Isn't the depiction of an Aftican God racist in itself?
>a tribe that went extinct because it did not have self preservation
>dares to judge me for having it.
Fuck it, its one of those cases where hell has better company.
probably triggered because he didn't ask permission first and the woman is conflicted between accepting free shit and male attention like her genetics beg her to and rejecting a cis wh*te myn like her diseased brain wants to
It's not a paradox it's an axiomatic following principle.
Popper was a tard.
I wish this weren't so stupid bc I am interested in this art style. It reminds me of a cartoony brett helquist.
>native americans dont have complete ownership and governorship of state sized sections of land that are allowed to avoid certain statutes of federal law
really sucks how bad we treat them
fucking hilarious
>"down!, i am"
>"death. And"
confirmed braindead